Chapter 207 207. This is a promise

Whether it is playing or filming, what should be filmed is still filmed.

Ritsuko is not very used to it, and she is not in the right shape, but Eri doesn't care about it, anyway, the expression is not visible in the doll costume, and acting skills are not needed, as long as the voice is right.

Ritsuko finished filming her part, took off her doll costume, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

It was finally over, she even forgot what lines she was reciting just now, she used the lines of the TV series she had watched to deal with it, but this is fine.

Sure enough, you are playing.

The weather was too hot, and wearing a doll was a disaster. Ritsuko's clothes were soaked with sweat, and her whole body was sticky and uncomfortable. She was going back to the hotel to take a shower first.

But was caught by Eri again.

"Sister Ritsuko, you can't leave yet!"

Ritsuko was a little strange, "Isn't my role over?"

"We don't have enough manpower, sister Ritsuko, please help me to take care of other roles, and you also performed well just now!"

Looking at Eri's expectant eyes, Ritsuko sighed helplessly, forget it, she is still her own sister after all, so help her.

After shooting for several hours, it was noon and the sun was already very strong.

"Let's stop here!" Eri said at this time.

Several people quickly took off their hoods and puppet costumes.

Without the clothes, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and almost fainted from the heat.

The clothes on Yusuke's body were already wet with sweat, as if he was fished out of the water, the girls were similar, their clothes were stuck to their bodies, and their underwear was faintly visible, but at this time, everyone didn't care so much.

Li Xiang had already brought water, everyone opened the water bottle, and drank the whole bottle of water in a few gulps.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and sat under the sun umbrella to rest.

Wearing such thick doll costumes in summer is simply a disaster. Yusuke admires the staff who work in the playground, wearing these thick doll costumes every day, this is the real dedication!
"Okay, everyone, take a rest first, and then go back to the hotel to take a shower, we can relax in the afternoon"

At this time, Eri came over and said that although she is a director, when there are not enough people, she will also play a few cameo roles, and she is also wet at this time.

"If I knew you were going to make such a movie, I wouldn't suggest you come to Okinawa, it's too hot here!" Ritsuko said as she put down the water bottle in her hand.

"Actually, our previous plan was to find a random seaside city, but we didn't expect to come to Okinawa."

Eri shook her head with a wry smile, and everyone gave a wry smile. They thought it was a good thing, but they stumbled instead.

"But it doesn't matter, we're halfway through filming"

At this time, Lixiang held the mobile phone and said: "The filming went well. As long as we shoot for another two days, we will be liberated!"

Everyone nodded, only Ritsuko didn't know what expression to use.

It is unimaginable to shoot a movie in three days, but considering the shooting process, it is completely understandable.

"I said, why don't we just change into swimsuits and go swimming?" Yui said at this time: "The weather is too hot, and it will be troublesome to go back to the hotel."

"But there is no restroom here." Shengzi only looked around. In order to avoid being influenced by other people, they took pictures on a remote beach, and there were no restrooms nearby.

"There is a rock there, we can change clothes there," Lixiang said, pointing to a rock in front of him.

The rock has a strange shape, and there is a huge gap just below it, which blocks three sides, one of which faces the sea, which means that as long as one side is guarded, it can be used as a simple changing room.

"It's always dangerous to change clothes outdoors," said the Son of God after a moment of thought.

Ritsuko said at this moment: "No, this is a public place, if someone sees it, it will be a big loss!"

"I don't think it's a big problem. Let's move faster, and this place is so remote, no one should come here."

Eri was a little tempted at this time, and said: "There is still a long way to go back to the hotel, and the sticky clothes on my body are uncomfortable to wear. Why don't you just change into a swimsuit and go swimming in the sea?"

"This one……"

Ritsuko originally objected, but the sticky clothes on her body also made her feel very uncomfortable.

Yusuke did not speak quietly, this is not something he can interrupt.

"I don't think it's okay. Otherwise, we will go there one by one, and the others will watch out, so we won't be afraid." Yui suggested at this time, and the others thought for a while and nodded.

"Okay, then it's decided"

Yusuke stood up silently, "Then I'll go first."

"Wait a minute, Misawa-kun!"

Ritsuko said at this moment, "You also have to help us watch out, it's too dangerous to rely on us girls alone"

Yusuke thought for a moment, then nodded.

The girls took their clothes to the stone, Yui went to change first, the others stood around, observing the surrounding environment, while Yusuke stood far away.

He wanted to stop the people outside and inform them of the situation, and the distance was enough for them to react.

Yusuke sat on the rock, staring at the beach in front of him, the sea breeze blew away some heat from his body.

His whole body is also sticky, and he feels very uncomfortable. If he had known earlier, he would have changed his clothes first. For men, changing clothes in this environment is much easier.

The weather is very hot, and it is already approaching noon. There are very few people on the beach at this time. Most people are resting under sun umbrellas, and very few are swimming in the water.

At this time, Yusuke also noticed a figure walking towards this side, it was a woman wearing a sun hat and a white swimsuit.

Without looking back, Yong Jie said, "Someone is coming, hurry up!"

The people in Eri also heard Yusuke's voice, and replied at this time: "You stop her first, we will be fine soon."

Yusuke has a headache, how should I stop her?Eri and the others are still changing their clothes in the back, and she must not be allowed to break through, or there will be some disturbance again.

After thinking for a moment, Yusuke jumped off the rock and walked towards the woman.

The woman was walking towards this side, when a figure appeared in front of her, the woman raised her head, her eyes suddenly lit up, in front of her was a tall man with a handsome face, deep eyes, and a steady temperament And unique, that is a very attractive man.

"Well, do you want a cup of tea?" Yusuke asked with a smile.

Of course, his heart was very restless, but it was the first time he had struck up a conversation with someone, and he was actually very nervous.

The woman in front of me is about 20 years old, with big eyes and long black hair tied into two bundles, hanging on her shoulders, pure and lovely.

Seeing Yusuke's smiling face, the woman blushed a little.

So handsome!

"You are so straightforward!" the girl said shyly.

Yusuke smiled awkwardly.

"Okay then, let's have some tea"

Is this a promise?
(End of this chapter)

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