Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 271 God, Your Family Has Died Again 4

Chapter 271 God, Your Family Has Died Again 4
If it is that person, there must be a way, there must be.

Gu Mo held Luo Xi's arm and looked at the sky far away, until the back was covered by white clouds and he could no longer see it.

After comforting Luo Xi, Gu Mo retreated with all the demons in the demon world, without even glancing at Luo Yao who was lying on the ground in embarrassment.

"Kill her."

Gu Mo looked down at his wife in his arms, stroked her head comfortingly, and said softly.

"It's not the time yet. When she finds the soul orb, let her return her daughter's pain a thousand times and ten thousand times."

Luo Xi stopped talking, and buried her face in Gu Mo's arms without making a sound. From the corner of her eye, she glanced at Luo Yao, who was sitting on the ground in a panic and gasping for breath, and the murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

Let's have a long time to come.

Luo Yao has no right to care about these things anymore, just now that glance gave her infinite pressure, and now she is breathing heavily.

The aftermath feeling.

She didn't realize that there was a slight crack in the glowing soul orb in her arms.

—This is the dividing line—

It hurts, it really hurts, the meridians all over the body seem to be smashed and reorganized, this pain lasts for a long time, and then suddenly it feels like falling into a cold, cold heart.

"Look, it's blooming, wow, it looks so good, it's indeed a ten thousand year peach tree."

"Did the queen mother tell her that the peach tree is blooming?"

"It seems to be, let's go."


The chirping sound gradually faded away, but Gu Xiaowu got a general idea and endured the pain in his body.

Queen Mother?How did I come to the fairyland?

While Gu Xiaowu was still thinking, there was a slight cracking sound in his ear, the sound was like a switch, followed by a series of broken sounds, the darkness in front of him suddenly cracked, and the glaring light made Gu Xiaowu uncomfortable closed his eyes.

"You are the only child of the earth. I hope you grow up healthy and continue the responsibility of the mother of the earth. Your name is Yanfu."

Well... a simple and rude name.

Being hugged by warm big palms, the touch of skin let Gu Xiaowu know that he must not be wearing clothes now, and he is still very small, so he moved his body unaccustomed.

Covered with a soft veil, Gu Xiaowu pursed his lips and opened his eyes. What he saw was a woman's face, looking at him with loving tenderness. There was no other emotion in his eyes, as if it should be like this.


Gu Xiaowu grinned at her, and after crying perfunctorily for a few times, he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

:what happened.

: Make sure you don't die.

Hearing the substitute system's words, Gu Xiaowu wanted to beat it to death.

: Is this called immortality?

: Your body is indeed not dead, it was taken away and nourished by him, and you can go back when the time comes.

: Then what is going on with this body.

: The last child of the mother of the earth, but it has no life in the hatching, we are not considered as snatching other people's body.

: Snake spirit?
When it comes to the mother of the earth, Gu Xiaowu will inevitably think of Zixuan in the TV series "Legend of Sword and Fairy", a half-human, half-snake beauty.

: Mother Earth, can you be normal.

Gu Xiaowu curled his lips, turned around in the arms of the Queen Mother, and fell into a deep sleep with his mouth open.

Just now she felt that her short legs are not snake tails, she really can't walk.

Life is hard, an eight-year-old child suddenly becomes a baby, but it is not without benefits, it can get closer to Luoyao, perfect.

 Thank you Lin Nanke for the cute tip~\(≧▽≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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