Chapter 151.
"The last time we met at the station, everyone knew each other," Yui replied.

"I met them on the doorstep"

"At the door of the house?"

The girls looked at the Son curiously, this answer was somewhat unexpected.

The Son thought for a while, and then said: "It starts with a dog..."

Several girls chatted about gossip.

The table for the men's group was behind the women's group, and at this time the four boys from the Kendo club were all sighing and sighing. Everyone looked at each other and saw two words in their eyes: defeated dog!

Everyone is male, why is there such a big difference?The topic of these girls has been surrounding Yusuke, how embarrassing it is for them!

Is this the world of the strong?

The law of the jungle is the truth of this world?
When Yusuke came back, he saw such a scene.

On one side was the women's group, a few people were chirping and chatting, especially Xicheng Dance, who was dancing and dancing, and could smell gossip from a distance, on the other side was the boys' group, where a few people were moaning.

What exactly is going on here?
"what happened?"

Yusuke sat on the seat and asked with a smile.

The four boys all looked at Yusuke with very strange eyes, which were admiration, jealousy, anger, unwillingness, and all kinds of messy emotions.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Yusuke asked with a smile, the addition of charm value makes Yusuke have a high affinity. This affinity allows him to mix into the circle quickly, but it is also easy to attract bees and butterflies. It is not without reason that he is so popular.

Seeing Yusuke's smiling face, the emotions of the boys are much less at this time, and their favorability for Yusuke has increased a lot.

At this time, the women's group heard Yusuke's voice, and the gossip stopped. After a while, Shoko Takayama came over.

"Do not mind if I sit here"


Gao Shan Xiangzi sat in the remaining seat, and everyone straightened their faces at this time. Gao Shan Xiangzi must have something to announce when he came here.

Shoko Takayama coughed and said, "I'm going to announce tomorrow's schedule. My plan is like this."

Shoko Takayama took out the notes he had made with him.

"Yusuke as the vanguard, Morishima Yamashiro as the second vanguard, Bomura Shoufang as the backbone, Hiroga Sagawa as the lieutenant, and Muneken Matsumura as the general. That's the arrangement. Is there any problem?"

Shoko Takayama looked at Yusuke and asked, and the four boys from the Kendo Club were also waiting for Yusuke's answer.

Yusuke nodded, "No problem."

Yusuke doesn't care what position he is in, as long as he can win.

Shoko Takayama nodded, and then explained: "Originally, with your strength, Yusuke, it is absolutely no problem to be a general, but I want you to challenge Yusuke to see if you can reach 45 people dare to fight!"

"That is to say, let me go through the audience alone."

Gao Shan Xiangzi nodded seriously and looked at him expectantly.

If Yusuke can penetrate the audience, he will definitely set the highest record in the history of Yulong Banner, which is a great honor.

However, it is not easy to penetrate the entire Yulong Banner, and the record is not so easy to break!

Shoko Takayama has great ambitions and decided to take a big gamble, but it also depends on Yusuke's determination. If Yusuke is not sure that she has a follow-up plan, of course, it would be best if she can follow this plan.

Yusuke pondered for a while. According to his original idea, with his 8-point combat power, he would definitely be able to dominate the audience, but since the last time he fought against the Son, Yusuke found that 8-point combat power is not very strong. There are always some in this world. Unbelievable geniuses and perverts exist, and he has to work hard to meet these people.

However, there shouldn't be so many geniuses and perverts in this world, otherwise how would we traversers live!

Yusuke nodded, "No problem!"

Now that you have decided, go all out!

He said in a low voice:

"I have broken this record!"

The eyes of the few people in the Kendo club instantly brightened. This is the Misawa Yusuke they knew, with that indomitable and domineering temperament, this is the real master!

"Okay, then please Yusuke!"

Several members of the Kendo Club nodded to Yusuke, which was their greatest respect.

After discussing the arrangements for the men's group, Xiangzi returned to the women's group contentedly, and his face became serious again.

"Next, let's discuss the arrangements for the women's group. My plan is like this." Xiangzi also took out the prepared plan.

The arrangement of the women's team troubled her the most. The men's team relied on Yusuke alone, and it didn't matter if the others were soy sauce, but the women's team lacked such a strong character as Yusuke, and she and Eri alone were not enough. Guaranteed, she is heading for the championship!

So Xiangzi racked his brains and prepared various tactics, trying to be the strongest.

"Let me be the vanguard!" Shengzi raised his hand to speak at this moment, interrupting Xiangzi's speech, and everyone was surprised.

This was completely beyond Xiangzi's expectation!

Shoko never thought of arranging Shoko as a vanguard at all. Although he had never seen Shoko's martial arts, Eri insisted that Shoko is definitely a master. Out of trust in his friends, Shoko also imagined Shoko as the same stage. of the master.

Of course, relying on the three of them, plus a rookie who can't do kendo at all, and a member of the kendo club who is half full of water, there are not many tactics that can be used in this combination, but there is absolutely no way to let Shengzi be the vanguard from the beginning In her plan, she arranged for Shengzi to be the backbone, and Yui and Saijo Mai for the vanguard and sub-forward. Their role is to act as cannon fodder, and she is the lieutenant general, and the general is Eri. This is her well-thought-out arrangement.

Shoko Takayama wanted to refute immediately, but considering that the other party was from Eri's side, Eri looked at Eri at this moment, and Eri understood what she meant, so he asked, "Holy Son, why do you want to be pioneer?"

"Because I want to compete with Yusuke." Seiko said seriously at this time: "I also want to compete for the 45-person dare-to-fight reward."

Everyone was shocked by these words. The men's team is still possible, but the women's team has never had such a record. It is already amazing to get a 15-man dare-to-fight award. After all, the girls' physical strength is there, and they can reach 45 People who dare to fight for rewards can already be called the Great Demon King!

Even Eri, who has always been arrogant, was shocked by Seiko's statement. She has practiced kendo and met many opponents. How dare you blow it like that!
"This one……"

Eri didn't know how to persuade him at this time, both sides were his friends.

“I think I can give it a try”

At this moment, Yusuke, who was sitting on the other side, spoke up, stood up, and walked over.

"I think with the strength of the Holy Son, I can make an impact."

"Are you serious?"

Xiangzi looked at Yusuke and asked earnestly. You must know that she has been preparing for the Jade Dragon Flag for a long time. This is her battlefield. If there is no satisfactory answer, she will definitely refute Shengzi's request.

"Shoko can do it," Yusuke said seriously: "I have fought against Seiko, and she is no weaker than me. Among high school girls, Seiko is definitely number one in Japan!"

(End of this chapter)

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