Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 453 Life VS Death

Chapter 453 Life VS Death
The heart of the Black Death Emperor was ripped out, and his head was chopped off. If it were any other creature, he would have died long ago.Fortunately, he is the Black Death Emperor, the incarnation of death. He didn't have such a thing as life, so he was not defeated because of it, but he seemed very angry because of it.A dull roar seemed to explode from the sky, echoing deafeningly between the sky and the earth, and everyone in the melee trembled when they heard the roar.A terrifying impact erupted from the mutilated body of the Black Death Emperor, and a terrifying and brutal force exploded centered on him, pushing Eric and Brad far away.

The black hurricane swept away, and the Black Death Emperor stood in the center of the storm, his headless body staggering forward step by step, looking extremely terrifying.A new head slowly grew out of the cut in his neck, and the gap in his chest healed itself.The Black Death Emperor stared at the two, and said in a low voice: "You want to kill me by killing the living? I am death! I will never be killed!"

Eric said: "This sentence is true. It may be useless to continue fighting with him like this. We have to find another breakthrough."

As he spoke, he unconsciously glanced at the black hand outside the battle.Bredcha also looked over there, and the eyes of the two unconsciously met in the air, and they couldn't help turning their heads and smiling at each other.

"Looks like we're on the same page," Brad said.

With a thought in Eric's mind, he said by accident, "Don't tell me that you just happened to read comics."

Brad was slightly surprised, and said, "That's a coincidence, aren't you too?"

It turns out that at the end of the DC Comics "The Darkest Night", the White Lantern of Life used its life force to resurrect the black hand of the Black Lantern spokesperson and bring him back from the dead, thus making the Black Death Emperor lose his medium in the world. Had to withdraw from the world.Originally, Eric had long forgotten the content of this comic. Now when he experienced it personally and faced the indestructible Black Death Emperor and thought about the way to defeat him, he suddenly remembered this section of the original comic.Unexpectedly, when he asked so casually, the two were surprised to find that the other party was also a time traveler, as if someone in a foreign land found a fellow countryman and felt close.

But it was obviously not the time to make homework, Brad immediately said: "Let's talk about these things later, let's get down to business first."

Eric nodded, and the two of them simply left the Black Death Emperor, turned their heads and ran towards the Black Hand.Although the Black Death Emperor didn't know what the topic was planning, he certainly wouldn't let them do what they wanted.Hei Sidi shouted loudly, and the black energy was stimulated from his body again, surging a lot, and lingering around him seemed to have transformed into a huge phantom.The translucent black energy grew higher and higher, and in just a short moment it had grown into an indomitable giant. Its appearance and structure were like a [-]-meter-tall Black Death Emperor, with a skull-like head piercing straight into the dark sky.

The giant Black Death Emperor let out a loud shout, and the boundless darkness immediately rushed towards the two people who rushed out like arrows below.Eric suddenly felt as if he was in an ice cave, his head to toe was icy cold, and his whole body was surrounded by the pure thought of "death", as if he couldn't get rid of it no matter how fast he stepped.

Brad turned upside down, and with a sudden drink, the white light all over his body also exploded, and the energy of the white light lingering around his body turned into a huge palm, with five fingers spread out like a sunshade to cover the heads of the two, and the soft white light immediately covered them. The endless darkness was isolated, and Eric's chest was relieved.

But Brad no longer rushed towards Black Hand, but stopped and turned to face Black Death Emperor with a dignified expression.Although Eric didn't know what he was going to do, he also retreated to the side knowingly when he saw his posture.Brad let out a low cry, and the light of the white lamp moved with all his strength, unexpectedly forming a phantom behind him.The entity constructed by the white light also grew taller and taller, climbing all the way to the same height as the giant Black Death Emperor before it could barely stop. The body shape was blurred in the dazzling white light, and it could barely be seen that it had a human-like torso.Eric looked up at the soaring body, and couldn't help being extremely shocked in his heart, and instinctively had the urge to bow down.He knew that it was the spirit of existence, the image of all life in the universe.

Without any tricks or tricks, the body of the spirit of existence rushed straight up to the giant Black Death Emperor.The two giants collided with each other with pure energy. Their bodies were originally made of energy, and every collision consumed each other's bodies.The symbols of life and death itself have turned into entities on the earth, and every collision of their punches will cause drastic changes, involving every creature in the universe.In comparison, all wars in other localities, and even all conflicts in the entire universe in this darkest night, seem insignificant.

As the only person who watched this epic battle at such a close distance, Eric had a panoramic view of all the details of the battle between the two sides with his armor-enhanced super eyesight.He clearly saw a trace of imperceptible blood stains on the corner of Brad's mouth after unknown rounds of force confrontation, and he seemed to have suffered a little.

Originally, he who had harnessed the power of the spirit of existence had at least a [-]% to [-]% chance of winning against the Black Death Emperor, but he had been trapped in the Speed ​​Force for such a long time, and his condition had not recovered to his best after being released, so his strength inevitably weakened. Discount.In addition, he miscalculated that the Black Death Emperor controls the power of all the dead in the two worlds in this mixed new world, which is stronger than the last time he confronted him, so he faintly felt that he was no match for the opponent.

But his thoughts turned very quickly, and he took time to point at Eric in the middle of the battle with the Black Death Emperor, and a small part of the white light that constituted the body of the spirit of existence suddenly split, and the shape of the travel ring fell on Eric's left hand on the middle finger.Eric was taken aback by surprise, and an electronic sound sounded in the armor: "An unknown energy source has been detected and is being analyzed."

Brad made a mistake with both hands, and the light of the white light formed a vortex to defuse another wave of impact from the Black Death Emperor. At the same time, he said to Eric Lang: "Go find the black hand!"

Eric understood, what he meant was to deal with the black hand as soon as possible while he was dragging the black death emperor, and immediately without hesitation, he turned around at super speed and fired at the direction of the black hand.At the same time, a brand-new energy was quickly released from the white light ring in his left hand, flowing along the arm into the whole body of the armor, and instantly merged into the limbs, making him feel indescribably comfortable.

".The analysis is complete, and the energy has been copied successfully. The white light mode is online."

A circle of faint white light suddenly lingered around the compound pattern armor, and the armor eyepiece was also filled with holy white.Eric shouted loudly, the energy of the white light in his left hand was operating rapidly, and the light of the green light was wrapped in his right hand, holding the sword of killing gods in his hand, tearing apart the space like an unstoppable thunder, and sprinting straight towards the black hand!

(End of this chapter)

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