Chapter 305
"Meow meow (Yusuke, I found it)"

Xiao Hei shouted happily, Yusuke nodded, and went out with Xiao Hei, accompanied by Xiao Bai, who was in charge of leading the way.

After a day of getting along yesterday, Xiaobai also agreed with Yusuke. At this time, he stood on Yusuke's shoulder, and on the other shoulder stood Xiaohei, two cats, one black and one white, very conspicuous. It got everyone's attention.

According to Xiaobai's instructions, Yusuke came to a residential area. There are some small buildings here, and the roads are intricate and very old.

Xiaobai took Yusuke and turned around an intersection, and then found the dog in the garbage dump.

That's right, that husky was rummaging through trash cans looking for food.

Yusuke sighed, this guy is too bad!

A good pet is not a good pet, you have to run away from home like others, and now you can only be reduced to picking up garbage on the street.

Hearing the voice behind him, Husky turned his head and saw Yusuke with a puzzled look on his face.

This human seems to have seen it somewhere.

After a while, the husky recalled, isn't this the one who brought it home last time?Are you going to take it home again?

The husky was clever, jumped off the garbage dump, and ran away.

This guy doesn't even want to go back!

Yusuke quickly chased after it, grabbed the fat around its neck, and lifted it up.

Husky's body rose instantly, his forelimbs lifted off the ground, and he stood on both legs. At this moment, he looked dazed.

Why did you stand up all of a sudden?
"It's time to go home, your master is looking for you"

"Wow (no, I'm not going back)"

"Do you still want to eat garbage?"

"Woof (no, garbage is not good)" the husky yelled aggrievedly: "Woof (I want to eat steak)"

I'll go, this treatment is better than humans!There is even steak to eat!
Beef is very expensive in Japan, you are going to heaven!
People are not as good as dogs!
"Come back with me if you want to eat"

"Wang (if I don't go back, I won't go back)" Husky said with a firm face, "Wang (I won't go back)"

If you don't drool, you might have some persuasiveness.

Yusuke was a little puzzled, this husky was able to resist his desire?

This is nothing like a husky!

"Wow woof (because I found my true love)"

When saying this, Huskies looked divine.


Yusuke looked confused.

It's not that Yusuke doesn't believe in love, it's just that you ran away from home for a week, and then met the love of your life within a week, and now you don't even want your home, are you kidding me?
Seeing Husky's resolute attitude, Yusuke thought for a while.

"No problem, then take your true love with you, and you can live together"

"Wow (that's not okay)"


"Wow woof (because my true love hasn't responded to me yet)" Husky said proudly.

After a long time, it turns out that you are just a spare tire!

"Then when will your true love reply to you?"

"Wow, woof, woof (I don't know, it said it depends on my hard work, I'm trying to impress it now, didn't you see? I was digging through the trash just now to find something delicious for it)"

This sounds so sad!
Yusuke seriously suspects that the husky was played by a dog, and the chances are high given its IQ.

"Why don't you directly reveal your identity? Saying that you are a pet of a rich family, it is no problem to follow you to eat and drink spicy food"

"What kind of animal do you think I am, a husky!"

Huskies spoke righteously.

"Wow woof (am I a dog who would grovel over something like that?)"

Yusuke didn't answer, he directly took out a ham sausage from the backpack behind him, unpacked it, and shook it in front of Husky.

Husky stared at the ham sausage, drooling instantly.

"Wow woof (even if you tempt me with food, I won't give in)" Husky swallowed and said.

Damn it, why is it so fragrant, I really want to take a bite!

"I'm not tempting you, this sausage is for you to eat, but you have to take me to meet your true love"

"Wang (what are you doing?)"

"I want to talk to it"

"Woof (you won't hurt it?)"

"Don't worry, I just want to take you back, why hurt it?"

"Wang (said so)"

Husky nodded and said anxiously: "Wang (give it to me quickly)"

Yusuke put down the husky and put the ham sausage on the ground, and the husky finished eating in two bites, and immediately showed a happy expression.

"Wow woof woof (I haven't eaten such a delicious thing for a long time, woo woo, think about it, I always ate steak)"

"Then you go back, isn't it good to be a dog of a rich family?"

For a moment, Husky was a little hesitant, as if true love was not that important.

But maybe the temptation was not strong enough, Husky still shook his head.

"Wow woof (I still choose my true love)"

The husky stood up at this moment, "Wang (come with me)"

Yusuke followed it, but after taking two steps, the husky suddenly called out.

"Woah (wait a minute)"

Husky turned his head, rummaged through the garbage, and finally found a bone.

"Wow (this is a gift for my favorite)"

As soon as Husky spoke, the bone in his mouth fell off, and Husky picked it up again.

"Wang (let's go)"

After saying another word, the bone in the mouth fell off again.

Yusuke was speechless, it's a miracle that this guy didn't starve to death!

Yusuke followed behind the husky, only to see that the husky was running and running, with joyful footsteps, and looked very excited.

After walking through a few small alleys, Husky said at this time: "Wang (my true love is just ahead)"

As soon as he opened his mouth, the bone in his mouth fell down again. Husky picked up the bone on the ground and ran over happily.

At the intersection, the husky stopped suddenly, opened his mouth, and the bone in his mouth fell to the ground, looking suspicious of a dog.

Yusuke was a little curious, and walked over, only to see two dogs lingering together at the corner intersection, doing indescribable movements.

In broad daylight, prostitution in the daytime.

The little bitch below was barking, Zheng Huan, when she heard the sound, she turned her head and saw the husky, showing a frightened expression for a moment, and got up from the ground in a panic.

The two dogs looked at each other, the husky looked shocked, and the little bitch was flustered, not daring to look at the husky.

For a moment, Yusuke seemed to hear Husky's heartbreaking voice.

Even Xiao Hei Xiao Bai couldn't bear to look directly at this scene. Although they couldn't understand the dog language, they could guess at the situation in front of them.

This husky is really poor!

Worst car accident ever!
Two kittens walked over, patted Husky's dog's paw, and comforted him.

Look away bro!

In an instant, the husky howled to the sky, his voice was sad and earth-shattering.

The husky turned around and ran wildly, Yusuke immediately chased after him, followed by Xiaobai and Xiaohei.

The husky ran wildly, with his tongue stretched out, tears or saliva flying everywhere on his face.

At this moment, everything around him was completely ignored. At this moment, Huskies just wanted to run desperately.

The road in front of it is busy with traffic, and it is very lively. Husky jumped angrily at this time. The moment he jumped up, it understood.

Just let it all end like this...

But in an instant, it was pulled back.

(End of this chapter)

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