Chapter 176 176. Never give up
Dashu Naoto nodded, and seeing the two of them hesitated to speak, he asked with a smile, "Would you like to take a look?"

"is it okay?"

"It doesn't matter, you don't know each other anyway, and even if you know, it doesn't matter, the competition will start now."

Yui and Rie nodded and took the small book.

The book is written in great detail and divided into men's and women's groups. The women's group has only four names: Seiko Sasaki, Futaba Inouin, Toka Nishikujo, and Semi Katori.

Men's team: Kazuki Chiba, Susumu Yagyu, Masahiro Hirota, Shiro Hokuto, Yusuke Misawa, and Ichiro Araki who was last written.

Apart from Yusuke and Seiko, none of these people knew each other.

The two returned the notebook to Dashu Naoto, who put the book back into his pocket, and Yui asked curiously at this moment: "Mr. Is there a name? Then you added it just now?"

"Because Ichiro Araki is very strong, his mentality and dominance are very strong. With his mentality, he can definitely become a master. I am very optimistic about him," Naoto Oki explained beside him, his tone full of appreciation.

"But competitive sports have always been winners and losers, and only the winners have the right to speak."

"That's right, but there are some things and some spirits that we need to encourage and promote. We can't all be winners, there is only one winner, but our fighting spirit needs us to promote, That's what we as journalists do."

Naoto Taiki said seriously, Yui and Rie nodded thoughtfully.

The game below is still going on, and Araki Ichiro is on the field.

If he wins one more person, Yusuke will be able to achieve the achievement of 15 people dare to fight. Many players are paying attention to this battle. Whether he can succeed or not. If he really creates a miracle, then Yusuke Misawa will be the next big The devil is here!
Araki Ichiro entered the field and faced each other, he felt the terror of Yusuke's aura. No wonder he was able to defeat more than a dozen opponents in a row. This kind of strength was only seen in his teacher.

No!He is much stronger than his teacher, and it is impossible for his teacher to defeat more than a dozen opponents in a row.

This guy is definitely Yulong Banner's biggest opponent this time!

Araki Ichiro is excited!

He no longer cares about the Jade Dragon Banner champion this time. His biggest goal now is to defeat this man, an opponent worth fighting for!

Yusuke stood there calmly, holding the bamboo sword, still in the same posture. He thought that the opponent's gestures would still be the same as the previous opponent, but Araki Ichiro surprised everyone.

He raised his bamboo sword and placed it on the right side of his body, as if preparing to charge.

"This is the eight-phase posture!" Xiangzi explained to everyone in the Kendo club, her face was a little surprised, why did the contestants of Dagongtian High School not play cards according to the routine!

There was also a lot of discussion in the auditorium, this Dagongtian high school player has too many tricks!
"The eight-phase posture and the knife-dragging posture are both very side-to-side gestures, with obvious shortcomings. The middle door is wide open, but this kind of gesture is extremely powerful. Araki Ichiro's gesture shows that he is very interested in this gesture. The next victory is bound to be won!"

In the auditorium, Dashu Naoto commented, and Yuyi and the others suddenly realized.

Yusuke looked at the referee, and found that the referee hadn't spoken, so he ignored it, no matter what move the opponent used, he would accept it.


The referee's voice fell, and both sides acted at the same time.

Araki Ichiro's movements were extremely fast, and the bamboo sword in his hand danced into a black shadow. The stormy attack caught everyone's attention.

Yusuke had only seen this storm-like attack method before from Seiko, he didn't dare to be careless at all, and swung the bamboo sword in his hand at the same time.

The astonishing combat power was fully displayed at this moment, and the bamboo sword in his hand danced into a black shadow. Although all the basic moves were used, they completely blocked the opponent's attack.

The bamboo swords of the two sides collided violently, and the scene of the fierce battle caused even the Holy Son to stare sideways at it.

This guy is strong!
At this time, both sides were fighting with all their strength, and Araki Ichiro used all his strength. At this time, his state was at his peak state, and every attack was incisively and vividly. His state was surprisingly good, and the speed of attack kept accelerating. Constantly enhance.

At this moment, the figure of Araki Ichiro and Seiko are very familiar, and the stormy attacks are continuous, like overwhelming mountains and seas, unstoppable!

Yusuke also went all out at this moment, showing his powerful fighting power, and his speed and strength reached the limit.

The contestants watching the battle looked solemn. This duel has completely surpassed the level of high school students. Are these two monsters?
Dashu Naoto watched the game nervously, he hadn't been so nervous and excited for a long time.Yui clenched her fists worriedly. Although she had great confidence in Yusuke, she couldn't help but worry after seeing such a fierce competition.

The two sides competed for more than 20 swords, but their attacks have not weakened.

This guy impressed Yusuke, besides Seiko, this is the first opponent who is so tough.

Araki Ichiro held a sigh of relief in his heart, and this breath was supporting him, making him fight with all his strength, not daring to relax at all.

Once he relaxes, his energy will drop immediately, and he will return to his original state in an instant. Therefore, his peak state at this time is his best state, and he will win here in one fell swoop!
Thirty swords!
Forty swords!
Some sweat began to appear on Yusuke's forehead, and his breath became rough. This guy has too much perseverance!
Finally at 45 swords, Araki Ichiro couldn't take it anymore, the anger in his heart couldn't hold it anymore!

Without this energy, the state dropped instantly, and all of a sudden, he lost his vigor and energy. The whole person seemed to wither, the aura on his body disappeared, and the bamboo sword in his hand was so heavy that he could hardly lift it.

Yusuke instantly sensed that the opportunity had come, the bamboo sword in his hand swung out violently, as fast as lightning, and hit his waist violently.



The figures of the two crossed, and the referee's voice fell.

Only then did Yusuke breathe a sigh of relief, this guy is very strong!Too much perseverance!
Araki Ichiro exhaled.


Even in his best state, with all his strength brought into play, he is still no match for the opponent, but he has no regrets, he has worked hard in this battle, and he is worthy of his efforts!
At this time, he opened his eyes, and his eyes were still very firm.

Even though he lost, he never gave up!
The two returned to their original positions, but this time Ichiro Araki was no longer in the same state as before, and could only block Yusuke's ten swords, but the No.11 sword could not be blocked.

Dagongtian High School lost!
Hechuan Middle School advanced!

15 people dare to fight rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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