Chapter 181. The Strongest Surface

A group of people in Dongchuan High School were chattering, but when they saw Yusuke, they lost their voices. Yusuke saw someone in the crowd holding a newspaper, which was exactly the same as Yuina's newspaper.

Yusuke just glanced at it, then turned his gaze away and ignored it.

People from Dongchuan High School also walked to the side silently at this time, and had a meal there quietly. It was not as noisy as before, and the atmosphere was a bit depressed.

This is simply a reincarnation!This was also the case for the women's team the day before yesterday, and now it's the men's team's turn.

Yusuke also received a message at this time, and took it out to have a look.It turned out to be Semi who sent it.

Turning her head, Semi was eating there with a nonchalant expression on her face.

Yusuke opened the message curiously.

"Fallen Angels, put away the newspapers, the Holy Maiden of Light and the others will be very happy"

Yusuke thought for a while, and replied with one word: "Okay."

A group of people rushed towards the venue after breakfast. On the way, Yusuke wanted to buy a newspaper. At this time, four boys from the Kendo Club volunteered to help run errands immediately.

"Why do you buy so many newspapers?" Eri asked curiously, Yusuke bought dozens of newspapers, all of which were today's daily sports, and all of them published Yusuke's news.

Eri has a weird look on her face. Could this be for everyone to see at school?
"What my mother wants, she wants to give to the neighbors around"

Only then did everyone suddenly realize.

That's right, this kind of thing is something worth showing off for a mother, so it's not surprising that there is such an action.

If it were them, it might be possible for the whole school to distribute newspapers.

This is a great honor!
It is definitely impossible to take a pile of newspapers home, and it is most convenient to mail them.

After finishing this little matter, everyone rushed to the direction of the venue.

Today's gymnasium is very lively. Compared with the women's group, the final of the men's group is more eye-catching. A large number of spectators poured into the gymnasium, and the atmosphere on the scene is very hot.

As soon as Yusuke appeared, he attracted everyone's attention, and there was a burst of screaming in the auditorium, and the screaming was so strong that everyone looked sideways at him.

It really was the girls from yesterday!

All of them looked crazy, their faces were flushed, they were so excited!

Yusuke was a little embarrassed, why not be so crazy!
"It feels so crazy!" Suzuki Lan said emotionally. It was the first time she saw such a popular kendo player. Kendo is very famous, but it is still a small sport in Japan, and such a lively and noisy scene is really rare. of.

"The other party is Yusuke Misawa, understandable"

Naoto Oki said with a smile, Suzuki Lan also nodded with a smile, Yusuke Misawa's looks and aura are enough to kill everyone in seconds.

The Yulong Banner Committee was a little surprised by the cheers here, they didn't expect this contestant to be so popular!

But this is a good thing. The more lively the scene is, the more people pay attention to this matter, which is very beneficial to the promotion of Kendo.

The camera also followed the wishes of the crowd, and the lens immediately switched to Yusuke, and Yusuke's big face was projected on the big screen again.

"Yusuke, you're on TV again," Shoko said enviously.

Yusuke looked up, and the self on the screen happened to raise his head too, and his handsome appearance made the fans scream again.

"Damn! This little boy!"

At this moment, all the male players present cursed secretly.

Of course, everyone's tone was sour.

All the contestants entered the field, and the round of 16 began. Hechuan Middle School vs. Shangchuan High School.

Because of the presence of Yusuke, this game was very eye-catching and attracted a large number of spectators.

In Dongchuan High School, the players who were about to play were a little nervous. It was the first time for them to be watched by so many people, and they suddenly felt a little stiff in their hands and feet.

"I said you guys are so nervous!" Hideki Kitagawa shouted loudly at this time: "The audience is paying attention to Yusuke Misawa on the opposite side, not us. To them, we are just supporting roles. Don't think that you are so great. Play seriously, we are the ones who lose face when we lose!"

Although the words are harsh, they are the truth.

Sure enough, being so excited by him, everyone's nervousness disappeared immediately.

"We will not lose!"

"Aren't you just a little boy, watch us blow him up!"

"What kind of Yulong Banner monster is simply farting!"

The team members condemned one after another, and everyone's fighting spirit was instantly aroused.

Kitano Masaaki clapped his hands at this moment, and the team fell silent.

"The opponent is very strong, but we are not without a chance of winning, let's proceed according to the previous plan."


Players from both sides are ready to enter the arena.

Yusuke raised his hand, Mai Saijo, who was massaging his muscles, backed away silently.

He took a breath, opened his eyes, his sharp eyes were like blades, and the cold air was pressing.

The soul of Secondary School, inspire!
In an instant, the domineering temperament enveloped the audience again.

"It's up to you, Yusuke!"

Everyone looked at Yusuke expectantly, Yusuke nodded, put on the hood, strode towards the dojo, and walked forward bravely.

Both contestants stood in their positions, Yusuke was still in the same posture, and still had that domineering aura.

The vanguard player of Dongchuan High School is first-year Uchida. It was the first time he faced such a domineering momentum, and his mentality was a little messed up. But at this moment, he remembered what Hideki Kitagawa said just now, took a deep breath, and soon settle down.

Then, the bamboo sword in his hand was slowly put down, and the bamboo sword was raised flat, with the tip pointing down.

The next play!

The audience was a little surprised, how could anyone use any style of play on the Jade Dragon Banner this time!

"Amazing, they are playing specifically against Yusuke Misawa"

Dashu Naoto said with emotion, Yuyi and others could see it, waiting for his explanation, Dashu Naoto continued:

"They should have watched yesterday's game and knew that Yusuke Misawa was lacking in footwork, and the next section of play was specifically for footwork, but the bottom section of play alone couldn't stop Yusuke Misawa. I don't know if they still have What means?"

Naoto Dashu was a little excited, the quality of the players in today's Yulong Banner competition is very high!
Yusuke also saw the other party's posture, and his eyes became serious.

Everyone saw yesterday's game, this should be the countermeasure they came up with.

Looks like there will be a tough fight today!

After the referee's voice fell, Uchida stepped on the floor vigorously, like a wild boar in heat, rushed over instantly, and stabbed Yusuke's waist with the bamboo sword in his hand.

It turned out to be thorns!Dashu Naoto suddenly realized.

The 'stab' attack is extremely lethal, but its shortcomings are also obvious. Once this momentum of going forward is interrupted, it is easy to lose the wind. However, it is facing Misawasuke, using this desperate move is actually It is also good.

The people from Dongchuan High School also had tricks, and even came up with two kinds of attacks, the lower attack and the stab, but...

Yusuke dodged in an instant, swung the bamboo sword in his hand violently, and there was a fierce beating sound.



Dongchuan High School is facing Yusuke Misawa!

The strongest high school student on the surface!

The monster of the Jade Dragon Banner!

The Destroyer Dragon of the New Century!
(End of this chapter)

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