Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 190 Sir, Please Sign for Acceptance, Your Zombie Girlfriend 1

Chapter 190 Sir, Please Sign for Acceptance, Your Zombie Girlfriend 1
My whole body felt like it was on fire, and after a while, it felt as if I had been thrown into cold water to cool my heart.

Gu Xiaowu feels very bad now, as if the bones in his body were broken and then healed themselves.

"Ho ho."

Feeling his cheek being gently poked, Gu Xiaowu slowly opened his eyes.

In front of him was a pale face, his eyeballs were dull gray-white, and his face was covered with blue meridians, but even so, it could be seen that this person was very handsome, and he looked familiar.

Wait, isn't this the male version of me?
Without thinking about it, Gu Xiaowu still decided to accept the plot first.

: Get the plot to me.


Something slowly poured into his mind, Gu Xiaowu closed his eyes and slowly received it.

This is a world of 'new humans', the so-called zombie world.

After the world's endless demands on the earth, the earth finally made a counterattack. Various continuous disasters, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, etc., failed to make the world extinct.

Gradually, the sun was covered by thick dark clouds and stopped shining on the earth. After half a month of continuous rain, mutations began to occur among human beings.

Some people fell into a coma for no reason, and then stopped breathing and began to rot. The strange thing is that on the third day, those people bit or ate the people around them the first moment they woke up.

The skin of the bitten person also slowly rotted, and he became so disrespectful that he would bite anyone he saw.

Humans began to panic, evacuated and gave those 'people' a name called zombies, corpses that could move freely without breathing.

The original owner and her elder brother Gu Xiaocheng are two of these 'people'.

The parents of the two died young, and the two lived alone in the dilapidated small building, so no one noticed the change between the two.

When they were evacuated, the two were still in a coma.

The two are special, they don't have rotten skin and become ugly like others, and they have their own thinking. They move quickly and don't need to eat and bite people frequently. Humans are not very tempting to them. It can be said that they have never hurt anyone. Zombies can be regarded as Tier [-] zombies.

And the heroine of this plane is Gu Xiaocheng's girlfriend Ruan Mian.

Ruan Mian is the original owner's best friend, so she met Gu Xiaocheng and they got together. On the rainy day, she stayed at the original owner's house.

The coma between the two frightened her, and in desperation, she awakened a supernatural power—the healing department.

When she learned that she had awakened the power, Gu Xiaocheng had already woken up, and Ruan Mian, who was frightened by his change, hid in the corner and protected the original owner from him.

Originally, she passed the supernatural ability into the original owner's body, causing the original owner's death, and similarly used her own supernatural ability to kill Gu Xiaocheng.

When Ruan Mian was rescued, she said innocently, 'I want to save them'.

Without the leadership of Gu Xiaocheng, the zombies failed to evolve successfully, and human beings failed to survive the end of the world, eventually perishing, and the earth was desolate.

The original owner's wish was that Ruan Mian would stay away from himself and his brother, so that his brother could become the king of zombies.

The first one is quite simple, but the second one...how do zombies advance...

"You stay away from me!"

The girl's scream was accompanied by the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, Gu Xiaowu said badly to himself, forgetting that the heroine is still in this room.

Opening his eyes, it turned out that Gu Xiaocheng was lying on the ground clutching his stomach and seemed to be very uncomfortable. A big hole was smashed into the closet, and the neat clothes inside were stained with blood and fell on Gu Xiaocheng's body.

It's really worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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