Chapter 162 162. Sword Demon
The intensity of the competition was far beyond everyone's imagination. The audience above enjoyed watching it very much. Both of them were very strong, and the battle was very passionate.

Futaba gritted her teeth, and had already fought 10 swords, but the opponent's offensive did not weaken at all, which put her under great pressure.

Futaba has a super intuition, and she realized that the Son was difficult to deal with as soon as she came on the stage, so she used her full strength from the beginning.

However, even if she tried her best, she could only fight on par with the opponent.

hateful!Is this guy a monster?
Futaba looked at the figure of the Son, that body was very petite, where did this powerful force come from?

At this time, two dazzling rays of light burst out from behind the opponent's armor.

For a moment, Futaba felt as if she was facing a ghost.

Sword ghost!

Futaba was instantly shocked!
At this time, Shengzi's bamboo sword had been raised high, and it was slammed down, and Futaba quickly raised the sword to defend.

However, the power of this blow was stronger than the previous sword strikes. The powerful force made Futaba's arms tremble and hurt, and his feet softened, and he almost knelt down.

Didn't this guy try his best just now?
Futaba was shocked instantly, but Shengzi seized the opportunity at this time, and the next sword had already been struck.

Facing Shengzi's sword, Futaba gritted her teeth, and swung the bamboo sword in her hand. The target was Shengzi's waist, and the fight was to hit the opponent first!

At this time, the body of the Holy Son suddenly took a step forward.

This step is a world of difference!
Futaba's eyes were full of shock, how did she do it!
At this time, the bamboo sword that was raised high has fallen, and it is like a broken bamboo!


"Score" the referee's voice sounded.

The two people crossed each other, and Futaba's face was very ugly. This was the first time she lost to an outsider. Since she was young, she only lost to her brother and father. This was the first time someone was able to win from her Get points.

"You're okay, not bad"

The calm voice of the Holy Son came, and the voice was very crisp.

Futaba was stunned at this moment, but the next moment her face turned ferocious.

"Are you humiliating me?"

The angry voice was heard by everyone present.

"You two don't talk!" The referee said at this time.

These two are both geniuses, and he also admires them, but the rules of the game cannot be violated, and they are not allowed to speak during the game.

Shengzi nodded slightly, and walked back to the original position, while Futaba took a deep breath at this time, and also walked back to the original position.

It's useless to talk about it, see the truth!
Only victory can wash away her humiliation!

In Jinmen High School, the contestants were all very nervous. This was the first time that Futaba had been awarded a title. It was simply unbelievable!
Kojima Mimi's face was serious, she felt it, her childhood sweetheart was angry, Futaba was also very scary when she was angry!

She saw it once when she was in junior high school. She was harassed by a few gangsters at the school gate. At that time, Futaba rushed forward with a bamboo sword, one against three, and finally beat the three gangsters to death. The whole body is broken.

At that time, the incident was very troublesome. In the end, it was the parents of both parties who put in the effort to press down on the matter. But since then, Futaba has become completely famous.

Kojima Mimi still remembers Futaba's angry expression at that time, that ferocious look, already bleeding, but the bamboo sword in her hand still did not stop, wishing to chop them into pieces on the spot, if it wasn't for Futaba My brother stopped it, and things will not be so simple after that.

Futaba got angry, which made Mimi Kojima a little scared, she was afraid that this guy would get too angry and chase the opponent regardless of the rules.

The two stood in their original seats again.

At this time, the referee standing next to him was a little uncomfortable. One side had a vicious aura. Although the girl looked petite, she was very domineering, even fiercer than the men's group. On the other side, she was originally an ordinary person. The young girl exuded a berserk aura at this time, which shocked him a little, as if he was facing a ferocious beast.

Both are monsters!

"Start" the referee's voice fell.

The next moment, the two collided with each other, their feet stomped vigorously, and the floor made an unbearable sound.


Futaba shouted sharply, the voice was like thunder!
It is completely unimaginable that a young girl can make such a ferocious sound, like a beast!
The sound surprised everyone present, Yui and Xicheng Wu were startled, and they couldn't help shivering.

This sound is too scary!
Eri and Shoko looked serious, this guy is definitely the strongest opponent!

There was some commotion in the auditorium, and everyone was stunned by Futaba's cry.

Yui and Rie looked at each other, this player looked so fierce, suddenly a little worried about Seiko.

On the other hand, Naoto Dashu had a look of excitement. That’s right, he felt it again. It’s this kind of aura. This is the aura of a genius.
And Suzuki Lan was a little surprised, but she was relieved when she saw the Holy Son who was still calm in honor and disgrace.

The Holy Son who was confronting him didn't respond at all. The two faced each other, and Futaba's fierce voice came.

"Get ready to face hell!"

The sound of gnashing of teeth was like that of a tiger.

There was darkness under the Holy Son's armor, but the next moment, two rays of light burst out.

That ferocious look made Futaba tremble uncontrollably.

For a moment, Futaba had only this thought in her mind.

"Have you finished?" The voice of the Holy Son came, but the crisp voice was very cold at this moment, as if it came from hell.


A black shadow came, and Futaba quickly raised her bamboo sword to block it.

However, I can't stop it!
This sword was the full blow of the Holy Son, and it directly knocked down Futaba. The powerful force made her arms go numb for a while, her feet went limp, and she knelt down on one knee.

Futaba's face was full of shock, how could she still have such strong power?Hasn't she been doing her best?

Raising his head, he saw the cold eyes of the Son of God.

That is the look of a ghost!

Sword ghost!

The bamboo sword fell, and there was a strong hitting sound, and the armor vibrated for a while, as if it was about to shatter.


"Score" came the referee's voice, Shengzi retracted the bamboo sword, and left calmly.

And Futaba was still kneeling on the ground on one knee, it seemed that she still couldn't accept the fact.

"Futaba, are you alright?" Mimi Kojima ran over at this moment and helped Futaba up. Futaba's eyes were still a little dull.

This state doesn't look right, maybe it was the sword that made her stupid just now!

Hearing Kojima Mimi's voice, Futaba came back to her senses.

"Okay, you've worked hard, go take a rest first, and leave it to us," Mimi Kojima said with a smile.

Futaba opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but had nothing to say, so she nodded with a wry smile.

Seeing that sword, Futaba knew that she deserved the loss.

(End of this chapter)

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