Chapter 289 289. Continue
Then a strange voice came.

Everyone's attention was drawn to the past.

That was Jessica's stomach growling.

Jessica clutched her stomach with an aggrieved expression on her face.

“I forgot to eat breakfast”

Yiwen Jielin and Semei also resumed their movements at this time, and surrounded them with concern.

This game is unplayable.

Yusuke didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed, he sighed helplessly, walked over, and asked with concern: "Why don't you eat breakfast?"

“So excited in the morning, forgot to eat breakfast”

It's very Jessica-esque.

"Exactly, I have this"

Semi remembered at this moment, ran to the side, and took out a bag, which was full.

Several people looked over curiously, Semi opened the bag, and there were bags of Daifuku inside.

"I made this, try it!" Semi said proudly.

Yusuke looked at the Daifuku in the bag, each one was pink and tender, looking very delicious.

"Semi, you can also make desserts!" Yusuke was a little surprised.

"Of course, my family sells Daifuku!"

It turned out to be a family handicraft!

Everyone opened the bag, picked up Dafu and took a sip.

Soft and glutinous, with a faint floral fragrance, very bouncy, and a very good taste.

Evangeline and Jessica ate several in a row and couldn't stop, it was so delicious!

"It's delicious! Knight of Light, I'm impressed with you"

After eating and drinking enough, Jessica immediately regained her spirits.

"It's a pity to become the running dog of the God of Light. Why don't you fall into the embrace of our darkness and form a new Three Kings of Darkness with us!"

"Ning, this family fire, actually blocked my face and shot someone!"

Yiwen Jielin said with a big blessing in her mouth, inarticulately.

"You bastard, eat your food before talking!"

Yiwen Jielin immediately swallowed the Daifuku in her mouth, but she was choked again in a hurry, at this moment she patted her chest and struggled, Semi immediately brought the water bottle.

Yiwen Jielin drank a few sips of water before taking a breath, and almost choked to death on a piece of big blessing, and then reprimanded him righteously: "You guy actually robbed people in front of me, did you kill me?" Put it in your eyes!"

"It's a pity that the light knight follows you, come on, join us, and become a dark knight!"

Jessica turned to Semi's invitation, but Semi shook her head resolutely
"My mission is to protect the last light!"

Yiwen Jielin proudly raised her head and said:
"Where the sun spreads is our partner!"


The two started bickering again.

"By the way, this is a gift for you!" Jessica took out a gift and handed it to the two of them.


The two were at a loss, Jessica explained it, and the two accepted it with a smile.

Yusuke also took out his own gift, a gold bracelet for each of them, and the girls were very happy.

"Next is me!"

After everyone has exchanged all the gifts, the only thing left is Yiwen Jielin.

Ewen Jielin took out several small boxes, one for each person.

Yusuke opened the box in his palm, inside was a golden ring with exquisite patterns, like a work of art


Yusuke was a little surprised, and he looked at Yiwen Jielin with more approval, this is a fellow!
The girls were so happy to accept it and put it on their fingers.

Yusuke put the box away, and the three of them looked over.

"Fallen Angel, you have to wear it too!" Ewen Jielin said seriously.

Yusuke replied with a smile: "I will take good care of it!"

"No!" Ewen Jielin shook her head, "This is the symbol of our team, everyone should wear it"

When did we become a team?

Looking at the expectant eyes of the three, Yusuke hesitated for a moment, took out the ring and put it on the index finger of his left hand.

"No! It should be worn on the ring finger of the right hand"

Jessica said, and the other two nodded, and also gestured to their palms, which all three of them wore on the ring fingers of their right hands.

The ring on the ring finger of the right hand indicates that they are in a sweet love period, and are usually used by couples in love.


Seeing the pure eyes of the three of them, Yusuke felt that they probably didn't know the meaning, but just wanted to unify their styles.

Forget it, I think too much.

Yusuke adjusted his position and put the ring on the ring finger of his right hand.

"Come on, let's cheer together!"

The three girls raised their right hands, so Courage had to follow suit.

"What is our slogan going to be?"

"Roar! Be angry! Destroy! This world!"

"Gods from all directions, guard this earth!"

Jessica and Evangeline looked at each other, and it looked like they were about to quarrel again.

"I have a proposal" Somi said at this moment, and Yusuke and the others looked over.

"Do you want to go back to that boring reality, or change reality with me? Come on, stretch out your right hand, let's change the world!"

For a moment, something in Yusuke's heart was touched.

Jessica and Evangeline's eyes lit up.

"Okay, it's the slogan that has been decided!"

"I agree too!"

Everyone raised their hands and shouted together.

For some reason, after chanting this slogan, Yusuke seemed to have broken some kind of barrier.

"Fallen Angel, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Yusuke in a daze, Jessica asked strangely, and the other two also looked over.

Yusuke shook his head, and said casually, "I'm thinking about the next comic exhibition, what are your plans?"

"I want to play my king!"

Jessica said confidently, patting her chest, the waves were choppy.

Yusuke's eyes could not help but be attracted, this guy is not conscious at all!

"How about you, Holy Maiden of Light?"

"I'm Yilili!" Ewen Jielin patted Pingping's chest and said, bang bang.

"I'm Emiya Miyu!"

Semi patted her chest and said, Shake, shake.

In an instant, the level of the three of them was immediately clear.


Yi Wenjielin instantly felt the strong pressure, smashed the floor angrily, and then clenched her fists tightly.

It hurts!The floors are so hard!
Seeing the puzzled eyes of the two, Yiwen Jielin couldn't help complaining: "Is there such a big my king and Emiya Miyu!"

The two were stunned when they heard this, and then looked at her chest.

The corners of Jessica's mouth curved into an arc, and she deliberately pushed her chest out.

That is the real relegation blow!
"Damn it, I'm fighting with you!"

"You bastard hit me again!"

"I just want to smash her!"

"Look at the trick! The Demon King's true eyes!"

"Ah! My eyes!"

"Holy Maiden of Light, I will save you!"

The three of them started fighting again, and the game started again.

"Fallen angel, hurry up and summon your main soul weapon, and help me!"

Jessica was blocking the attacks of the two while calling for help loudly.

Yusuke smiled helplessly, stood up, and for a moment, his eyes became serious.

The breath of Secondary School breaks through the sky!
"Through the night, from the abyss, arise, Lord of the Night!"

"World, surrender at my feet!"

The Secondary School game will continue for a while.

 There is something at home, the update is not stable these days, I will make it up later

(End of this chapter)

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