The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 149 149. Aiming at Dongda University

Chapter 149 149. Aiming at Dongda University
The playground in summer is very lively, and the voices of children are everywhere.

Aiyi and Xiaoye were very excited when they came to the playground, and they walked with wind.

"You two don't run too fast, you will get lost later!"

Yusuke shouted from behind, he and Yuyi have a heavy responsibility today, not only to take them to play, but also to pay attention to their safety.

After hearing this, Aiyi and Xiaoye slowed down their pace, but their eyes still wandered here and there.

"What are you going to play?"


The carousel is the first choice for all little ones.

When I came here, there were many parents and children queuing up, and it was the summer vacation, so there was a lot of people.

The four waited in line for half an hour before it was their turn. Aiyi and Xiaoye sat on the wooden horse excitedly.

"Yuyi, you go up too."

Yusuke said with a smile, Yui shook his head and said, "No, I'll help them take pictures outside."

There are all children here, and she is a young girl caught in the middle of a group of children, that is really embarrassing!
"Okay then, let's take pictures outside"

The two waited outside, standing with the young parents around them.

As the music played, the children laughed happily. Yusuke also took out his mobile phone and took a few pictures from time to time.

After a few minutes, the two walked down with still not enough to say.

"Brother, I still want to ride the carousel." Ai Yi said excitedly, and Xiao Ye nodded beside her.

"Then let's keep queuing up"

In the end, the two little girls played a total of 5 times before they were satisfied.

"Let's go play the spinner next!"

Xiao Ye said excitedly that the Spinner Cup is also the favorite of children.

Today's protagonists are Aiyi and Saya, whatever they want to play, Yusuke and Yuyi will play with them.

The four of them sat in the cups at this time.

"Come on, let's go together"

All four of them put their hands on the disc, and then turned it around.

The line of sight kept drifting, the body kept spinning, both Aiyi and Saya showed smiling faces, even Yui was a little excited, Yusuke was also infected, and soon threw himself into the game.

Due to age and height restrictions, Xiaoye and Aiyi could only play some children's games, but they also had a great time.

From morning to afternoon, several people laughed constantly, and Yusuke also took a lot of photos, these are good memories.

As dusk approached, tourists began to decrease, and some amusement facilities began to close.

A group of people were lucky and played the Ferris wheel for the last time.

As the line of sight rises, the scenery of the whole city comes into view.

At this time, Aiyi and Xiaoye were sitting on the chairs, and their eyelids were slowly closing. After playing for a whole day today, the two of them were already very tired. With the feeling of rising, the two slowly closed He closed his eyes and soon fell asleep.

Yusuke and Yui finally breathed a sigh of relief and finally fell asleep.

Only those who have raised children know how naughty and active children of this age are. Yusuke admires those mothers, their patience and perseverance can persist for so long.

"Come on, let me take a photo for you," Yusuke said while picking up his phone.

"Wait a minute!" Before Yui could respond, Yusuke had already pressed the shutter to record this moment.

"Why are you like this! I'm not ready!"

Yui snatched the phone away, Yusuke smiled and waved his hand.

Yuyi looked at the photo taken by Yusuke: at that moment, the sun just came in from the window next to her, shining on her hair, with a bright smile on her face, the artistic conception at that moment was very beautiful.

"Well, it's a good shot"

"Of course, I'm an expert."

"Yes, we are all experts"

Yuyi smiled, both of them are video bloggers, and it can be said that capturing inspiration has become a habit.

"Then let me take a picture for you too."

Before Yusuke could react, Yui had already pressed the shutter.

"You guys are too sudden!"

"Learn from you"

Yusuke smiled helplessly, took the phone and looked at it.

"You did a good job too"

"Of course, I have studied for a long time."

"The most important thing is that the models are good-looking, and being handsome is photogenic"

"Why are you so shameless?"

The two looked at each other and immediately laughed.

"By the way, Yusuke, I've already contacted the hotel in Fukuoka. When the time comes, we will act together, okay?"

"no problem"

"It's rare to go to such a far place once, and Rie and I have also discussed it. After watching your game, we will go to visit the scenery over there. Do you want to go together?"

"Okay." Yusuke nodded and asked, "Have you checked the route?"

"Don't worry, Rie is ready."

"By the way, you are going to travel, have you told your family?"

"Say it, Mom and Dad agreed, but they were curious about how I got so much money, so I told Dad about our being a video blogger, don't you mind?"

"It's okay, what we are doing is a legitimate business, and I plan to tell my parents soon"

"That's good, but my dad said, we can continue to be vloggers, but it can't affect our studies"

"Of course, we still have to go to college."

"Yeah, I still have to go to college, I don't know if it will be the same school by then"

"I don't think it's possible!"

Youyi was a little unhappy when she heard the words, and asked uncomfortably, "Why?"

"Because I'm going to Dongda University. With your grades, going to Dongda University is probably not enough."

"Believe it or not, I'll strangle you to death!"

Yuyi was about to pounce on him with all his teeth and claws, but Yusuke surrendered instantly.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, let's work hard together and get admitted to Dongda University together!"

"Okay, then let's learn about Edom's goal together!"

The ferris wheel had reached its highest point at this time and began to descend.

Yuyi said at this time: "Why don't we take a photo together, we haven't had a photo together for a long time"


Yusuke walked over, gently hugged Xiao Ye, and put him on his seat. Now he sat in Xiao Ye's position, and the two leaned side by side.

Youyi picked up the phone, and the next moment, both of them showed smiling faces, and the phone recorded this beautiful moment.

"Let's have another one"

"it is good"

"Then change to a different posture this time"

The next moment, Yui's arm directly wrapped around Yusuke's neck, and pushed his head down, just hitting her chest.

Yusuke's face was hit by something, and a sweet and sweet smell came to his nostrils.

So spectacular!

Yusuke was instantly shocked!
And Yui had already pressed the shutter at this moment, recording the expressions of the two of them at this moment.

"let me see!"

Yui glanced at the photo she had taken, but her face was flushed in the next moment. In the photo, Yusuke's eyes were fixed on her chest, his mouth was slightly opened, and he looked shocked.

"Where are you looking at?"

"Can you blame me? You took the initiative"

"Go to hell! Believe it or not, I will strangle you to death"

The two fought and fought, and finally stopped with Yusuke begging for mercy.

Finally, the ferris wheel stopped and it was time to go back.

"go home"


In the end, this photo was not deleted by Youyi, and it was still saved in the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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