Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 283 God, Your Family Has Died Again 16

Chapter 283 God, Your Family Has Died Again 16
[Black box: Her appearance reminds me of a certain little wild cat, and she also has this expression when she is stubborn and refuses to admit defeat. ——Gu Mo]
"Huh? Where's the Clivia over here?"

A clear female voice, followed by all kinds of don't know don't know don't know.

The noisy voice forcibly woke up Gu Xiaowu in his sleep. Originally, Hua Ling could not sleep, but Gu Xiaowu was sleepy after so many years as a human being, and there was nothing he could do.

"The day you left is gone."

"how come!"

The sudden raised voice made Gu Xiaowu want to hit someone, but now she hits someone with the limp leaf of her representative hand, and there is no pain at all.

So don't do such pointless things.

It has been a month since Luoyao transformed into a human form, and Feng Xian has already been sealed, and I just came to look for it now, and the day lily is cold.

She is dressed in a red dress, even the sleeves of her big shirt are made of red tulle, her face is lightly made up, and the corners of her eyes are delicately drawn with red outlines. Also really like a rose fairy.

Looking at the faint fairy aura around Luoyao, Gu Xiaowu curled his lips, stretched out the branches, shook the flowers on the branches, and said slowly.

"She was in a very bad state before, and excessive consumption of immortal energy became the last straw that crushed her."


Luo Yao didn't understand, she frowned and looked at Gu Xiaowu with displeasure.

Looking at the impatience mixed between her eyebrows and eyes, Gu Xiaowu suddenly realized something.

This Luo Yao was not a good person from the beginning.

Gu Xiaowu ignored her, simply closed his eyes, and began to practice attentively.

No one answered her question, and the atmosphere was very awkward for a while, Luo Yao glanced around and found that no one was looking at her, so she sat down at ease.

Looking at the blue flower buds on the branches, Luo Yao stretched out her hand and touched them curiously.

Gu Xiaowu who was disturbed shrank his branches, his tone was very impatient.

"Don't touch my flowers, please, they are very fragile."

Luo Yao was not angry either, and looked down at Gu Xiaowu with interest.

"Your prototype is the bluebell flower?"


"Then what's your name?"


"Oh, by the way, the flower spirit will not have its own name, only a title."


Gu Xiaowu just watched Luo Yao talking to himself, and wanted to stay away from her, but the flower roots were stuck in place and couldn't move.

Gu Xiaowu swears that this is the first time he wants to stay away from this talkative heroine.

The key is that Luo Yao is not only talkative, but also mentally retarded.

Ask stupid questions, and answer your own questions.

Huaxian had nothing to do, Luo Yao just squatted on the spot and babbled to Gu Xiaowu all afternoon, and didn't leave until night fell.

"I will come to accompany you tomorrow."

Gu Xiaowu supported his forehead.

Please don't come.

After Luo Yao left, Gu Xiaowu had time to cultivate slowly. The energy in his body had reached a vigorous level, and he could transform into form at any time.

: Another night.

: Because originally the blue bell flower began to transform tomorrow morning.

: ...does this have anything to do with it?

: No, just keep to the time.

Cursing his lips, Gu Xiaowu sank his heart and grasped every minute and every second of cultivation. Although it is safer to have this mental retardation system, it is better to grasp the reliability in his own hands.

 Crab Nanzhi's reward o(=ω=)m
(End of this chapter)

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