Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 429 Black Hand

Chapter 429 Black Hand
New York, Cemetery.

The cemetery is always such a place—quiet and eerily eerie, especially in the dark, as if the breath of death is everywhere.Walking among the numerous tombstones, you will always have the illusion that there is a constant wind blowing on the back of your neck, as if there are countless wandering spirits walking around, which makes people feel uneasy.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Eric asked as Tony landed in the field, "I know this is difficult for you."

"But it's very important." Tony said, walking past rows of tombstones, "Whether the thing in that set of Iron King's armor is bluffing or not, we just need to look to know."

Although Tony didn't admit it, Eric knew that the appearance of the zombie who was suspected of Obaday Stan had a great impact on his heart.That was the first enemy Iron Man had defeated since his debut. He never mentioned it, but he never forgot about Opadry in his heart.

He has to check it out.

After the two walked on the hill for a while, Tony stopped.Eric followed his gaze and found a collapsed tombstone. The soil had been dug up for many days, the coffin lid underneath had been smashed, and there was nothing inside.

Obadie Stein's body had actually disappeared.

The two stared at the empty coffin on the ground and were silent for a while, then Tony suddenly asked, "Is this related to the big thing you said you suspected?"

"As far as the current situation is concerned, it may be." Eric said, "But it may be necessary to further confirm that Thor is on the earth recently?"

"It should be here." Tony said, "I can contact him, what's wrong?"

"We need to ask him for help." Eric said solemnly, "Let's go to the underworld to see."

Seaside City, late at night.

Anyone with a normal mind would instinctively feel afraid of graveyards in the middle of the night, but there are always some strange things in the world.At this moment, a man with a hideous face wrapped in black tights and a cross-sectional helmet curled up and lay on his side in a grave in the seaside city cemetery.There are countless mutilated human skeletons under his body, and he still holds a dead bone that has already decayed and is extremely disgusting.

The heavy rain poured down, crackling and falling into the stagnant water in the pit, and some lighter broken bones were suspended by buoyancy.The man rested his forehead against the skull, and faced the black eye sockets, he actually showed a smile that was almost happy.

There is a different life after death.In the life buried in the cold and damp soil, the only thing heard is Youruo weeping on her body, and the only thing she can see is the endless darkness below her body.His name was William Hand, and though he was still alive, his heart was filled with death.

He is very happy.

He found the body bag, cut it open with scissors, made it into tights and put it on his body. He called himself "Black Hand" and tried to extinguish the magic light released by Green Lantern, because it made him restless at night. fall asleep.

A person who can do this must not be sane.

"William Hand."

As if a voice from another world far away, like a call from the depths of the earth, made him gently open his eyelids.

"Huh?" He pressed his ear against the wet soil soaked in water, "I'm listening."

He has been able to hear such voices since he was a child, but it has always been very vague. Sometimes he even wonders if it is his own auditory hallucination.But most of the time, he still believes that this is a revelation from God.He believes that fate must have arranged for him, and his life is destined to do an extremely important thing.

And just recently, this voice has become louder and louder, and he feels that his own moment is coming.

He slowly crawled out of the grave, walked across the cemetery towards home.

The Hands were not too far from the cemetery, because their family had been in the funeral home business for generations.It was pouring rain that night, and although it was close to the clock, the light in the living room window was still on.In front of the dining table in the living room, an old man wearing glasses and two young men were sitting around the table, talking worriedly.

"They're calling again about Billy, because of his bizarre escape." It was William Hand's brother, the eldest in the family, who spoke.Billy was William's nickname, and only his family members in the world would call him that.

"Are they still looking for him, Dad?"

"What your brothers need is help." The old man said with a sad face, crossing his hands and supporting his chin, "No matter what step I take, I will never give up on any of my children... even Billy."

"There are rumors that he's dead," said the youngest brother in the family. "Maybe it'll make Mom feel better anyway. She always says he's dead in her mind ever since he put that body bag on. gone."

They couldn't understand, not even the family whose blood was thicker than water could understand William Hand.

He still believes in what he was born for.

The sound of knocking on the door was mixed with the sound of the rainstorm, like the whisper of death.The younger brother muttered that it might be the policeman again, so he got up and went to open the door.

Standing outside the door was "Billy" they were discussing just now.The torrential rain drenched Heishou all over his body, and the black clothes made of body bags on his body were dripping oily.


His younger brother only had time to send a surprised greeting, and then his flesh and blood were evaporated by a burst of dazzling green light.Broken clothes and white skeletons were scattered all over the ground, and the scene was truly horrifying.

This is the magic wand that Black Hand picked up back then that can absorb and release the energy of the Green Lantern. He used it to fight Green Lantern.However, this dangerous thing should have been confiscated by Green Lantern after his defeat. Somehow, after someone killed everyone in the prison and released him, he left this magic wand in front of him.

Black Hand felt that the time had come for him to fulfill his mission.

In just an instant, he shattered the flesh of his two brothers with a strong green light.His nearly 70-year-old mother heard the sound coming out of the kitchen, and only had time to exclaim his name before she was pierced by the green light and fell to the ground, with blood spattering the entire wall.

Witnessing the tragic death of the whole family, the father huddled behind the dining table, watched his son walking in blood, and couldn't help asking in pain, "William? Why?"

"Hello, Father."

It was as indifferent as a greeting from a machine, and then the green light flashed again, and another bone fell to the ground.

The living room regained its tranquility.

The torrential rain outside the window was still there, and Hei Shou was sitting alone at the dining table. The originally pure white tablecloth was now stained black and red with blood, which was extremely dazzling.

He sat like this for a while, and then the voice sounded again.

"You haven't finished it yet, there is one more to finish."

Yes, there is one more.

Black Hand raised the magic wand expressionlessly, and pressed it against his temple.

The green light flashed like a torrent, and his head was instantly penetrated.The magic wand fell to the ground with a "slap", and the black hand suddenly fell from the chair, blood flowing like a river.

A strong wind blew outside, and the living room door was blown open slowly and heavily.The little blue figure wrapped in a large robe floated in, looking down at the dead body of Black Hand.

"He's ready." The mysterious voice sounded from nowhere.

"Yes." Xiaolan said humanely.

The little blue man opened his mouth, and an unknown black substance spewed out from the air. It turned into a pitch-black ring and flew around the room, finally landing on the finger of the black hand's corpse.

"William Hand from Earth wakes up!"

(End of this chapter)

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