Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 171 Mode Upgrade

Chapter 171 Mode Upgrade
Gobi desert, at this moment.

A pile of hills made of yellow sand moved, Eric struggled to get up from the desert, panted for a moment, and quickly checked the condition of the armor.Almost every joint of the armor was cracking from head to toe, even the monitor in front of him was cracked, and the power system of the limbs was still in the process of being repaired, so it was not very convenient to move.But it's fine now, the situation was much worse half a minute ago, and now it has repaired itself a lot.

As luck would have it, the Almadra armor was able to repair itself, while Erik couldn't.His muscles were sore and unbearable, his bones may have been broken, and he was bleeding internally.However, the armor had already injected him with painkillers, so he ignored the injuries for the time being.

The battle was still going on, and while he was taking a nap, Superman and Ghost were fighting inextricably against the scorching sun. When he stood up, Superman was being shot down like a shot put, and smashed into the desert with a "boom". It was only about ten paces away from him.

They've fought all the way from the North Pole, but the Ghost is too strong.Just imagine that Superman has absorbed solar energy for 80 years on the earth, and imagine how strong he can be.

The ghost lightly landed in front of the two of them, and said coldly: "Why are you so obsessed, Superman? Why don't you accept your inherent mission? I have so much to teach you, and we can become very good."

When he said this, his tone was completely out of tune, his head twisted unnaturally, and his expression twitched.

"Ghost?" Superman asked, frowning. "What's wrong with you?"

Eric felt it too, a subtle, odd feeling, like a distant voice from the universe, murmuring something indistinctly in his head through the medium of something.
Earth Rock!
Erik remembered the feeling, exactly the same feeling he had when he used the Earth Stone to disarm the Global Missile, and the other person whispered in his ear through the Earth Stone.And now, he was pretty sure it was the same voice that the ghost heard.

"Things are not right." Eric said, "a consciousness has been implanted in the Earth Stone, and it is waiting for an opportunity. Something is about to happen. Very bad things are about to come to Earth. We must stop the war. "

"To shut up!"

The ghost couldn't hear it at all, and shot out with a flash of electricity.As soon as Eric's pupils closed, he rolled on the ground almost reflexively. The next second, he was punched by the ghost to blow up a huge wave of sand and dust, just like a landmine that was triggered, knocking Eric to the ground. The body was blown so that it flew far away in the air.

Superman flashed, quickly swayed behind the ghost and clamped his arm: "Aren't you going to protect this country? If something happens and you are busy fighting with us here, it is your responsibility! "

"Don't, think, lie to me!"

With a loud shout, Ghost pinched Superman's cloak backwards with both hands, threw him out with a violent force, shot through several sand dunes with a "swish", and landed beside Eric.

"No, he's lost his mind." Superman stood up half-kneeling, gritted his teeth, "He won't listen to anything he says."

Eric took a breath, turned his head to look at Superman, was about to say something but froze.

In his head-mounted display, there were some new fluctuations around Superman's body, transparent fluctuations that almost merged with the surrounding yellow sand and air. Deep, like some kind of invisible radiation.

"New energy detected, start data analysis. Synchronization rate test and adjustment"

The Amojo Armor made such an electronic notification sound, and at the same time, the progress of the energy data analysis also jumped out on the display, and the option button usually used to switch the super mode also changed immediately, as if it had been coated with a shiny border .

"So that's it, are you here?" Eric said to himself, "Then let me have a try, superhuman strength."

"Complete super mode is online."

The same electronic sound sounded from inside the Alpha armor, and the armor quickly switched modes.But unlike in the past, red electric snakes danced between the parts of the armor, and the shape was also different from usual.When the "S" mark on the chest was assembled, a fiery red cloak hung behind him.

Superman looked at him in surprise: "You are."

Unbelievable power poured out continuously, and Eric could feel his fists being filled with power, powerful energy was even released from the battle armor, and a faint layer of fiery red energy wrapped around the surface of his body.

He could feel that it was simulated from Superman's energy through resonance.However, he can also feel that maintaining this mode is more physically taxing than the general super mode, which means that he has to make a quick decision.

"I don't really understand the details." Eric squeezed his fist, "But it's probably because my armor can share the ability of teammates. Something like that."

Ghost shouted: "No matter what kind of trick you are doing, it is meaningless! You don't even want to leave here today!"

Eric and Superman looked at each other, and then burst out at the same time.Their movements are so synchronized, as if they have been rehearsed a thousand times.The two afterimages blasted into the ghost's abdomen at the same time, with the momentum and speed of thunder.A loud thunderous sound exploded in the center of the desert, like three shells shot into the sky from the center of the desert.

The tables turned.Eric can keep up with Superman's speed, and even without communication, he cooperates perfectly like a tacit understanding.Maybe Wraith is faster and stronger than one Superman, but even he can't handle two at the same time.

The three fought all the way from the Gobi Desert to Annapurna, violently flattened several snow-capped mountains, and then fought high into the sky.Thunderous explosions rushed all the way to the sky, the atmosphere was ruthlessly torn apart by them, and an innocent artificial satellite was smashed to pieces in the surface orbit by someone's fist.

"You don't understand how much I have paid for this country!" The ghost roared loudly as it shuttled through the edge of the atmosphere, "I am the hero of this country, the hero of this world! I brought knowledge and peace, but what about you? Superman? What have you accomplished all these years!?"

"At least I did everything I should do, and I didn't do anything I shouldn't, such as slaughtering lives for reasons of war!"

The fists of Superman and Ghost hit each other's cheeks, and they flew backwards in opposite directions.The ghost fell below the atmosphere, and Superman was caught by Erik in low-Earth orbit and barely braked.

"Everything I do is necessary." Wraith gritted his teeth and said, his whole body became red hot from the inside out like a burning meteorite, "Including killing you now."

"It's a pity that things have to turn out like this, Ghost," said Superman coldly, "but you're not a hero, and nobody's going to get knocked down here today by you."

The monitor screen in front of Eric also began to flicker, which was a signal of energy shortage.His mind has already started to feel a little dizzy, and this mode can't last long.

The final blow, the decisive blow.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."


The wraith's roar actually blew away the atmosphere in this area, as if digging a hole in the atmosphere with a spoon.The black body was wrapped in scorching red light, flying towards it like a reverse fireball.

And in the low-earth orbit, the two afterimages swooped down without showing any weakness, like bullets about to collide.The golden solar energy was released from their bodies, enveloping Superman and Eric at the same time, and the two of them seemed to merge into a golden beam of light, which shot down without any hesitation.


The collision of gold and red exploded high in the sky, the dazzling light blew away the clouds, and the astonishing momentum could be observed from the ground, like a nuclear explosion in the distant sky.

(End of this chapter)

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