Chapter 224 224. Playing Volleyball

Yusuke was walking on the road, and Ritsuko, who was on his back, also regained his strength at this moment, picked up his mobile phone and called his family to inform him of the matter.

This matter is serious and needs to be resolved immediately.

Yusuke wanted to call his father, but after thinking about it, he still didn't call.

Although my father was able to solve this matter, it still took a lot of effort, and most importantly, the other party should have come for Jiang Zhihua's house, he just suffered an unreasonable disaster.

Ritsuko finished the phone call at this time, and said to Yusuke: "I have already notified my family, and the family will start a relationship. Find out who did it. Don't worry, there will be a result tonight."

"How about Eri? I wonder if I'm going to be attacked?"

Ritsuko remembered now, and quickly called Eri.

The call was quickly connected.

"Sister Ritsuko, are you awake?"

Eri's voice came from the phone, it sounded like nothing happened, Ritsuko breathed a sigh of relief, calmed down, and asked calmly, "Where are you now?"

"It's by the sea, Yusuke is back at the hotel, have you met him yet?"

"I met him, let's go there together later"

"Then we'll wait for you at the beach"

"Wait for me there, don't leave, call loudly if there is any danger"

"Don't worry, sister Ritsuko, we have a sense of proportion, no one can bully us!"

Eri's energetic voice came from the phone.

"That's it"

After hanging up the phone, Ritsuko said:

"Eri and the others are fine. I let them stay on the beach. There are many people on the beach, so they should not dare to mess around."

Yusuke nodded.

The two fell silent immediately, everyone was in a bad mood, and the atmosphere was a bit heavy.

"Yusuke" Ritsuko said at this moment, "Thank you just now!"

If Yusuke hadn't been there just now, she must have been in a very dangerous situation.

"It's good that people are fine," said courageously calmly. Although he is an outsider, this is an unwarranted disaster, but it is impossible for him to see his friend in danger.

"I thought you would fight with them." Ritsuko said with a smile at this moment: "I didn't expect you to choose to retreat. Sorry, I didn't mean to make fun of you, but your choice surprised me."

"It's easy to solve them, but there are too many follow-up troubles"

Yusuke replied calmly, Ritsuko glanced at Yusuke, his tone seemed to be speaking of established facts.

"You are so confident!"

"In heaven and earth, no one is my opponent"

Ritsuko thought it was a bit funny, and felt that it was a bit exaggerated, but thinking of Yusuke's performance just now, she felt that it was really true.

Yusuke's performance completely exceeded the limit of human beings!
Ritsuko was very curious, and finally couldn't hold back her curiosity, and asked, "Yusuke, are you a master who lives in seclusion in the city?"

"You think too much, I'm just an ordinary student"

"Can ordinary students jump two meters high at once?"

"That's because you don't know much. At my age, there are people who drive Gundams."

"Those are cartoons, don't confuse cartoons with reality"

"Okay, I have a showdown. In fact, I am a person from another world. I am not interested in ordinary humans. If there are aliens, future people, and people with superpowers from another world among you, just come to me."

"Are you joking?"

"Yes, I'm joking"

Ritsuko felt a little headache, Yusuke was talking nonsense, not talking about his own affairs at all.

Forget it, she doesn't have much curiosity now.

Yusuke stopped at this moment and asked, "Ritsuko, how is your body?"

Ritsuko sat up at this moment and said, "It's nothing serious, let me come down."

"Since there's nothing serious, I'm going to speed up."

"Acceleration?" Ritsuko was a little strange.

"We can't keep walking slowly like this, we have to hurry over and meet Eri and the others."

"Yes, then please Yusuke."

"It's okay, sit down"

"All right"

Ritsuko sat upright on Yusuke, as if riding a horse, Yusuke felt the weight on his back and shook his head.

"Ryukko, lie on top of me, you'll just fall like this"


Only then did Ritsuko suddenly realize that, she wrapped her arms around Yusuke's neck, and lay on Yusuke's body.

It wasn't until she touched Yusuke's shoulder that Ritsuko realized, could this be too intimate?
But before he had time to think about it, Yusuke had already accelerated.

The surrounding scenery was flowing rapidly, the whistling sound of the strong wind passed by my ears, and the body was moving rapidly.

It feels very strange, like riding a strong horse.

However, it is much safer than riding a horse. His arms are very powerful, no matter how fast the speed is, lying here is very stable.

Ritsuko also raised her head at this time, taking in the surrounding scenery at a glance.

This feeling is very novel!
Yusuke's speed was extremely fast, and he ran to the beach in less than 3 minutes.

Fortunately, there was no one on this road, and Yusuke was able to run as hard as he could.

Ritsuko hadn't enjoyed enough of the surrounding scenery when she heard Yusuke's voice "We're here"

Raise your head, and there is a lively beach in front of you.

This speed is astonishing!

Yusuke Misawa really has a huge secret!
Yusuke put Ritsuko down at this time, and Ritsuko suddenly felt a little reluctant, sitting on his back, as if riding a rocking car, was quite enjoyable, but she was too embarrassed to continue lying on his back.

"We're going to find Eri and the others now," Yusuke said at this time, "but don't let them know what happened just now."

Ritsuko quickly understood and nodded.

Some things are better that they don't know.

"By the way, Ritsuko, about me, I hope you can keep it a secret."

Ritsuko nodded seriously, "Don't worry, I will keep it a secret."

In fact, no one will believe even if it is said, Yusuke is not worried, Ritsuko also understands this, but this is a tacit understanding between the two.

Yusuke soon finds Eri and his party, who are playing volleyball.

"Rtsuko-sensei, Yusuke, you guys are here"

Rika, who was the referee, waved at the two of them at this moment, and Yusuke and Ritsuko also nodded in response.

"You guys are playing volleyball." Ritsuko walked over and asked, "What's the score, who wins and who loses?"

"Three to three, it's a tie." Rika went home with a smile: "Everyone is very strong."

"Okay then, go ahead, we'll watch from the sidelines"

Ritsuko and Yusuke sat next to each other, watching their game.

Of the 7 girls, Rika was the referee, and the remaining 6 were just divided into two groups, Yui, Seiko, Eri, Kojima Mimi, Inouin Futaba, and Sakurai Norio.

The strengths of the two teams are similar, and the competition is very intense.

But soon, Yusuke's eyes became a little uncomfortable.

Kojima Mimi and Sakurai Norio, these two people are beyond the level of existence, jumping and moving, the waves are choppy!

Yusuke's eyes couldn't help being attracted.

Sensing Yusuke's eyes, Mimi Kojima blushed immediately, covering her chest with her hands, Norio Sakurai directly took the volleyball and slapped Yusuke in the face, startling Yusuke.

"Where are your eyes looking!"

Yusuke smiled awkwardly, "This is irresistible."

This explanation seemed pale and powerless, and the girl gave him a blank stare, and even Ritsuko next to him gave him a blank look.


(End of this chapter)

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