Chapter 106

It wasn't the first time Jiang Cheng, who came to the teacher's house, lost his way like a dog.

Looking at the unfamiliar scenery around him, Jiang Cheng felt a little sad.

I have never been here before, is there anything, where is this?

"Huiyu, come quickly, the butterfly is about to run away."

Jiang Cheng, who stood there in distress, heard the crisp voice belonging to the little girl.

Looking for the sound, before he could react at the corner, he was bumped and staggered.

Exclaiming, Jiang Cheng hugged the person in his arms subconsciously, and he acted as a pad to protect her tightly.

"It's alright."

Although the butt hurts, but the father taught him to take responsibility as a prince, even though it was the little guy in front of him who bumped into him, but he appeared first without saying hello, the real blame is still his own fault.

"No, brother, are you in pain?"

The little guy's eyes were a little red from being frightened, and his fleshy hands were tightly clutching his lower skirt, his big eyes were filled with tears.

What a squeamish little guy.

Jiang Cheng shook his head with a smile, stepped forward and gently wiped the tears from the corners of the little guy's eyes with a handkerchief.

"It doesn't hurt, don't cry."

Jiang Cheng knew this little guy, she was the teacher's old daughter's daughter, her name was Gu Xiaowu, she was very precious.

When she was born, he was only six years old and followed his father to congratulate the teacher. That was the first time he saw the little girl.

The powder carved jade looks like a porcelain doll, and those big eyes will never be forgotten after seeing it once.

Later, the teacher took care of the little guy as carefully as raising flowers, and he never had a chance to see the little guy again. Unexpectedly, he didn't grow up so big in six years.

Seeing his movements, the boy behind Gu Xiaowu stepped forward and pulled Gu Xiaowu's hand back a few steps, looking at Jiang Cheng very vigilantly, like a little wolf dog protecting food.

Jiang Cheng put away the veil indifferently, with a gentle smile on his face, bid farewell to Gu Xiaowu and walked back the way he came.

"Don't talk to strangers!"

"But those are Daddy's students, I've seen them all."

"That's not allowed either!"


"No reason is not allowed!"

Almost shouting, Jiang Cheng gave Xie Huiyu a particularly great sense of crisis, always feeling that Gu Xiaowu would be snatched away by him sooner or later.

The impatient Xie Huiyu forgot that the person in front of her was just a little girl, and she would get angry if she was yelled at by important friends.

"Huiyu, you are unreasonable, I don't want to play with you anymore!"

Jiang Cheng raised his lips, and all the words of the two of them were recorded in the second middle school.

It's not okay to chase the little guy like this, since you don't cherish the little guy so much, then I'm not welcome.

Gu Xiaowu is six years old, and he is 12 years old.The age difference was not a big deal to him, and he was caught off guard by falling in love with a little girl at first sight.

However, his father taught him since he was a child that there is nothing impossible for the future monarch.

So little guy, he's set!

"What kind of person do I want to marry?"

He lowered his head and clumsily folded the bright yellow handkerchief in his hand and handed it to Jiang Cheng who was beside him, squinting his eyes and smiling.

"I want to marry someone like my father, who can only drink one gourd of three thousand weak waters."

In his capacity, it is very difficult, but...

Looking at the little guy with a flushed face in front of him, Jiang Yu reached out to ruffle her long hair and said solemnly.

"I will work hard."

Because of the little guy's saying, "You can only drink one scoop of three thousand weak waters." Jiang Cheng secretly strengthened his power, and after he ascended the throne, he defied all opposition and left the harem empty, waiting for his little guy to arrive.

Only drink one scoop of three thousand weak water, I'll wait for you, little guy.

 This Gu Xiaowu is not the heroine, my dears, I know the same name is easy to bring in, but she is the host in the heroine's mission.

  So the heroine is physically and mentally healthy.

(End of this chapter)

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