The thief of the fortress dominates the world

Chapter 475 Restoration of Taiyuan Mansion

Chapter 475 Restoration of Taiyuan Mansion

The soldiers of the Dashun Army on the tower were directly stunned by this round of shelling from the artillery battalion of the Qin Army.

They had never seen such violent artillery fire, and there were broken limbs and arms everywhere, the sound of wailing everywhere, and blood dripping everywhere.

The little morale that the general had just built up quickly collapsed in this round of shelling.

Some people ran around, some shouted, and some even couldn't stand the excitement and jumped off the city wall.

They didn't know that this was just a round of test firing by the artillery battalion, which was used to correct the impact of the shells.

Even more unfortunately, the chief general of the Dashun Army was hit in the back of the head by a piece of gravel from a shell during the first round of test firing and died on the spot.

The main general was killed, the entire Dashun army was leaderless, and the city wall fell into chaos.

Seeing all this through the binoculars, Bai Shan was a little surprised by the effect of the first round of shelling.

I didn't expect this new type of artillery to be so powerful.

With this new type of artillery, no matter how strong the city wall is in the future, it will be as easy as picking something out of a bag.

What Bai Shan didn't know was that this was only the beginning of warfare in the age of firearms.

In the later stage, after both warring parties are familiar with this mode, many countermeasures will naturally be derived.

For shelling, the easiest way is to lie on the ground, lay your limbs flat, and get as close to the ground as possible to reduce the exposed parts of your entire body.

In this way, although the casualties caused by shelling cannot be completely avoided, it can also effectively reduce the effect of shelling.

Of course, the most important thing is that the defenders of the Dashun Army on the top of the city are too dense, and they have no vigilance to prevent the enemy's shelling, so they suffered such heavy casualties.

According to the impact point of the first round of test firing, the Qin Army Artillery Battalion quickly adjusted the shooting angle.

Soon, the second round of shelling began, and the sky heard the blood-curdling screech, the sound of mortar shells piercing the air.

After correction, the effect of the second round of shelling was obviously much better than that of the first round.Fifteen light mortar shells all fell on the city wall, once again causing the defenders of the Dashun Army on the city wall to experience a hellish nightmare.

And this time, only light mortars used to kill and wound people were used. Heavy mortars with larger calibers, longer ranges, and greater lethality have not yet been used.

Fifteen light mortars, after six rounds of salvo, saw the entire east wall of Taiyuan City from Baishan's binoculars, and hardly any standing creatures could be seen.

Even the flag of the Dashun Army flying high above the city tower was blown off by shells, and it has long been lost where it fell.

There was a dead silence at the entrance of the city, only the strong smell of blood was blown by the wind to the Qin army below the city.

No one cheered, and everyone was stunned by the terrifying lethality of the new artillery.

The most shocking ones were the Mongolian and North Korean servants, who were resentful of the heavy casualties caused by Baishan driving them to attack the city.

But this burst of shelling and the dead silence on the city wall made them all silent, and the shock in their hearts was unparalleled.They don't dare to complain at all now, but they are quite fortunate that they are now the servants of the Qin army instead of enemies.

Otherwise, facing such a powerful enemy and fierce artillery fire, they must have collapsed earlier than the Dashun army on the top of the city.

However, Bai Shan was a veteran on the battlefield after all, so he quickly woke up from this shock, and decisively ordered: "Infantry attack the city".

After receiving the order, the infantry of the Qin army rushed towards the top of the city, carrying ladders and other siege equipment like tigers descending from the mountain.

Without any accidents and almost no resistance, the east wall of Taiyuan City was quickly occupied by the Qin army.

A steady stream of Qin soldiers poured into Taiyuan City from the opened east gate, and quickly attacked the city gates in the other three directions.

The Qin army invaded the city, and there was almost no suspense in this battle.

The sun hasn't set yet.The entire Taiyuan City has completely fallen into the hands of Qin Jun.

The last to capture the other three gates was the infantry battalion that followed Baishan this time.

The three battalions attacked the three gates respectively.

The soldiers of the Dashun Army, who still mainly used cold weapons, were almost powerless to resist the Qin Army musketeers who were all equipped with new bolt-type rifles.

It is not so much a battle as a massacre.Under this crushing attack.The three city gates were captured by the Qin army almost effortlessly.

After the Qin army took control of the four city gates, they spent most of their time arresting the remnants of the Dashun army who were fleeing in all directions.

The time it took to catch almost all the remnants of the Dashun Army who fled was even more than the time it took for the Qin Army to attack the city in the afternoon.

After all, most of the soldiers of the Dashun Army were born with mud legs, and many of them did not have regular military uniforms. Basically, they were no different from ordinary people when they threw away their weapons. Therefore, they selected prisoners for the Qin Army and brought No small difficulty.

There were sporadic gunshots in the city.

It wasn't until the sun went down that the whole city basically quieted down.

After Baishan entered the city, he did three major things:
The first thing is to order people to count the prisoners and select the generals and officers of the Dashun Army at all levels.

The second thing is to appease the people.At the same time, those famous gentry in the city were invited to the Taiyuan magistrate's yamen, which temporarily served as the general's office.

The third thing is to quickly seal up the treasury and granary, and count the seizures of this battle.

When the selection of prisoners was going smoothly, notices of Anmin were posted all over the city.

Moreover, the squires who were invited also led a small group of soldiers from the Qin army to spread the court's kindness and appease the people.

With the help of these people, the order in the city quickly stabilized, and the panic of the people because of the war gradually calmed down.

By the second day, in addition to seeing the soldiers of the Qin army patrolling everywhere, the whole city began to slowly restore the normal daily order.

Shops along the street and peddlers also slowly emerged.

The Qin army has strict discipline, does not disturb the people, and will punish those green-skinned gangsters who want to take advantage of the troubled waters. Therefore, the entire market order has basically returned to normal by the third day.

While stabilizing the order of Taiyuan City, Baishan also sent people to issue orders to surrender to more than a dozen cities under Taiyuan Mansion.

The Dashun Army was originally short of troops. Only important towns like Taiyuan would have the Dashun Army stationed there. Other small counties in other places basically relied on local recruits to defend the city.

Moreover, the county magistrates and guards of many cities are basically the original court officials.

Seeing the arrival of the Dashun Army, these people immediately surrendered to the Dashun Army.Now seeing the defeat of the Dashun Army, and the fact that the imperial army was so strong, they turned to the imperial court one after another, killed the warlords sent by the Dashun Army, and surrendered one after another.

 Still two chapters in a row.Thanks to the head boss "I know what a name is good" for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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