Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 156 School Doctor, I Like You 12

Chapter 156 School Doctor, I Like You 12
Gu Xiaowu woke up when the alarm rang, looking at the unfamiliar yet familiar environment around him in a daze, Gu Xiaowu knew that he was in his dormitory.

It seemed that something unusual happened last night. After sending Xiao Sheng back... I saw Xie Huiyu! ! !
But why am I here? Could it be that everything yesterday was a dream?

The warm embrace and the whispering in the ear.

Gu Xiaowu lifted the quilt and ran to the gate without even having time to put on his bare feet and opened the door.

The two froze in place, and when Xie Huiyu's eyes touched Gu Xiaowu's bare feet, the expression on his face gradually became serious.

After putting the things in his hands on the shoe cabinet, he picked up Gu Xiaowu horizontally and walked to the sofa to put them down.

"Why don't you wear shoes, now that you are not a mermaid, you will get sick, you know?"

Gu Xiaowu stared blankly at Xie Huiyu who babbled like an old lady, and couldn't recover for a while.

"Why, do you think I'm handsome and want to marry me?"

"Pfft, Xie Huiyu, you are too shameless."

Gu Xiaowu couldn't help rubbing his eyes, rubbing his eyes and realizing something was wrong, he held Xie Huiyu's face in his hands.

"you remember?"

"I'm so anxious (remember) what?"

Looking straight into her eyes generously, he spoke vaguely.

"Otherwise, how would you know about the mermaid?"

Holding her cool hand in the palm of his hand, he looked at her very seriously with smiling eyes.

"Well, remember."

"The things before that..."

"I remember everything, including half of your wish points being deducted because you completed the task prematurely in order to avoid me..."

Gu Xiaowu lowered his head, pouted aggrievedly and refused to look at the plausible Xie Huiyu, his small hands were making trouble in his big palm.

"Also, do you want to say something to me?"


Gu Xiaowu raised his head and looked at him in confusion.

"Xiao Wu, you said you liked him."

Gun Gun's very 'kind' reminder won Xie Huiyu's appreciative look.

Gu Xiaowu didn't notice the eye contact between one person and one system, and at this moment, the heat rushed to the top of his head after being reminded by the rolling, and his cheeks were flushed.

"No, no."


It is rare to see Gu Xiaowu like this, Xie Huiyu watched with great interest.

"They all said there is no more... I'm hungry."

Looking at him pitifully, Xie Huiyu smiled lightly and pinched Gu Xiaowu's nose.

"Go and wash up, I'll warm up the porridge for you."

After speaking, he stood up and took the porridge from the shoe cabinet to the kitchen.

Looking at Xie Huiyu's background, Gu Xiaowu relaxed, and laughed softly as he thought of something.

"what are you laughing at?"

Xie Huiyu poked his head out from the kitchen and looked at Gu Xiaowu who was still on the sofa pretending to be curious.

"It's nothing!"

Gu Xiaowu, who was caught, stood up and closed his eyes like stealing a bell, and walked to the toilet.

The girl in the mirror had flushed cheeks, disheveled hair, and tender eyes with watery eyes, as if she had just experienced a sweaty sex.

Under the water column, I scooped up a handful of cold water and splashed it on my face, and I became sober instantly, and my confused mind became clearer.

"Fuck, did he just mention the wish value? How did he know?"

"Hey, I did, but I can't tell you what Xiao Wu is, I have to let him say it himself."

After saying this, he ran out of the toilet in a hurry, as if he was afraid that Gu Xiaowu would ask any more questions.

Looking at the back of it running away, Gu Xiaowu felt a little helpless.

At least he won't harm himself.

 This daughter-in-law is so cute.idiot laugh
(End of this chapter)

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