Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 29 Resonance

Chapter 29 Resonance
In fact, there is no need for Raven to explain at this moment, as long as you have watched a few sci-fi movies, it is not difficult to see that Belliel is the boss's stance.The illusory figure of the Sangongmo is erratic behind the flames. It is an image made of pure magic power and projected because it is too powerful.Although it was only a virtual image, the terrifying momentum was really overwhelming like a black cloud, making it hard to breathe.


With an astonishing roar, the demon waved its claws.A fiery snake turned into a long whip and swept across the ground, covering most of the roof in an instant.

Eric raised two bracelets for defense again, and the silver-white wristbands collided with the flaming snake, and the impact pierced through the armor, and the scorching heat burned the silver-white wristbands into red.

This time, even this miraculous bracelet couldn't fully absorb the impact, the shield was scattered to pieces, and the armor's figure was instantly engulfed in flames, like a piece of dead wood standing in a storm.

The high magic resistance of the armor in this mode can temporarily resist this burning storm, but only temporarily.The hurricane has no intention of stopping at all, as if there are countless hot whips hitting every joint of the armor in turn.Some parts have been baked black, and even the outer armor plates are beginning to fall off.

The good news is that Erik discovered that the magical metal material of the Almajo armor can repair itself quickly; the bad news is that although it repairs fast, it still doesn't seem to be able to keep up with the damage.In other words, he won't last long.


The raven shouted loudly, and the magic energy turned into a black sharp arrow and pierced through the air.Like sharp teeth biting the hurricane, it shot straight at the illusory image of Sannomiya.

This fierce offensive was resolved in front of Belliel, but it successfully played a distracting role, and the flames wrapped around Eric finally dissipated.

With an aura similar to Belial's, the strange magic power surrounds the raven's body, and the purple fluctuations quietly expand the field like tentacles. The girl is still expressionless, but her eyes emit a dark purple light.

Beliel looked at her with interest: "Oh? Have you finally started to use your real power? But only this level still can't defeat me."

"To shut up."

The purple-black magic power also expanded rapidly, as if a field was built to confront Belliel, enveloping Eric and herself in it.

"New energy is detected, start data analysis." Eric heard a cold notification sound from the helmet, ". The synchronization rate is increasing, 60% 70%"

Eric frowned: "What's going on?"

Then, he noticed.Surrounding his armor, the magic power released by the raven is approaching his armor bit by bit, as if being sucked in.They seemed to have turned into a dark purple liquid, flowing rapidly along the energy supply pipes and conduits on the armor, pouring into the total energy core from all parts of the body.

It was an incredible feeling, like a new kind of energy being injected into the body, the power was continuously gushing out from the inside of the body, and it was accumulating more and more, without vomit.

Belial snorted softly: "It has become such a troublesome situation. But it doesn't matter, as long as you are beaten until you can't move, then take it back. Father should be very happy."

After a pause, he showed an evil smile: "I will also enjoy this process. Sister."

He opened his blood-red mouth, pouring out like a river made of flames!It is unstoppable, and it is about to burn through all obstacles and gallop towards the purple field!

However, the moment it touched the target, it split apart.

Yes, split, split in two, like a river split into two branches.It was like a purple sword, floating in the air, looming, but it slashed Belial's full blow so domineeringly.

"Impossible!" Belliel roared, completely unable to believe what he saw.

At this moment, Belliel, Raven, and even Eric himself were frightened by the changes in him.The long silver sword in his hand protruded from the blade made of raven's magic power, and dark purple stripes appeared on the chest of the armor, vaguely forming the shape of a raven with wings spread.A pair of pitch-black metal wings grew from the back of the armor, and the feathers at the tip were like countless daggers, surrounded by dark purple magic power.

Suddenly, Eric thought of something.

According to the original work, Yamozhuo's robot has the ability to copy superpowers, and although his Yamozhuo system cannot directly copy the abilities of others, this state may have resonated with Raven through some other means, and The effect of similar ability duplication is achieved.
No, it's not just copying, it may even have stronger power than copying the current body of the template.

"Let's go together." He turned his head and said to Raven.

Raven nodded, his arms fluttered, and the unfurled cloak was like black wings.Behind the two of them, the image of a huge crow appeared, its head raised and howling, wrapping their figures inside.

The raven soared into the sky, and Eric also opened its metal wings. The huge crow rushed straight up to a height of more than 20 meters from the roof. Enchantment.The warm golden sun shines directly down, and the pitch-black crow is extremely conspicuous.

He has realized that the situation is not good, but Belliel still refuses to give up.He roared loudly, and released the last blast of flames in despair.

But it was all in vain.

The black crow swooped down, its sharp beak easily broke through the pillar of fire, tearing apart the flames and swooping down.

Eric clenched the hilt tightly, and the magic power attached to the long sword swayed with the acceleration of the dive, like a candle in the wind.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

"Go back to hell!"

The crow rushed over the demon's body, and the blade mercilessly cut across the middle. It screamed in despair and in vain, but it couldn't stop its body from being swallowed by the vortex, as if it had been thrown into a blender.


This was the last roar he left behind, and then his voice disappeared along with his figure.

The black crow landed lightly, and when it landed, its figure had already dissipated with the wind.The two stood facing each other, and the long-lost sunshine poured down without hesitation, as if it was a reward for the victor.

Erik unarmored it, and it turned back into the backpack and back, re-entering standby mode.

The two remained silent for more than ten seconds without saying a word.

Raven was the first to break the silence—she even burst out laughing.

It turned out that she would laugh too.This was the first time Eric saw her smile, and also the first time he knew that she was so pretty when she smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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