Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 255 Overbearing CEO, Please Get Out 29

Chapter 255 Overbearing CEO, Please Get Out 29
[Black Box: Actually, the moment I saw them, I knew it was impossible for me and him. ——Xiao Qingqing]
Walking angrily for several streets, Gu Xiaowu no longer had much anger when he reached the downstairs of the Xie Family Group. It can be seen from this that time can really kill anger.

Taking two steps back and looking up at the reflective glass on the top floor for a long time, Gu Xiaowu made the most indecent gesture since entering the original owner's body.

Slowly raised his hand and raised a middle finger there, then turned and left without hesitation.

Bitch who disturbed my mother's plan.

Before taking two steps, Gu Xiaowu saw Xiao Qingqing walking slowly from the corner.

Her small face was pale, her hand was holding the crossbody bag tightly, her eyes were full of loneliness as if she had encountered some major blow, and next to her was the white fluffy Roller, who was holding something heartlessly and eating.

Gu Xiaowu walked towards her with big strides, and at the same time called out to Gun Gun in his heart to know the cause and effect.


Standing still in front of her, Gu Xiaowu returned to his usual calm appearance.

Gu Xiaowu is an ascetic white-collar worker who is over 1.7 meters tall, while Xiao Qingqing is a little girl who is 1.6 meters tall, which makes Gu Xiaowu have to lower his head every time he looks at her.

Gu Xiaowu's voice was naturally very familiar, and Xiao Qingqing's lacrimal glands became active all of a sudden, and he couldn't stop the tears when his nose was sour.

Raising his hand in a panic, he wiped away the tears on his face, Xiao Qingqing looked up at Gu Xiaowu pretending to be surprised.

"Cousin, why are you here?"

She thinks she has the most perfect smile, she doesn't know how ugly her smile is.

Looking down at her for a while, Gu Xiaowu sighed helplessly and spread his hands.

"I was fired and now I'm going back to the company to get my stuff."

"Cousin, why did he fire you?"

This news is really surprising, and it dilutes the sadness just now. The cousin in my memory can be said to be in the state of Thirteen Langs desperately for work. Is it because such a cousin was resigned because I and the president teamed up to cheat him in the last auction? Known by him?
So my cousin was implicated by me...

"Maybe the company can't support it anymore. I'm going to pack my things now. You should go up early."

As he spoke, he told Xiao Qingqing not to pass her, walked to the side of the road, stopped a taxi, and left.

Looking at the people getting farther and farther away in the rearview mirror, Gu Xiaowu sighed softly, and the words just now rang in his ears.

"Xie Huiyu asked her to buy coffee, but at the meeting cafe, she saw Jiang Lin and Fu Ran sitting together and having a great conversation, and then she was like this."

Love is in no particular order, even if Xiao Qingqing and Jiang Lin met first this time, it still cannot compare to the fate between Jiang Lin and Fu Ran.

The original Fu Ran was Jiang Lin who met abroad after retiring the engagement. The two met and fell in love with each other. When Xiao Qingqing died, they were still in love. The original ending had nothing to do with her, and this time was no exception.

— This is the dividing line —

The sound of leather shoes stepping on the floor kept ringing, Xie Huiyu walked up and down in the huge office and turned around in circles, constantly looking down at the watch on his wrist.

Why haven't you come yet!
He kept looking towards the door, and finally sat down on the boss chair, puffing out his cheeks with an unhappy expression.

Hmph, stinky daughter-in-law, why don't you come to me!
 Crab pretends to be strong and cute for a reward╭(╯ε╰)╮

(End of this chapter)

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