The thief of the fortress dominates the world

Chapter 287 Battle in the Wasteland (1)

Chapter 287 Battle in the Wasteland ([-])

On a wilderness twenty miles away from the northeast of Guangning City, a huge black-clad and black-armored army was standing on the wilderness one by one in a phalanx, motionless like a mountain, standing upright like a pine.

If you look down from a high altitude, you will see patches of dark pine forests standing upright in the wilderness, lined up in formation, always ready to face wind, frost, snow and rain.

Banners and flags are like forests, knives and guns are shining coldly, muskets and artillery are pointing obliquely at the sky, people are silent, horses are silent, a strong and incomparably powerful and murderous aura rushes straight to Xiaohan, stirring up the situation.

Jiang Chuan set up an army of [-] cavalry here, facing the [-] Qing army openly and aboveboard.

If he didn't have enough confidence to face the Qing army in a dignified manner before because of the disadvantage of numbers, then he already has confidence now.

On the tall cloud chariot in the middle of the huge army formation, Jiang Chuan stood upright like a pine, with his eyes looking northeast, which was the direction the Qing army came from.

Excitement flashed in his eyes, and he was looking forward to the beginning of this battle.

There were two more unfamiliar faces beside him, one with a long beard and a green dress, with a clean and elegant face, but a pair of eyes shot out the light that penetrated people's hearts like the sun.

He is Su Qin Suzi, a great political strategist in the pre-Qin period who wore the seal of the six kingdoms with one person.

On the other side, the person on the other side had a face full of wind and frost, his brows were tightly furrowed, as if the vicissitudes of China's 5000 years had been written on his face, and he silently looked into the distance with melancholy eyes.

He was a famous official during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty. He was once the governor of Zhili and the governor of Zhejiang.

Jiang Chuan's eyes drifted to the left wing of the huge army formation, where there were [-] mighty and majestic cavalry.

In the cavalry phalanx, a large flag fluttered in the wind, with a big "Di" embroidered on it. A man under the flag was a strong figure, sitting on a horse, looking sharply into the distance, and a huge spear in his hand seemed to be It was trembling slightly, as if it had longed to drink the blood of the barbarians.

He is naturally Di Qing, a famous anti-Hu general.

Jiang Chuan's eyes drifted to the front of the army again.

That's where Jiang Chuan's key confidence lies in daring to fight the [-] Qing army this time.

Ten thousand infantrymen lined up in a thick three-layer formation to protect the front of the formation, and huge iron shields were erected like rolling mountains, forming a solid barrier.

The sharp spears and halberds pierced from the upper, middle, and lower directions, forming a daunting forest of death that shone with a little bit of cold light.

And behind the ten thousand infantrymen are five hundred grenadiers in red short military uniforms with Chen Ning faces. Their eyes are looking at the wilderness in the distance, but their right hands are tightly pressed against the bulging leather pockets around their waists , there is also a leather bag at the foot, which is also bulging.

On both sides of the [-] grenadiers are [-] musketeers, including [-] arquebus soldiers trained before, and [-] flintlock musketeers trained after the system upgrade.

Their red short military uniforms are as conspicuous as clusters of red flames in the huge black army formation.

Facing the upcoming battle, the five hundred arquebus soldiers trained from the common people generally turned pale. They pursed their lips tightly, their bodies trembled slightly, and even the hands holding the firecrackers also trembled.

On the other hand, the five hundred fusiliers, each of them had a cold face, exuding an indifferent chill, as if they didn't know the cruelty of war at all.

On the two wings of the musketeers are five thousand crossbowmen, who will be responsible for long-range attacks with one thousand musketeers.

Behind the long-range troops is the big killer of this battle. One hundred eight-pound field guns are arranged in two neat rows every five steps. Behind each gun are three artillerymen who also wear short red military uniforms.

There are wooden boxes piled up behind the cannons, and black cannonballs can be seen in the top open wooden boxes.

Behind the one hundred field guns are ten red cannons, the black barrels pointing obliquely at the sky, very domineering.

Captain Li Han of Shenji Battalion glanced back and forth at the one hundred new field guns, and the excitement in his heart was beyond words.

He didn't know where the mysterious and mysterious master got these one hundred small cannons and three hundred infantry, but he could tell that those cannons were well-made, high-quality, and absolutely exquisite.

The three hundred artillerymen were even more well-trained, and they looked like the elite among the elite.

Although the arrival of these artillery and artillery is still under his command, it also gave Li Han a sense of crisis.

After making great contributions to the Shenji Battalion in the past few battles, he began to feel a little smug, and felt that he had become an indispensable and important person.

But the presence of these cannons and artillery made him realize the folly of his frivolity and complacency.This marquis can use him, but he can also kill him.If I get carried away one day, I'm afraid it will be the moment when my head falls to the ground.

After waking up, he was sweating profusely, and then he completely put away the budding self-satisfaction, calmed down to do his own job well, and let him have a competitive heart, and he must command these important weapons of the country well , making them the real God of War.

There were [-] cavalry on each side of the infantry formation, the left wing was commanded by Di Qing, and the right wing was commanded by Ran Wu.

The infantry battle in the middle is controlled by Baishan.

At the end of the formation, there were [-] infantry soldiers commanded and dispatched by Jiang Chuan himself as backup.

Shanjia stayed behind in Guangning City with 2 horses.

The monstrous momentum formed by the [-] mighty army made the birds flying over the field feel fear, and they had already evaded far away and disappeared.

Suddenly there was a desolate and distant sound of horn horns, followed by a black cloud appearing on the wasteland in the northeast direction.

The dark cloud slowly approached, getting closer and closer, and the sounds of various people screaming and neighing came one after another.

Even closer, the handwriting on the high-hanging banners can be vaguely discerned, some with the word "Qing", some with "Fuzheng King of the Qing Dynasty", and banners with various surnames. , majestic, with Chinese and Manchu, colorful, according to the different colors of the Eight Banners, there are different flag colors.

The [-] troops roared in, mighty and mighty, mixed with infantry and cavalry, people shouted and horses neighed, and the sound was rolling, so it was very lively.

On the other hand, the Jiang family's army was silent, as silent as a mountain, like a pine forest, like the Cangxiong at this moment, no one spoke, no horse neighed, as if they were blind to and deaf to the din of the enemy on the opposite side.

As another burst of ox horns sounded, the [-] Qing troops gradually stopped and began to line up, and a big battle was imminent.

 Last night's update was a surprise.That's right, this accident is because the old cat was lazy to follow the drama.Because I accidentally clicked on Hu Ge's "The Hunting Ground" and watched four episodes in one go, so I just... I promise there will be no accidents today, and it must start at five o'clock. Let's count the tickets.Of course, I still want to thank the boss "Mu Zhi Qi Baa Ming Hao" and the cute kid "Zhu Tuan" for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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