The thief of the fortress dominates the world

Chapter 70 The Battle of the Wild Boar Slope (2)

Chapter 70 Battle against Wild Boar Slope ([-])
As the saying goes, one force will defeat ten times. Although Shanzhuzi has just joined the army, his body as strong as a hill, his unmatched strength, and the heavy mace in his hand are impressive in the eyes of the Tartars. Rampage among the herd, like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, there is no single enemy in front of them.

The tartars who were hit by his mace either had their heads smashed, or their bodies were smashed to pieces. Many people were directly sent flying by him.

Moreover, the armor Jiang Chuan gave him is a specially made thickened three-layer iron armor, so he is not afraid of the sneak attack from the back and side of the Tartars. The scimitar of the Tartars may be powerful when fighting on horseback, but it loses the charge of horses when fighting on foot. The kinetic energy brought by it did not cause any damage to the mountain pillar at all.

The five hundred armored swordsmen brought by Bai Mu behind Shanzhuzi formed a small triangle formation every three, covering each other, and gradually advancing behind Shanzhuzi.

This also allowed Shanzhuzi to only face the enemies in front of him, and the enemies behind and on the flanks were taken care of by Bai Mu and the others.

These Tartars are accustomed to horse fighting, and there is no way to fight on foot, and they all fight on their own.Moreover, the enemy was wearing heavy armor and shields, but they only had a scimitar and a sheepskin wrapped around their bodies. The protection of the two sides was so poor that it was a world of difference. Therefore, after the two sides came into contact, the Tartars quickly suffered heavy casualties.

Soon, these Tartars were divided into parts by five hundred armored swordsmen. Under the harvest of giant shields, long swords and maces from the mountain pillars, corpses were scattered all over the field, and there were many casualties.

The Tatars have been fighting the Ming army smoothly in recent years, and they have long been arrogant, thinking that they are the most elite fighters in the world.

Unexpectedly, today's sudden battle made them lose their temper at all, and they completely lost the power to fight back on the battlefield. They could only be slaughtered one by one. Later, many people even turned around and ran away, without the confidence to fight back at all. .

Although the Tatars had 5000 troops, under the constant pressure of the [-] heavy armored swordsmen, they gradually gathered back on the mountain road, and all the Tatars who entered the dense forest were cleared away.

Seeing his subordinates fall down one by one, Tong Yangxing's heart became colder and colder.

Where did this come from?This kind of equipment, this kind of courage, and this kind of fighting method is something he has never seen before.

These people absolutely cannot be the Ming army. Their armor style is very different from the Ming army. The most important thing is that those who have fought against the Ming army for many years know that it is absolutely impossible for the Ming army to have such an army.

It was simply too scary, everything was calculated just right, and they were so brave and good at fighting, the Eight Banners warriors who had always been brave were as helpless as sheep in front of them.

The enemy is unprepared with mental calculations, and obviously knows his side very well.But I don't know anything about the enemy. This kind of unknown enemy is the most terrifying.

Seeing his subordinates screaming and falling down one by one, his face became paler and paler.The Manchurian military system, marching and fighting, each general commanded the children of his own banner.

These children are the foundation of their foothold in Manchuria. Tong Yangxing's leadership this time is also the children of his Han army flag with white flags. If he loses no one, he will lose his foundation.

There is no way forward, and there is no way to retreat. Looking at those armored enemies who are constantly rushing, hitting with shields, stabbing with swords, and cooperating with incomparable tacit cooperation, Tong Yangxing suddenly feels that today is his end.

"My lord, my lord, we still have cannons in red, boom, boom them!" At this time, a shivering man suddenly got up from the ground and shouted at Tong Yangxing.

"Yes, yes, I still have the cannon, the cannon in red. If I die like this today, the cannon in red will definitely be lost too, and my wife and children will definitely become slaves of others. No, I can't die! "

Tong Yangxing came back to his senses, and suddenly shouted sharply: "Block them, stop them, we still have cannons, cannons in red!"

The remnants of the Tazi soldiers summoned up their courage, shouted and roared, and rushed towards the iron-armored swordsman phalanx that was slowly pressing down, trying to buy time for Tong Yangxing to fire.

Tong Yangxing rushed backwards with a hundred soldiers, as long as there was someone blocking the way, he would slash through them regardless, and finally stumbled to the cannon in red.

"Come here, come here, prepare to fire, and let me bombard them!" Tong Yangxing yelled frantically, waving a knife.

Those artillerymen who had been hiding in the woods on both sides at the beginning of the battle were brought back tremblingly by his personal soldiers. They trembled and began to clean the barrel, fill the explosives and shells, challenge the muzzle, and prepare to fire.

Ran Wu had been closely observing the battlefield, and when he saw Tong Yangxing running backwards, he knew his intentions, so he decisively ordered the phalanx of heavily armored swordsmen to retreat.

With the sound of sharp whistles, the heavy armored swordsmen who had been steadily squeezing the Tartars immediately retreated back into the woods alternately under cover without hesitation.

Only Shan Zhuzi, a rascal with bloodshot eyes, still rushed forward without hesitation, and was finally pulled back by Bai Mu with his life.

Although the red-clothed cannon looked mighty, it was a very troublesome thing to reload the cannon in this era. Even the most skilled artillerymen took several minutes to complete the reload.

Not to mention these Tartar artillerymen who have just completed training and have not yet fought in actual combat, and they are still in this panic, and their hands and feet are not as agile as before.

After a few cannons were loaded, all the heavy armored swordsmen had retreated into the forest and disappeared.

Tong Yangxing was very angry, and ordered the artillery to bombard the jungle on both sides where the heavy armored swordsmen set off just now.

The five red-clothed cannons exploded with a bang, and the solid iron eggs flew out of the barrels and smashed towards the dense forests on both sides, making a rumbling sound.

When a big thick tree head was hit by a shell, it snapped in the middle with a click, and fell backwards with a bang, making a lot of noise.

Seeing the power of the cannon in red, the remaining Tartar soldiers cheered, as if they had regained some courage.

Tong Yangxing was also relieved and ordered to continue firing.

Those artillerymen were not very proficient at all, and after being urged like this, they became a little flustered, and fired a few more rumbling shots. Apart from breaking a lot of branches and breaking a few big trees, there was nothing else to do. the voice.

"My lord, have all the enemies been killed by cannons?" It was the Tartar envoy who spoke, and it was he who reminded Tong Yangxing to use cannons.

After this guy said this, he didn't believe it, and Tong Yangxing obviously didn't believe it even more. He frowned and looked at the woods on both sides without speaking.

Suddenly, a cannon next to it made a loud noise, and half of the cannon barrel flew out sideways under the powerful impact force, smashing several soldiers around Tong Yangxing into the air, and finally smashed it to the ground just now. The Tartar envoy who spoke had a good-looking head flew out immediately.

Luckily, Tong Yangxing hid quickly, but when he saw the situation was not good, he rolled on the ground, and the half of the gun barrel flew over his head, and landed heavily on the nearby mountain road.

The Tazi soldiers in front didn't know what was going on, they thought the cannon was fired again, and they were still cheering loudly, completely unaware that the face of their Lord Gu Shan Ezhen was already pale.

Tong Yangxing looked at the disgusting headless corpse next to him, as well as the smashed corpses of several soldiers next to him, who were almost cut into two pieces, feeling terrified in his heart.

This sudden and innocent disaster almost killed him.

"What's going on here?" Tong Yangxing, who came back to his senses, asked those artillerymen with a ferocious face.

"My lord, slave, I don't know what's going on." The artillerymen also knelt on the ground incoherently with horror on their faces.

"My lord, I heard from the craftsmen from the Ming Dynasty that this kind of thing is called bombing, because the gunpowder left inside was not cleaned up, so it exploded."

An older artilleryman dared to reply.

"Then why don't you clean it up?" Tong Yangxing gritted his teeth and said every word with a dark face.

"My lord, we, yes, you kept urging us to fire, we..." The artilleryman was about to cry, and seeing Tong Yangxing's black face couldn't speak any more, his body was shaking non-stop. trembling.

"Dog slave, do you mean it's my fault?" Tong Yangxing roared, the sword light flashed, and the artilleryman's head flew out.

The others trembled in fright when they saw the dead man's head, they lowered their heads and didn't dare to say another word.

After killing someone, Tong Yangxing ordered the Tazi soldiers to search in the woods.

The Tartar soldiers entered the forest cautiously, but there was no expected counterattack.After searching for half a day, Tong Yangxing finally determined that all the enemies who ambushed him had withdrawn.

"Clear the mountain road and move on." Taking a deep breath, Tong Yangxing ordered decisively.

His task was to escort food, supplies and cannons in red. Although he was attacked, he had to continue to complete the task. Otherwise, if he could not complete the task, even if he died here, his family members would be used as slaves of others.

The enemy retreated, and the Tartar soldiers finally breathed a sigh of relief. They cleaned up the corpses of comrades and horses piled up on the mountain road, and the mountain road was finally unblocked again.

After a general inventory, Tong Yangxing's 5000 men and horses have less than [-] left, and many of these people are still injured.

Moreover, many civilian husbands disappeared without a trace, which made Tong Yangxing even more annoyed, but at the moment there was no time to send people to search for those civilian husbands, so he had to order the soldiers to push the carts and drag the cannons to move on.

And he was careful this time, and specially sent people to search the woods on both sides of the mountain road one mile ahead.

Fortunately, no one was found in an ambush in the woods, which made Tong Yangxing heave a sigh of relief.

As long as you walk out of this mountain road, you will be in a flat wilderness.

On the plain, that is the world where our Manchurian warriors gallop freely, and we don't have to worry about those shameless ambushes anymore.

After walking slowly for an hour, finally seeing the light at the mountain pass, Tong Yangxing let out a deep sigh of relief.

What he didn't know was that outside the valley at this moment, there was an iron cavalry waiting for him with a well-groomed army and a silence as high as a mountain.

 The second is here, continue to ask for tickets, today's tickets are much less, I hope everyone will continue to support!

(End of this chapter)

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