Chapter 248 248. Unreliable

Being handsome is an entry barrier, but to make videos popular, the quality of the content must be excellent.

And Yusuke has his special ability in this aspect, all animals can perfectly execute his orders, which is something that all people who imitate him cannot do.

It's easy to watch a video, but you don't know how difficult it is until you shoot it.

This meal is really not very delicious!
The sage didn't expect to meet himself here, which surprised him a bit. If he changed places, he would definitely go up and communicate with the other party. Maybe he could learn some secrets from the other party. But in this situation, it seems impossible up.

The sage took a look at each other, two women and one man, it seems that this is their standard configuration, and it is really impossible to become a top blogger alone, these heavy workloads can only be achieved by the studio, see There is nothing wrong with coming to this step.

"Animal expert Misawa-kun, I think it was a misunderstanding, my pet accidentally attacked your pet, I'm sorry for that"

The sage said calmly, his tone surprised Zhijiu.

Why did this guy suddenly bow his head?This is not like his style at all!
Animal expert Misawa-kun?
Zhijiu looked at Yusuke in surprise. Being in this industry, he also knew those big bloggers at the top, and animal expert Sanze Jun was one of them. bumped into!

Yusuke has a calm face, even if the other party recognizes him, he doesn't care. He has millions of fans, so it's normal for people to recognize him.

However, Yusuke had a good understanding of the impression of the two of them.

Seeing Yusuke's calm look, Xianren was a little nervous, and Yusuke looked at him with calm eyes, as if he was suppressed by something.

Of course, this is not the main reason, the main reason is that he is a super blogger.

Being in this industry, the sage understands the power of the Internet. For a video blogger like this, if it is very easy to punish a small person like him, the millions of fans are not a joke. The sage is very clear about this Recognize how powerful cyberbullying can be against a single person.

In reality, he may be just an ordinary person, but on the Internet, he can definitely kill himself.

He also recognized Yusuke's identity, so he made a sound to stop Zhiku's behavior.

Sometimes, the one who knows current affairs is a hero.

"We didn't know it was your pet, we thought it was just an ordinary squirrel, but it has happened, and we are willing to make compensation"

Yui and Rie were a little surprised, their attitudes changed too quickly!
Yusuke turned his head and quickly understood.

Maybe in some respects I am just an ordinary person, but in the industry of vloggers, Yusuke definitely has the right to speak. The two of them are also vloggers, but they are just low-level people, and it is very easy for Yusuke to punish them.

It was only then that Yusuke remembered that his millions of fans also had a certain amount of energy on the Internet.

Yusuke's mind raced, and he quickly figured out these things, but he was not arrogant. These powers are actually not very deep-rooted, and Yusuke doesn't know how effective they can be. Maybe they look bluffing, but in reality It was of no use at all.

"Let's get my companion back first, and we'll talk about the compensation later."

Xiao Hei and the others couldn't find the Four Seasons, and the situation was very troublesome, so they had to rely on the brothers of the boss to search, but there are so many trees in this area, it is very difficult to find a small squirrel in the woods.

However, there is a dog here at the scene. With the dog's sense of smell, they may be able to find each other. After all, dogs are experts in finding things.

Seeing Yusuke's eyes fell on Xiao K, Xianren immediately understood.

For animal video bloggers, animals are the focus. If Little D and K are injured, Zhijiu and Xianren will be very angry, because this is their cash cow!

In the same way, it is not surprising that animal expert Sanze Jun would have such a reaction.

Zhijiu and Xianren whispered for a while at this moment.

"Are you going to bow your head to them?" Zhijiu said with some displeasure, although they are ignorant, but sometimes things are irrational.

"It's not about bowing your head, it's about negotiating." The sage said seriously, "The other party is very anxious about that squirrel. Let's help him find the squirrel and write it off."

"Okay, let's make it this way." Zhijiu agreed after thinking for a while, and said unconvinced: "If it wasn't for the identity of the other party, I wouldn't let him go."

"Okay, it's not the time for students, and everyone doesn't take it seriously when they are students, but it's different now"

"Got it, you've said it dozens of times"

"Then it's settled, don't make trouble for now"

"I see, for now, hehe"

Although the two spoke in a low voice, Yusuke heard it clearly, and snorted coldly in his heart.

These two are not good birds!
Sure enough, the sage stood up and expressed his wish to help find the squirrel, but after the squirrel was found, the dispute between the two parties was wiped out.

Yui and Rie are very angry, this is too deceiving!
Yusuke looked at the two with cold eyes, and the two felt uncomfortable as if they were being stared at by some kind of giant beast.

But the next moment, this feeling disappeared.

Yusuke withdrew his eyes, looked at the angry Yui and Rie, and said softly: "It's important to find the four seasons, I will deal with it."

Yui and Rie took a deep breath and nodded, they believed that Yusuke could do it.

"Okay" Yusuke said calmly.

The two breathed a sigh of relief and succeeded.

The sage then asked, "Is there any hair from that squirrel?"

"I only have the toys it usually plays with"

"Toys, that's fine too"

Yusuke gave the toy to the two of them, and Zhijiu put the toy in front of Little K.

The three of Yongsuke looked at this scene curiously, and saw that Zhijiu kept talking to Little K, and made gestures from time to time, jumping around for a while.

Yui and Rie were a little surprised, is it like this to communicate with animals?Shouldn't it be enough to just talk to them?

The two have been led astray by Yusuke!Only then did I realize that being able to talk to animals and make them obey orders is such a perverted ability!
At this moment, the sage smiled and said, "Can you return the little D to us first?"

Yusuke snapped his fingers, Xiaohei and the others immediately understood, the group of cats dispersed, revealing a passage.

This surprised the sage, these cats are so spiritual!

Little D hurriedly got up from the ground, but unfortunately he was still tied with a rope, so he just walked over jumping and jumping, looking very funny.

That hopeless look immediately made Xiao Hei and the others laugh out loud, making Xiao D even more frightened.

While comforting Xiao D, the sage looked at Xiao Hei and them, his eyes full of envy. If these cats were also his, his video must be very popular.

But seeing how intimate they are with Yusuke, I can only think about it, pets are no better than other things, and they cannot be snatched away.

Finally, Zhijiu finished communicating with Little K, and Little K finally understood what he meant. At this moment, he lowered his head and sniffed around.

To be honest, the three of Yusuke are very disappointed in this way of communication, it is too rubbish!Is it that hard to get a dog to find things?Even tricks?

Yusuke's eyes were calm, but Yui and Rie's eyes were a little contemptuous.

Understanding their eyes, Zhijiu shouted angrily: "We have never done this kind of training before!"

It takes daily training for dogs to understand human language. Finding objects cannot be achieved by just saying a few words. Before that, they have not trained this skill. It means that Zhijiu took a lot of effort.

Little K walked around on the ground, finally bit a wooden stick, and walked over cheerfully.

Everyone immediately looked disappointed, this guy is really unreliable!
(End of this chapter)

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