Chapter 198
"Nishikujo Toka? It seems to be called that name." Yumi thought for a while and said.

Sure, it's her.

But this Kinohana is also weird enough. I don't like the other party winning the championship, and then encourages my boyfriend to participate in the competition. If I lose, I blame my boyfriend. What kind of brain circuit is this?
Yusuke really couldn't understand what these women were thinking.

Yumi went on to say: "After Kinohana broke up with her boyfriend, she became obsessed with videos and said she wanted to be an internet celebrity."

Yumi said in a low voice at this time: "They all took those messy videos, broadcast live on the Internet, and wore very revealing ones. The male students in the class saw it, and the students in several classes later knew about it. , but Mu Zhihua is very thick-skinned, not shy at all, but very proud, and the male students still admire her very much. I really don't understand what those male students are thinking, those men who are watching her live broadcast I don't know what I'm thinking, just say a few words, everyone is very excited."

"Have you seen it?" Yusuke asked.

Yumi nodded: "I was curious before, the three of us have seen it"

"Then we scolded her on the Internet, and it was really fun. Many female classmates left messages and scolded her. Muzhihua offended too many people, and the Internet is anonymous, so she won't know who we are."

Yumi smiled triumphantly at this time, and Mu Xi and Yuanzi also smiled all over their faces. It seems that they did such things a lot.

"Then what's her online name?"

"Let me look for it." Yumi took out her mobile phone at this time, found a software, clicked on it, and quickly found an avatar.

"It's this software, she broadcasts live on it, her name is Night Flower"

Yusuke searched for the same software to download, found the name of Yezhihua and clicked on it. It contained her information and art photos uploaded by herself. These art photos are very beautiful. It can be said that the beauty filter has been added to 10 class.

Compared with these photos, I am much worse. Although I can't reach the level of dying in light, at least I have dropped several levels.

Yusuke searched for a long time, and finally found a picture that was somewhat similar to himself, Yumi and the others looked at Yusuke's operation curiously.

"Sanze-kun, what are you doing?"

"Write down her appearance, and take care of her when you have time," Yusuke said calmly.

"Mr. Sanze" Sonoko asked worriedly at this moment: "Aren't you going to beat her up?"

"Okay, beat her up!"

Yumi said excitedly, and Muxi who was next to her pulled her.

"Come on, Yumi, it's not good to hit someone, it's still illegal"

Yusuke nodded, "You're right, beating someone is too cheap for her, and it's not cost-effective"

"Then what are you going to do?" Yumi and the three looked over curiously.

"I can figure it out myself, just wait and see."

Yumi and the others were a little curious, but since Yusuke said so, they also chose to believe it.

Several people chatted for a while, and then left quickly, saying goodbye to each other at the door of the restaurant.

"Sanze-kun, let's hang out together next time when you have time." Sonoko smiled and waved.

"There is a chance." Yusuke also smiled and waved his hand.

"Right, wait a minute!"

The three of them walked a few steps and turned back this time.

"Misawa-kun, let's exchange mobile email addresses."

The four left numbers for each other, Yumi Ohara, Nozomi Ibuki, Sonoko Ichinoha, and the three of them also joined Yusuke's address book.

Back at the studio, Yui and Rie hadn't come back yet, Yusuke came to the balcony.

On the balcony, a few crows were standing there chatting, they were the boss crow and his younger brothers.

"Boss Crow, I need your help with something."

The crows stopped chatting, and the boss looked over.

"Wow (Yusuke Misawa, what's the matter?)"

Yusuke opened the live broadcast software and found the picture of Konohana.

"Can you find that person?"

Crow boss looked at the picture and nodded.

"Wow wow wow (yes, why are you looking for this person? Is she missing?)"

"I want to teach her a lesson," Yusuke said calmly.

Yusuke's solution is to let the crow bosses come out and use the animal method to deal with the other party. It is neither illegal nor fall into trouble. It is very safe and the most cost-effective.

The crow boss showed an excited look at this time.

"Wow wow wow wow wow (you want to teach her a lesson, don't worry, leave it to me, we are professionals in this area, all of our younger brothers will go out together, and promise to scratch her hair bald)"

Yusuke definitely believes in the promise of Crow Boss, Crow Boss will do what he says, and he will definitely catch her into a bald man, but this is too risky, Kinohana is not a dog, she will fight back, if she is not careful at that time, Crow boss will also suffer heavy losses here.

"I have other ways." Yusuke said at this time: "You find her, and then throw shit on her from the sky"

"Wow wow wow (that's it? How about we grab some rocks and throw them from the sky?)"

The crow boss came up with a more ruthless idea, which shocked Yusuke.Falling objects can kill people!

However, this is too cruel. Although she is disgusting, it is not enough.

Yusuke shook his head: "It's fine to take a shit, she's disgusting and disgusting"

"Wow (okay)"

"I'll give you 5 cans a day, and you can deal with her for a month, is it okay?"

"Wow (no problem)"

Boss Crow is very satisfied with such a high return, it's just a matter of shit, it's a trivial matter.

After talking with Crow Boss, Yusuke immediately felt refreshed. Sure enough, happiness is built on the pain of others.

And Yusuke also has a new understanding of his abilities. If he intends to play tricks, there are indeed many unimaginable methods. He can do many things in manipulating animals, but fortunately Yusuke is not the kind of person with a dark mind. If you don't provoke him, he usually won't make casual moves.

Back in the studio, Yui and Rie also came over at this time, just in time to see Yusuke coming from the balcony.

"Yusuke, are you chatting with Boss Crow?"


"Well, Yusuke, aren't you scared?"

Rie asked nervously at the side. Among all the animals, she would be most afraid of crows, and there were a lot of crows on the balcony next to her. At that time, she was so scared that she almost called the police. Later, Yusuke explained Only then did I know that these crows were also members of the big family, so I gave up.

However, Rie has always kept a respectful distance from the crow boss.

“Crow Boss is good”

"It's only you who think so," Yuyi complained beside him, even though she had known Boss Ya for so long, she was a little scared facing Boss Ya.

Only Yusuke can go to the balcony. As soon as other people approach, all the crows will look at them. Those dozens of pairs of eyes are enough to scare people away.

(End of this chapter)

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