Chapter 219 219. An Unforgettable Night

When we got back to the hotel, it was only half an hour.

Yusuke thought for a while, it's okay to go back to the room now, why not go to the hot spring.

The hotel's hot spring is very big and beautiful, but unfortunately it is not open-air.Surprisingly, no one else was there during this time period, Yusuke took over the entire audience by himself, the large bathing area, the warm spring water wrapped the skin, it was very comfortable, and all the fatigue on his body was released at once.

No wonder the islanders like to take a bath so much, it is really very comfortable to soak in it.

But the hot spring should not be soaked for too long. After soaking for half an hour, Yusuke got up from the hot spring, put on his clothes, and immediately felt refreshed.

Walking out of the gate, someone came out of the women's hot spring opposite.

It happened to be Yui and the others. At this time, the girls put their hair on their heads, revealing their slender necks, and their clean faces were tinged with pink, very beautiful.

Yusuke's eyes lit up, they are so beautiful, it's nothing more than a beauty out of the bath.

Yui and the others were chatting and laughing, seeing Yusuke's figure froze for a moment, Yusuke waved his hand in greeting.

"Yusuke, are you coming to take a bath too?"

"Yeah, after finishing my work, I came down to take a bath."

As soon as the girls approached, Yusuke smelled a faint smell of alcohol and asked in surprise, "Are you drinking?"

The girls nodded shyly.

"Drink a little!" Yui gestured a centimeter away with his fingers, indicating that he drank very little.

Underage drinking is prohibited in Japan.

Yusuke was a little curious, Ritsuko must have been there, why didn't he stop them.

After looking at it, he found that there was no Ritsuko in the crowd.

"Where's Teacher Ritsu?"

"She and Ji Xiong are still taking a bath in it, and the two of them are drinking happily."

Yusuke was a little surprised, and immediately said: "Go over and stop them immediately, drinking in the hot spring is very dangerous"

It’s okay to drink alcohol normally, but when drinking in hot springs, the pores of the body will open due to the heat, and the alcohol will easily go to the brain, so that you will get drunk faster.

Only then did Yui and the others remember, and walked back immediately.

After a while, the girls came out with the two drunk.

"Both Ritsuko and Sakurai got drunk and fell asleep by the pond."

Eri shook her head and said, such a situation is actually very dangerous, one will drown if one is not careful.

It was the first time she had seen her cousin lose her composure like this, and she never expected her cousin to have such a side.

Both of them were drunk, and the smell of alcohol was heavy on their bodies, but their consciousness was not blurred, Ritsuko opened her eyes slightly at this moment.

"So it's Eri, don't listen to Ji Xiong, you kids can't drink alcohol" Ritsuko said in a daze.

Eri supported her and said, "Sister Ritsuko, let's go back to sleep."


Ritsuko closed her eyes and fell asleep after a while.

Yui explained at this time: "We were soaking in the hot spring just now, and Ji Xiong suddenly brought a few bottles of wine over, and then everyone was confused and drank some, but we didn't drink too much, I just had a drink that's all"

Yusuke nodded and said, "It's okay to drink a little wine, but after a while, the alcohol will come up soon, you'd better go back to sleep now, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable after a while."

The girls all nodded, and they also felt dizzy.

"Then what about Ji Xiong?" Lixiang asked at this time: "Ji Xiong is already drunk and completely unconscious, where is her room?"

Everyone looked at each other, and everyone forgot about this question.

"Well, Sakurai goes to my room and sleeps with Rika. I'll go to Ritsuko's room. Ritsuko is drunk tonight. Someone must take care of her."

Eri said at this time, looking at Lixiang: "Rika, you should be fine, right?"

Rika nodded, "Let's arrange it like this."

Everyone took the two back to the room, and finally only Yui and Seiko were left.

It should be because of the strength of the wine, the faces of the two of them were red at this time, and their eyes were a little strange.

"Okay, you two should rest early." Yusuke said at this time: "I still have to watch a movie tomorrow."

"Yeah, I'm going to shoot a movie tomorrow"

Only then did the Holy Son remember, and he was half awake in an instant. He nodded seriously, and said to Yui, "We need to go to bed early tonight."

"But I can't sleep right now"

Yui replied that she was a little excited at this moment, and said happily: "Or let's play cards tonight."

"No! We're still filming tomorrow, go to bed early." Shengzi shook his head resolutely.

"Don't be like this, it's rare to come and play once"

At this time, Yui hugged the Son's arm and said coquettishly, this was the first time she saw Yui acting coquettishly.

Yui is very beautiful, her face is a little toothless, she looks younger than her actual age, at this time she is blushing and acting like a baby, full of cuteness.

Yusuke couldn't help but look twice more, even the female Seiko couldn't resist the charm.

So cute!

The Holy Son was a little hesitant, but
After all, the charm of special dramas is higher.

The Son resolutely said, "No, go to bed early."

"No, I'm going to play." Yui was angry at this moment, pouted and stared at Shengzi, like a child losing his temper.

Yusuke asked in a low voice, "How much alcohol have you guys drunk?"

"I drank a little more, but Yui only drank one cup"

Is this the physique of getting drunk after a glass?

"Yusuke, what should we do now?" Seiko looked at Yusuke and asked, Yui looked over at this moment, and shouted angrily:
"Yusuke, say something!"

Yusuke was a little stunned, why did this sentence sound so familiar...

Looking at the drunken Yui and the expectant Seiko, Yusuke exhaled and said softly, "Don't blame me."

Before Yui could react, Yusuke hugged Yui sideways at this time, holding her in her arms like a princess.

Yui was taken aback by this sudden change, and her face instantly turned red.

"This, you're too sudden, I'm not mentally prepared yet, that, we haven't started yet, how can it be, can't be like this~"

"Yongsuke, what are you doing!" Shengzi froze for a moment, and shouted anxiously.

Ignoring the two, Yusuke directly entered the room with Yui in his arms, Seiko hurriedly chased after him, clenched his fists, ready to beat someone.

Yusuke threw Yui, who was still shy, on the bed, picked up the sheet, and tied her up in two or three strokes.

Before Yui could react, she was bundled into the shape of a caterpillar in an instant, with a dazed expression on her face.

But Seiko ran in at this time, and Yusuke had already packed Yui.

"I'll leave it to you"

Yusuke walked out without turning his head, leaving only the two girls staring at each other.


Yui's roar suddenly came from behind, Yusuke had already closed the door at this time, isolating the sound, Seiko should be able to handle Yui.

Drunkenness is terrible!
I hope Yui won't regret it when she wakes up tomorrow.

Yusuke was a little worried at this time, wondering if Ritsuko and Sakurai Norio would also go crazy with alcohol, and Erika and Rika wondered if they could handle it.

But knocking on their door in the middle of the night was not enough. After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the two of them, and he received a reply soon.

There is nothing wrong with Lixiang. Norio Sakurai sleeps like a dead pig, and I don't know if there is an earthquake.

There is no big problem here with Eri, except that Ritsuko behaved a little strangely after being drunk, and rolled into a ball holding Eri, and Eri managed to break free, but there was nothing else at all.

Tonight is really an unforgettable night.

(End of this chapter)

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