Chapter 253 253. Wild Boar
In the morning, Yusuke made sure everything was safe and ready to go out.

He went to bed early last night and recovered enough energy, so he is in very good condition today.

In the morning, Crow Boss also came, and Yusuke discussed all the plans with it. Today, Crow Boss and the others were responsible for drawing the wild boar out, and then Yusuke hunted it in an open place.

The boss of the crow has gone to gather all the younger brothers. Today all the crows have been dispatched. This is a big matter. If it is not resolved, their nests will not be kept.

As soon as Yusuke went out, there was a crow hovering in the sky, which was a soldier for contact.

This posture has a feeling of a war coming.

Yusuke rushed to the station, Seiko also came.

Both of them are wearing thick protective clothing, which looks similar to ordinary camouflage uniforms, but these clothes are specially made, the fabric is durable and strong, and can also slow down some impacts. The defense is very strong, just wear it A little uncomfortable, but both Yusuke and Seiko don't care, safety comes first.

The two of them are very eye-catching in this suit. Fortunately, there are many people in Japan with strange costumes. In the eyes of outsiders, these two are just military enthusiasts.

After a while, the left-handed Kawanaru also appeared. She was wearing a casual outfit and carrying a huge box. The box was too huge, but she looked a little petite.

"My friend is here." Yusuke said aloud, Seiko scanned the crowd, and then saw Kawanaru in the crowd with his left hand. After a moment of silence, he asked in a low voice, "Is she reliable?"

It's no wonder that Seiko asked such a question, the figure of the left-handed Kawanaru is too petite, if you want to change clothes, you can say that you are a high school student.

Yusuke nodded expressionlessly.

In fact, Yusuke was also a little worried, otherwise he wouldn't have brought Seiko over with him, thinking that if he couldn't get it right, he would have to use force to solve it.

I hope Kawanaru, the left hand, is more reliable.

Left-handed Kawanaru walked over with a smile, looked at Yusuke in surprise: "Why are you dressed like this?"

"This is a defensive suit, be careful"

"Understood." Zuo Kawana nodded with a smile on his left hand, and looked at Seiko.

"Is this your new girlfriend?"

New girlfriend?

Seiko looked at Yusuke suspiciously.

Yusuke was a little speechless, and said helplessly: "This is my friend, don't make jokes, Police Officer Zuo Shuchuan"

Yusuke then introduced the two of them to each other.

"This is a good policeman for the people, police officer Zuo Shouchuan, and today's hunter"

"Yusuke, you are so right in praising me!" Zuo Kawanaru responded with a smile, with a very happy expression.

"This is my friend, Seiko Sasaki, follow us today"

"Hello, I'm Lefty Kawanaru"

"Hi, I'm Seiko Sasaki"

The two greeted each other.

"You're so tall!" Kawanaru said in surprise.

"you flatter me"

Standing together, Shengzi was taller than Zuo Shouchuan. If he didn't know their identities, he would have thought Zuo Shouchuan was a younger sister.

The two exchanged a few words and were ready to go.

Left-handed Kawanaru put away his joking thoughts, straightened his face, and began to explain some common sense of hunters to the two of them.

Yusuke and Seiko listened carefully, this guy still has two skills, and he felt more hopeful about this action.

The three of them took the bus and walked a long way, and finally came to the foot of a wild mountain.

"Officer Zuo Shouchuan, do you think it's okay to ambush here?"

Kawanaru, with his left hand, surveyed the surrounding environment. At the foot of the mountain is a wasteland, and in the distance is a forest. If you are hunting here, this is the best place.

"It's a nice place, but where's the boar?"

"In the forest, I have a way to lure it out"

"Then you have to be careful, wild boars can't resist it if they go crazy."

Yusuke nodded, and Zuo Techuan continued: "Leave the bait to Yusuke, I will find a place to ambush near here, Sasaki, come with me."

Seiko nodded, and left with Kawanaru, the left hand, and the two went to find the ambush location.

Seeing the two walking away, Yusuke raised his head and waved to the crow in the sky, the crow immediately flew down and stood on Yusuke's arm.

"Notify Boss Crow, act according to plan"

The crow nodded and flew into the sky, ready to execute the plan.

The ambush was chosen on a nearby tree, and in front of the tree was an open space with a few apples placed on the open space to lure wild boars.

Kawanaru held the shotgun in his left hand, leaned against the branch, and fixed his figure. At this moment, his face was full of sternness, and his aura was completely different from before.

Shengzi also found a place, half leaning and half squatting on the tree trunk, and also took out his own tools, a bow and arrow.

Kawanaru left hand watched this scene curiously.

"Bow and arrow?"

"That's right, I have practiced bow and arrow." Shengzi replied seriously: "But it's the first time I came out to hunt."

"That's really surprising. I didn't expect to see such an ancient method now. Why don't we try it?" Zuo Kawana said with a smile.

Yusuke also climbed up the tree at this time, complaining: "This is simply cheating, how can a bow and arrow compare with a gun?"

"That's different!" Left handed Kawanaru shook his head and continued: "In terms of hunting, bows and arrows are no worse than guns. For some powerful hunters, bows, arrows and shotguns are essential skills."

Shengzi was a little eager to try, Zuo Shouchuan didn't mind teaching her something, so the two were on guard while exchanging their experiences.

Yusuke observed the surrounding environment, paying attention to the signals of the crows.

Soon, a black shadow appeared in the sky, it was Crow Boss.

The crow boss called three times in the air, and Yusuke knew that the prey had appeared.


Shengzi and Zuo Shouchuan stopped communicating in an instant, and their eyes became serious.

Zuo Shouchuan picked up the shotgun with a serious expression on his face. Shengzi's bow and arrow were already on the string, ready to fire at any time.

Yusuke also took out some small tools, which were some firecrackers. If the two of them missed, the wild boar would attack them. These firecrackers were to scare it away.

However, Yusuke didn't know how much effect it had.

As time passed, Yusuke and Seiko's mood gradually became tense.

"Don't be nervous, you'll be fine"

Zuo Shouchuan's voice came, and she could see the nervousness of the two of them. After all, it was the first time they had encountered such a situation, so she comforted them softly at this time.

Although her body is petite, her words are surprisingly powerful.

"With me here, it's okay, the gun in my hand is not a vegetarian!"

Yusuke and Seiko both nodded, and they quickly calmed down.

At this time, there was a commotion in the woods, and a black figure came out of the woods.

It was a huge wild boar, more than one meter tall and weighed several hundred catties. With its long fangs, black fur, and strong body, it was obvious that it was not to be trifled with!
The wild boar is finally here!

(End of this chapter)

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