Chapter 295 295. Jessica's Mother
Terina nodded.

"I know, but you must take safety measures, you are still young, you must pay attention to safety"

The black lines on Yusuke's face, are all foreigners so open?
Also, who do you take me for?Am I the casual type?
Jie Linna continued: "If you want to be Jessica's boyfriend, you have to deal with our family first. You have passed my level. Mom's level is also very easy. The most troublesome thing is Dad's level." , Dad used to think that you had an inappropriate relationship with Jessica, so he was very angry, but you saved me last night and got the score back. Generally speaking, you still have hope."

Terina looked optimistic about you.

Yusuke sighed helplessly, not knowing how to refute.

As Terina came to the living room, Yusuke also saw Jessica's mother, who was also a beauty. Jessica and Terina's beauty should be inherited from their mother.

The two parties greeted each other, got to know each other, and then sat down together.

Tonight I ate British home-cooked food, and potatoes are the most popular dish in the UK. At the beginning, there was potato salad, bread and steak, dessert, a typical British dinner.

Several people chatted while eating. The dining table culture is unique to every country, and having dinner together can also promote a harmonious relationship between the two parties.

"Sansawa-kun, are you still in high school?" Jessica's mother Fei Li asked with a smile.

"Yes." Yusuke nodded.

Robertson next to "Young people still need to focus on learning" also agreed at this time.

"What hobbies do you usually have?" Feili smiled and looked at Yusuke, Yusuke really suited her mind, his handsome face was also extremely outstanding for Westerners.

Yusuke got full marks for his first impression, and he saved Terina last night, which is another huge plus. Feili has a very good sense for him.

Yusuke was a little terrified by this look, it was like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law.

Yusuke straightened his face and replied, "I'm usually shooting some videos, and I'm also learning kendo at the same time."

"The way of the sword!" Fei Li's eyes lit up.

"That's it, hahaha"

She gestured with the movement of swinging the sword.


"You must be amazing"

"so so"

"You Asians are like this." Fei Li said with a smile: "Terina said you kicked each other down last night, you must be a master."

Yusuke just smiled and didn't answer.

"Then what kind of video did you shoot?" Robertson asked at this time, and the others looked over curiously.

"I shoot videos about animals. I have an account on Youtube: Animal expert Misawa-kun. Those are all the videos I shoot."

"I seem to have seen this name somewhere before," Terina said thoughtfully, and picked up her phone. Feli and Jessica also picked up their phones, logged into Youtube and started searching.

Robertson didn't take any action, and continued to ask: "Then did you shoot alone?"

"I have a studio and I have two partners with me, we run it as a team"

"Then how are your grades?"

"It's okay"

"It's amazing!" Feili said in amazement at this time, and Terina also looked amazed. It is probably the first time they have seen someone who can control animals so perfectly, which is really beyond their imagination.

"Fallen Angel, you are amazing!"

Jessica shouted excitedly, instantly calling out Yusuke's name.

For a moment, Yusuke felt very embarrassed, but he was a little relieved when he found that the attitude of the others remained the same. It seems that they already knew Jessica's secondary school very well.

"Jessica, pay attention to your image!"

Fei Li said next to her that her daughter was too smug, and it didn't matter in front of her own family, but in front of guests, it was too rude to behave like this.

After hearing her mother's lecture, Jessica restrained herself and sat on the chair, but her face was still very excited.

Fallen angels are so strong!It's amazing!

Terina next to her looked at Yusuke with curiosity.

"how did you do it?"

Jielina asked, Fei Li was also very curious. Robertson was not interested at all, but he was also aroused at this time, and picked up his mobile phone to check the relevant video.

"This is my talent"

Yusuke replied calmly, he has already been very proficient in this kind of answer.

"Will that teach me?"

"Sorry, I don't know how to teach people"

It's still a familiar answer, nothing but familiarity.

"Then does your ability have any effect on horses?" Terina asked expectantly at this time.

"it should be OK"

The skill of animal language is very powerful. As long as you listen carefully to the language of animals, you can master enough vocabulary, which is very powerful!
"That's really good!"

Yusuke looked at her suspiciously, and Terina explained: "My job is to study horses for racing, measure various physical qualities for them, adjust and train them, and let them adjust to the best condition, Yusuke If your ability is really useful, it will be very powerful, if you have time next time, would you like to visit my work place?"

Yusuke was a little moved.

"However, minors are not allowed to enter the racetrack."

"It doesn't matter. We are entering the management area behind, not the Jockey Club. There are no requirements for this."

Yusuke nodded, "Then let's meet him next time."

"Then it's settled." Jie Linna gave a thumbs up. She didn't expect Sanze to have such ability, which really surprised her.

"Yusuke, these cats are so cute, where did you find them?"

Feili asked at this time, looking at these kittens, her heart almost melted, they are so cute, and this time it hit her heart.

"They are all stray cats I adopted"

"Aren't stray cats wild and unruly?"

"I have my own way"

"It's hard to imagine that such a cute cat is a stray cat," Feili said with emotion.

"Fallen angel, I also want such a cute cat." Jessica looked at Yusuke expectantly.


Robertson yelled reproachfully, and Jessica shrank her head instantly. Although her father usually dotes on her, once she gets serious, her father is still very scary.

Seeing his daughter's appearance, Robertson couldn't help but soften his heart.

"Mom is allergic to cats, have you forgotten?"

"Oh, I almost forgot." Jessica lowered her head apologetically.

"I'm sorry, Mom"

"It's okay," Fei Li responded with a smile.

I didn't expect Feili to be allergic to cats, which made Yusuke a little surprised. Looking at her just now, I thought she was a senior excrement officer.

"I'm sorry, Jessica made such excessive demands on you," Feili said with a smile.

"It's okay, Jessica is loving"

"Actually, we wanted to keep a pet before, but I am allergic to cats, and Robertson is allergic to dogs, so we can neither have cats nor dogs," Feili said regretfully.

"That's a pity, but you can try other pets as well"

(End of this chapter)

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