Chapter 209 209. Jessica's Message
The woman looked at Yusuke in shock, as if Yusuke had done something heinous.

"Can you say such words? You are a ruthless man!"

Yusuke felt that his time travel had been going smoothly until now, and he probably used up all his good luck, and now he was going to have bad luck, and the woman in front of him was his retribution.

After thinking about it, Yusuke decided to be firm.

"Actually behind the rocks are my friends, they're filming there, I'm responsible for keeping people out in case someone breaks in, that's why we started the conversation, it was all a misunderstanding, so that's the end of it "

Hearing Yusuke's words, the woman nodded thoughtfully.

"So it's like this, I thought you were addicted to my beauty"

"Sorry, although you are beautiful, but my friends are no worse than you, I have seen a lot"

"What you said is really annoying. Praising other girls in front of a girl will make people disgusted. Be careful not to find a girlfriend in your life."

"Thank you, it's best to hate me"

"You're so weird!" The woman looked at Yusuke with a strange expression.

Yusuke looked calm, "So from now on, pretend you don't know me."

"However, I like this kind of person!" The woman said with a smile at this moment.


A mouthful of old blood stuck in Yusuke's throat, and he almost spit it out.

Damn, there is a pervert!

"Yusuke!" Yui walked over from there at this time, and then found the existence of Yusuke and the woman in white, with some doubts in his eyes.

The woman glanced at Yusuke, then at Yui, and then smiled.

"Then I'll go first, bye"

"Don't see you again," Yusuke murmured expressionlessly.

"I have a hunch that we will meet again next time"

"Absolutely not!"

"Let me make a bet with you, next time we meet, let's tell each other's name."


The woman left with a smile.

Yui also came over at this time, looking at the figure of the woman leaving, with a strange expression on her face.

"Yusuke, who is that woman? Do you know any friends?"

Yusuke shook his head and didn't answer, it's better not to let you guys know about this kind of weirdness.

Yui has many doubts, but Yusuke doesn't want to say it, and she can't force it, but this doubt has always remained in her heart.

After lunch, a group of people took a rest and prepared to head to the ocean.

"Let me take the props and clothes back to the hotel first," Yusuke said at this moment.

"There are so many things, do you want me to help you?" Shengzi asked.

"No need, I can handle it by myself, you go and play, I just need to change clothes"

"Well then"

A group of people split into two groups, and Yusuke returned to the hotel with his things.

On the beach side, Eri and the others are playing in the sea, while Ritsuko is resting on the beach.

Eri found that Yui seemed to be a little out of shape, and asked curiously: "Yui, what's on your mind?"

Yui just came back to his senses, hesitated for a moment, and then told everyone what he saw at noon.

The relationship between Yusuke and that woman is really weird!Yui felt that Yusuke seemed to be eaten to death by the other party.

Everyone fell silent after listening, with very strange expressions on their faces.

"Yusuke is really popular!" Eri said with a sigh, the same thing happened yesterday, and it wasn't them who showed up, maybe Yusuke was dragged away.

"Yusuke is indeed very popular." Seiko nodded in agreement.

"Is it related to this?" Yui was still confused.

"Yusuke should have been approached by the other party, but Yusuke's character should be rejected on the spot, and then the other party did not give up, and then entangled, and then Yui you appeared, the other party saw Yui you appeared, misunderstood you relationship, so I left by myself." Lixiang explained at this time, Yui thought for a while, and suddenly realized.

It seems that being too handsome is not a good thing!
When Yusuke returned to the beach, he found that Eri and the others looked at him very strangely.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

The four shook their heads, "Nothing"

Yusuke also retracted his eyes at this time, and didn't care about it anymore.

In the afternoon, Yusuke never met the woman again, but there were many other bad things.

Whether he was sitting on the beach resting or playing in the water, there were women who would strike up a conversation with him, and all of them were mature young ladies with hot eyes, wishing to eat him.

What if it's too popular!

However, Eri and the others were by his side, and Yusuke was finally spared the brutal murder, but he also received a few people's eyes.


"Color embryo!"

"Sex demon!"


"Please, I'm a victim too!"

Why do we have to have such conversations several times?

This damn charm value!
After playing all day, everyone returned to the hotel.

"I'm very tired today, everyone should rest early, we are going to climb the mountain tomorrow"

After dinner, Eri said to everyone, everyone nodded, sweated in the morning, and played in the water again in the afternoon, and was already very tired at this time, even Yusuke was a little tired.

Of course, more is heart tired.

After taking a shower and brushing his hair, Yusuke was about to go to bed when a message was received on his phone.

Picking up the phone, Yusuke was a little surprised that it was a message from Jessica.

After playing the game with Semi last time, Yusuke sent Jessica a message.

Sure enough, I guessed right, after Jessica returned to England, she had so much fun that she forgot everything about this place!
I didn't realize it until I received Yusuke's message, and then I have exchanged emails in the past few days, but the time difference between the two parties is 6 hours. When Yusuke is in the morning, it is night over there, so the information exchanged is not very timely.

Turn on the phone and click on the message.

"Yusuke, I'm going back in a week, and there will be a big surprise then!"

A big smiley face symbol at the end.

Yusuke smiled and replied, "I'm looking forward to it."

But unexpectedly, Jessica was still online at this time and sent another email.

"What are you doing now?"

"I'm sleeping with my club friends"

"Where are you going?"

“We are in Okinawa”

"Okinawa! That's great, then you have to buy a gift and come back."

"Don't worry, it's yours"

"By the way, what are your plans for next month's comic exhibition?" Yusuke also remembered this incident at this time, "Yuji Yamamoto's suggestion: Let's play the meeting of the three kings together, what do you think?"

"Who is Yuji Yamamoto?"

The black line on Yusuke's face, this guy has completely forgotten about him!

"The one who shaved his head and played One-Punch Man in the last Comic Con"

"Oh, so it's Saitama"

"It's Kumaji Yamamoto"

"One Punch Man is Saitama! I haven't forgotten"

"Okay, Saitama is Saitama, what do you think, I will play Jin Shining, and you will play my king"

"Okay, that's a good idea"

"Then it's decided"

"Okay, no more talking, I'm going to ride a horse, that's all"

horse riding?

It seems that Jessica's family conditions are good, and she can also play games like horse riding.

After finishing the call with Jessica, the phone rang again, and another message came.

(End of this chapter)

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