Chapter 202. Conflict
While Yusuke was chatting with Ritsuko Ishima, something happened on the beach.

Four men appeared around Eri and the others, smiling hippiely.

"Beauty, take us to play together." It was a man with dyed blond hair who spoke with a mean smile on his face.

The four of them also stopped playing volleyball, and Yui and the others leaned over. The four girls stood together, and the eyes of the men suddenly brightened.

These four girls are so beautiful!Totally different from others, the quality is just too high!
The luck was so good this time, there were four big fish all at once.

"Go away, we're not interested," Eri said coldly.

Facing Eri's indifferent tone, the man didn't care, he still had a playful smile on his face, his eyes swept over the chests of the four girls, seeing that Yui and Rika were a little nervous, he was even more proud at this moment.

"Don't be so unfeeling, it's more lively when you play together, and it seems that you don't play very well. I have practiced volleyball before. Let me teach you."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand to grab the volleyball in Eri's hand, but the hand was knocked off in an instant.

"Stop touching!" Eri shouted sharply.

The stern voice startled the few people, and the faces of the four men turned cold immediately, but they returned to normal the next moment.

"Don't be so heartless, let's play together"

The other three men came over and vaguely surrounded the four of them.

"What are you doing? Are you playing hooligans?" Shengzi said calmly.

"Don't say it so harshly, we just want to make friends with you"

The men were still smiling and their eyes were squinting.

Yui and Rika were a little nervous, Seiko stood in front of them, very calm, and Eri was also calm.

"If you don't leave, I'm going to call the police"

"Call the police? Where did you get your cell phone?"

The man glanced at Eri for the first time.

"Did you hide your phone here?"

The man pointed at the swimsuit on Eri's chest.

"Can it fit?"

The four men burst out laughing, and Eri's veins were instantly exposed.

You are courting death!

Eri clenched her fists, Seiko glanced at her and got ready, and said softly, "Yui, Rika, you two, be careful."

Yui and Rika looked confused, want to fight?
"What are you doing!"

A man's voice came from the side, and they froze for a moment before turning their heads.

Yusuke stood there, looking at everyone with cold eyes, the four men stopped, and said indifferently: "It turns out they are their companions, it's okay, they're just playing with them, you shouldn't be able to handle so many girls Come on, let's play with you"

"Let's go, Eri" Yusuke said calmly, ignoring the actions of several people.

Eri and the others nodded, ready to come over.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!"

At this moment, four men came over and surrounded Yusuke with a provocative look on their faces.

"You guys are too arrogant!"

The man shouted ferociously: "It's just playing with us, what are you dragging!"

The four immediately shouted like vicious dogs.

Yui and Rika watched nervously, Eri glanced at Seiko, and they both nodded at the same time.

Yusuke said calmly: "Last chance, get out!"

After traveling for so long, Yusuke has never met the legendary Yakuza. He thought that there were no such people in the daily world he traveled through, but it seems that he was thinking too much.

There is always such rubbish, it's just that I don't usually come into contact with it.

At this time, a man behind Yusuke rushed over.

This guy is too arrogant!A man with four women dared to pull like this, but they have seen many such guys, they speak eloquently and coax the girls around, but after punching them, they immediately knelt on the ground and cried bitterly, all of them were idiots Shit, they have seen too many endings like this, and this guy in front of him is no exception.

But before the man behind him touched Yusuke, the next moment, his whole body was like a cannonball, flying upside down more than ten meters in an instant, hitting the beach, lying there, foaming at the mouth, rolling his eyes, and fainted to death past.

Only then did Yusuke retract his right foot.


The blond man yelled angrily, but then a fist came from the other side, so hard that Yusuke could see his face deformed.

That's Eri's fist!
"Go to hell!" Eri yelled angrily.

How dare you say my breasts are small, you are courting death!

Eri's fists are very powerful, and she has also practiced martial arts, and she punches people unambiguously.

At this time, the Holy Son also made a move, rushed over, and directly kicked one of them in the crotch.

Too bad!
The man's eyes were protruding, his body was bowed into a ball, his hands were tightly covering his crotch, he fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, and passed out.

The last person, Yusuke's fist has already hit him, knocking him down with one punch.

Now that they have all started, the three of them are also unequivocal, pounding wildly for a while, the scene is very cruel.

Really, if I tell you good things but don't listen, you must force us to do it!
Violence can solve many things, but it can also cause trouble, but since he did it, Yusuke doesn't care anymore.

Ritsuko Ishima came over at this time and said, "Okay, it's time to stop, Eri"

Eri was kicking the man fiercely, the man had already been knocked out at this time, his body was still shaking, and he stopped when he heard Ritsuko's words.

"Sister Ritsuko, why are you here?"

"Teacher Yijima?"

The appearance of Ritsuko Ishima surprised Yui and the others.

"It's a long story, let's change places"

Several people nodded, leaving the four lying on the ground, and followed Ritsuko to leave.

In another place, Ritsuko repeated Eri's sister's words.

"Sister, really, don't you believe me that much!" Eri shouted angrily, Ritsuko patted her on the head at this moment, and Eri's arrogance was instantly interrupted.

"Your sister is also worried about your safety, and you are four girls and one boy, so it's no wonder that nothing happens!"

"How could it be!" Eri retorted somewhat unconvinced.

Ritsuko glanced at the crowd and said, "Just now, didn't you have a conflict with someone else?"

"That's what they came to provoke me!"

Eri said unhappily: "It's normal for us to fight back."

"There are many ways to resist, and violence is the most troublesome. You should adopt the most effective method," Ritsuko said calmly.

"But we didn't have a mobile phone in our hands. If we call the police, we have to wait too long for the police to come." Yui explained at this time, and Ritsuko shook her head and said, "So you are too immature, you should call for help, there are so many beaches People, as long as you ask for help, there will always be someone to help you"

"This one……"

The four of them looked at each other, and felt that what Ritsuko said made sense. The beach was a public place, and if it was an ordinary strike-up, no one would pay attention to it, but if it was indecent, someone would definitely stand out, and it would not be that simple for them to succeed.

"And even if you want to do it, your timing is not right." Ritsuko said calmly, "It's too risky for only two people to do it. Although you both have martial arts skills, there are four opponents, and the strength and number are not right. Wait, someone who is not careful will be turned over by the other party."

"But neither Yui nor Rika know martial arts." Eri said at this time: "It will be more troublesome if they are threatened by the other party."

"That's because you didn't use your brains." Ritsuko said calmly, her tone was very cold.

"You wouldn't grab a handful of sand and throw it in their face. You should be good at using the surrounding environment to see if there are any hard objects around, and get a weapon and beat them to death."

Several people looked at each other.

Ritsuko Ishima, you are a teacher!Is it okay to say that?

(End of this chapter)

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