Chapter 178. Chapter 178
Both contestants entered the arena, Yusuke stood there calmly, and the contestant who was fighting with him was very calm, holding the bamboo sword in his hand very steadily, even in the face of Yusuke's terrifying momentum, he still did not flinch.


The referee's voice fell, and both sides moved at the same time. Yusuke's speed was faster, and the bamboo sword swung out violently, hitting the opponent's waist strongly.



The referee's voice fell, and the two returned to their original positions.

The vanguard contestant exhaled, adjusted his mentality, raised his sword again, and looked at Yusuke with a serious face.


After the referee's voice fell, Yusuke launched an attack again, his speed was too fast, and the target of the bamboo sword was still the opponent's waist.

At this time, the opponent was mentally prepared, and quickly raised the bamboo sword, blocked it in front of him, and collided violently. The strong force made the bamboo sword in his hand almost fly out. out of shape.

But Yusuke has already chased after him at this time, the bamboo sword has been raised high, and it fell down suddenly!


The vanguard contestants left the field and returned to the team, taking off their hoods with serious faces.

"The speed of the opponent is very fast, and the strength is very strong, you can try the way of fighting"

The players in the vanguard battle shared their experiences, and the players in the second-forward battle nodded: "Understood, I'm on the field."

The players in the second front match stood opposite, and Yusuke could feel that these people were completely different from the previous opponents, and their energy and spirit were completely different. They deserved to be the top four in the country. These people are in very good condition!
However, they are not Yusuke's opponents after all.

The contestant in the sub-front battle adopted the method of Yudou, but before he opened the distance, Yusuke had already caught up, and the bamboo sword slammed down, as if to cut him in half.



The players in the second front battle also lost!
There was another burst of cheers from the audience, while the faces of the players from other teams were very ugly. They had been playing for a whole day and had played more than 20 games. This guy didn't show any signs of fatigue at all. Where does physical strength come from?

Misawa Yusuke's speed and strength are far beyond ordinary people, and there is no good result to head-to-head with him. Some people have considered the method of Yudou, but the players of Shengyuan High School have already tried it, and it has no effect at all. Is it only a head-to-head confrontation?
But in a head-to-head confrontation with Yusuke Misawa, few teams have confidence, and the opponent is a monster-level player who has fought 20 games in a row!

The contestants are full of worries. The female contestants faced the distress of the Son the day before yesterday, and they also felt it today.

The sub-forward players leave the field, and the backbone players enter the field.

The performance of the backbone players is also very good, but they are not Yusuke's opponents. They also end up with three swords, followed by the deputy general. The deputy general has great strength, but he also knelt down in front of Yusuke.

Now there is only the general left, and for a moment, a tragic atmosphere permeated the team of Shengyuan High School.

Yusuke stood there calmly, with cheering crowd behind him, at this moment, Yusuke was the brightest star on the field!

As long as he wins one more person, he can get 25 dare-to-fight rewards, and he will break the record of Yulong Banner!
With live action on the big screen, it will be one to remember!
There was a lot of hustle and bustle outside, these voices had a great impact on Shengyuan High School, and several defeated contestants were very frustrated.

Only the president Kazuki Chiba was not affected at all, his fighting spirit is still very high, even in the face of desperation, his mentality is still very strong.

His calm and steady breath also infected everyone, and everyone cheered up at this time.

It's not over yet, their president hasn't given up yet!

Everyone looked at their president expectantly, Kazuki Chiba stood up at this moment.

"I'm on the field!"

"It's up to you, President!"

Chiba Kazuki put on the armor, and his steps were very firm, he already had confidence in his heart.

Kazuki Chiba stood in his position, facing Yusuke's domineering aura, he just stood there calmly and was not affected at all.

Looking at each other, Yusuke has an inexplicable sense of familiarity, he is very similar to Araki Ichiro from Daikinada High School.

It seems that this guy is not easy to deal with!
And Chiba Kazuki's actions next surprised Yusuke, he only saw him slowly raising the bamboo sword above his head, looking down from a high position, at the same time, a fierce temperament bloomed from him.

The previous style of play!

The players who paid attention to this game were a little surprised. They didn't expect him to use the upper-tier style of play. The upper-tier style of play is more demanding than the middle-tier style of play, and the learning conditions are more demanding. However, the attack power of the upper-tier style of play is extremely strong and condescending. The posture of the bamboo sword can attack at the fastest speed, and in terms of strength, it has the addition of gravity. To a certain extent, the upper part of the game is stronger than the middle part.

"It's just the previous style of play, it's not a big deal"

Suzuki Lan said disapprovingly, at this point, only one person, Yusuke Misawa, could break the record, and Suzuki Lan didn't think the other party had a chance to come back.

But at this moment, Naoto Daki sat up straight with a look of anticipation on his face, and he was a little surprised. There was only one possibility for Naoto Daki to react like this.

"Senior Dashu, do you know the contestant below?"

Dashu Naoto nodded: "He is Chiba Kazuki!"

Yui and Rie next to him also heard Chiba Kazuki's name at this time, and then they remembered that they had seen it in Naoto Oki's small book, this is a master as famous as Yusuke.

"Senior Dashu, is Kazuki Chiba very powerful?" Suzuki Lan asked, Naoto Dashu nodded.

"His father is Chiba Mamatsu, eighth-dan kendo. Chiba Kazuki has been trained by his father since he was a child. He has practiced kendo for more than ten years. His martial arts are very good. In terms of personal strength, he is definitely the top group in the country.”

Yui and Rie looked at each other, and Rie whispered, "Isn't Yusuke very dangerous?"

Yui shook her head: "I believe in Yusuke"

Even though he said that, Yui was still a little nervous, Yusuke can't lose!

The game below is still going on, and the players from both sides are already in place.

The spirits of the two are extremely concentrated, and they are paying attention to each other's every move.


The referee's voice fell, and the two acted almost at the same time.

Chiba Kazuki took a step forward, trampled on his feet vigorously, and swung the bamboo sword in his hand violently, trying to cut Yusuke twice.

And the bamboo sword in Yusuke's hand also cut forward and turned into a black shadow in an instant.

The two bamboo swords collided, and the strong force caused the two bamboo swords to make a loud noise.

The next moment, the two attacked again at the same time, sword to sword, and the two sides launched a fierce attack in an instant. In just a few seconds, the two had cut each other more than ten times, and the bamboo swords in their hands danced into countless Soi Ying, the aura of both sides is very high, the courageous aura and fierce attack seem to be a duel between two swordsmen!

This opening is a fierce battle!
The bamboo sword in his hand kept crossing and colliding.

Ten swords!

Twenty swords!
Thirty swords!
The attacks of both sides did not show any weakness, and they slashed wildly, like a violent storm, sweeping the audience!
(End of this chapter)

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