Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 22 The Raven

Chapter 22 The Raven
Raven, formerly known as Rachel Rose, is generally called Raven. She is a member of the famous superhero team Teen Titans in the original DC universe composed of assistants of first-line heroes. She has the separation of soul and body, and controls chaos magic. A class of abilities.

She currently boards with her aunt, whose mother didn't tell her she had an older sister until she was 15.And after a difficult experience that Raven herself is very reluctant to look back, she comes to New York and joins her aunt Alice who has never met her.

Aunt Alice had a rather large family.In addition to the husband and wife, there are three children in the family, a teenage sister Marybeth, a ten-year-old brother Billy, and a cute little Jessica who just turned one year old.Raven often feels that it might be a mistake for her to come here. What if she brings trouble to this happy family?She would never forgive herself if misfortune happened to the family because of her presence.

But they welcomed her without thinking and accepted her as part of the family - despite the girl's eccentricity.Although it is difficult to say it with her character, but in her heart she is very grateful to this bright home that accepted her.

She was born in darkness, and her fate was also full of darkness. Such a bright life should be a luxury at all, and she never dared to expect more.

After half a year of peacefully settling in this city, today, troubles finally found their way.As someone once said, fate is like a piece of brown sugar that cannot be shaken off. You just have the illusion that it has forgotten you, and it will strike back when you least expect it.

It never forgets anyone.

"Rachel, honey, I'll pick you up at [-]:[-], Billy and Marybeth are going to different schools." In the morning, at the school gate, Aunt Alice said to her, "Have a happy new day !"

happy?For as long as he can remember, Raven has never been happy in his life, which sounds like a dream.She waved her hand coldly, bid farewell to her enthusiastic aunt, hid her head in a black hood and walked towards the school with her head down.

In general, she's a quirky girl.Although she has a beautiful face like a porcelain doll, her withdrawn and eccentric personality makes it difficult for her to integrate into the life circle of high school. It was originally like this, but in order to prevent this from happening, she used a little trick .She secretly influenced the subconscious of several classmates, making them regard her as a good friend without even realizing it.

Well, maybe she shouldn't be doing it, but she just doesn't want to be... out of place.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Raven packed his things and left the classroom with a few students who were usually with him.The classmates chatted enthusiastically like birds, but she just closed her mouth and listened quietly.

"After my parents divorced and separated, I have been living with my grandma." A girl wearing round glasses complained helplessly.

"What a coincidence, my family is also divorced."

"I don't have one at home yet." A blond girl said, and paused with a wry smile, "but my mother lives with her boyfriend."

"I would rather my family is divorced. My parents are hippies." A muscular boy said, intentionally or unintentionally, rubbing towards the silent Raven, " don't seem to mention your family very much. What about your father?"

Raven pondered for a moment with a blank face, and the image of a red devil with a body that pierced through the sky and surrounded by red flames appeared in his mind.

"Evil." She dropped the word.

"Yeah, my dad is the same way!" The girl who spoke earlier echoed.

"Not exactly. But he's trying to be like that," the boy said.

Raven nodded, and was about to say something, but suddenly stopped in his tracks.In an instant, her already extremely pale face became even paler, and beads of sweat trickled down her cheeks.She groaned in pain, her expression was distorted by the pain, and her knees softened and she half knelt on the ground.

"Rachel!?" The students were startled and asked anxiously, "Are you okay?"

She gritted her teeth and raised her head abruptly, her eyes seemed to have changed in an instant, as sharp as a falcon.

She is no stranger to mental scanning.Soon she locked on the source of the spirit - a black girl in the crowd outside, grinning weirdly at her.

"You!" Raven gritted his teeth and stood up, trying to get closer to the girl.

But then, she felt a more intense pain—but it didn't belong to her.That was one of Raven's superpowers, she could feel the pain of others, and now she felt the pain more intensely from others in the crowd.

She had to turn her attention away from the black girl, and pushed through the crowd to find Eric, who had fallen to the ground in severe pain.He endured unimaginable pain, but he was unexpectedly strong. He still tried his best to maintain his sobriety, and his willpower resisted the bite of external spiritual power like a steel plate.

In Raven's impression, she seemed to have never encountered such a strong human being.

She can feel the pain of others, but not only that, she will always take them away.

"Tell the principal to go to the first aid!"

After ordering the accompanying classmates, Raven hurriedly squatted down beside Eric, and lightly rested his slender and white fingers on his forehead.

"Your pain is mine. Your pain is mine."

She muttered in a low voice, like a devoutly praying Christian.As she meditated, her aura became more and more strange, like a witch who cast a spell, as if there was an invisible purple mist lingering.Her face also became paler, trembling uncontrollably, sweat dripping from her forehead.

Well, saying "eliminate pain" is actually inaccurate.She couldn't just make the pain go away, she could only absorb it and taste it alone.Fortunately, she is very good at it.

Eric came to his senses: "Who are you? What did you do?"

"Me? Oh, nothing. Just holding you up."

When the first responders arrived, she hurriedly retreated into the crowd, put on her hood again, and her sharp eyes began to search for the girl just now in the crowd.

But she is gone.She seemed to deliberately divert Raven's attention and slipped away while taking this opportunity.

That is the power of mental scanning, and it is quite powerful mental power.Who is she?Is it a psychic on Earth, or .
Raven gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

Or did he find me already?
(End of this chapter)

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