Chapter 307 307. Party
Yusuke helped the husky clean his body at Ryoko Sakura's clinic, promised to help Ryoko Sakura keep an eye on the good pets, and took the husky back to the studio.

Yui and Rie were curious when they saw Yusuke leading the husky, especially when they saw that the husky had a pair of ears like Mickey Mouse, they were very surprised.

"Those ears look like Mickey Mouse!"

Yui and Rie wanted to touch its ears, but the husky was still a little shy, and immediately hid behind Yusuke.

Li Hui thought for a while, took out the ham sausage from the drawer, unpacked it, and shook it in front of it.

Husky was a little moved, but hesitant, looking at Yusuke, Yusuke nodded, Husky was relieved, walked over, bit the ham sausage, and ate it in small bites.

"Be good, be good"

Li Hui was stroking its dog's head while talking, and the husky was not as resistant as before.

Seeing such a scene, Yuyi was also a little moved, and also took out the ham sausage.

Soon, the two girls fed the husky, and took the opportunity to touch its round ears.

Sure enough, what special ears!

The eyes of the two girls brightened, and they asked Yusuke, "Is this our new partner?"

This husky is very nice, and the round ears look cute.

Yusuke shook his head, "This is a pet for Seiko"

The two felt a little regretful. A husky with a pair of Mickey Mouse ears is really rare. The more I look at it, the more joyful I feel. It must be very interesting to be a pet.

Yongsuke called Seiko, and Seiko rushed over immediately. She was also surprised when she saw the husky, who had a pair of Mickey Mouse-like ears, so cute!

Shengzi is very happy, she likes this pet so much!

"Thank you, Yusuke!"

"You have to treat it well"

"I will"

Son nodded and clapped his hands towards Husky, "Come here, Mihaqi"

Mickey Mouse and Husky?This kind of naming is really simple and rude!
But Husky didn't move, just stood there looking at the Son, the Son was a little puzzled, something was wrong with this situation!

Rie smiled and said, "Holy Son, it's not like this, you have to disarm it with food first, and then communicate with it slowly."

Rie had raised huskies before, so she was very clear about these details, and it was only then that the Holy Son suddenly realized.

Seiko asked Rie for some details, and under Rie's guidance, Seiko finally found the trick.

The Holy Son took out a ham sausage, gestured in front of Mihaqi, and beckoned. Mihaqi hesitated, walked over, bit the ham sausage, and ate it slowly.

The Son lightly stroked its head, and after it got used to it, he slowly picked it up and stroked it slowly in his arms, letting Mihaqi get familiar with his own smell.

Mihaqi sniffed his nose. It knew that the Son was its master, and it was remembering the scent of the other party.

Shengzi was very happy, and took Mihaqi away. She had to continue to communicate with it and establish a certain foundation.

Before leaving, he ordered: "Yusuke, don't forget the party tonight"


Tonight is Sasaki Toruru's private party.

In the afternoon, Yusuke greeted Yui and Rie and left first, cleaned up his appearance at home, and then rushed to Sasaki's house.

Tonight's party will be held at Sasaki's house. Sasaki's house is the host, and everything has been prepared, and Yusuke, as Sasaki Torutsu's disciple, must be there in advance.

Tonight was just a gathering of friends, so Toru and Yusuke were in casual clothes, while Seiko and his mother were in kimonos.

Although it is a gathering among friends, there are not a few people present tonight. There are seven or eight guests, including the president of the company, politicians, and kendo masters. They have various identities, and they are also accompanying them. There are more than 20 of my younger generations and disciples in total.

Sasaki's house has a special living room, and gatherings of more than 20 people here will not appear very lively.

The seniors chatted happily, without restraint at all. After all, everyone present has good friendships, and these polite words have long been unnecessary.

Huche took Yusuke and Seiko, and introduced to his friends. Seiko is Huche's daughter, and Huche's friends basically know each other, but Yusuke's identity is different. This is an official announcement to everyone: This is my own disciple, so please take care of me in the future.

Yusuke was neither humble nor overbearing, and greeted each one with a very humble attitude. Everyone smiled and nodded in response, and gave a few words of encouragement.

Everyone has gotten to know each other for a while, as for whether they can become close friends in the future, it depends on personal development.

Huche just introduced an opportunity to Yusuke, but it is of great significance to Yusuke. It is not easy to integrate into a new circle. Everything is difficult at the beginning. Now that everyone knows each other, the next step is much easier.

Hu Che led the two of them to the last friend, who was also a master of swordsmanship. Behind him stood two young men who seemed to be his disciples.

Looking at those two people, Yusuke always felt a little familiar, as if he had seen them somewhere.

Seeing Yusuke approaching, the two teenagers smiled and nodded.

"This one is Yagyu Zaolong, the great swordsman of the Yagyu sect"

Hu Toru introduced Yusuke and Seiko.

Yagyu Zaolong's face was majestic, and he looked serious.

"Senior Yagyu, hello" X2
Yusuke and Seiko nodded in greeting
Yagyu Zaolong nodded, looked at Yusuke, and said, "I know you, and you even defeated my disciple once."


Yusuke was stunned, seeing the young man next to him, he suddenly remembered.

That was the two swordsman players I met in the Yulongqi competition, Masahiro Hirota and Susumu Yagyu!
Unexpectedly, they turned out to be disciples of Yagyu Soryu, this world is really too small.

Yusuke quickly reacted and nodded with a smile.

"Senior Yagyu won the award, it's just a competition, it's nothing,"

"There is no need to be humble, winning is winning, and winning or losing is a matter of common defeat for military strategists"

Yagyu Zaolong said seriously, with a very serious expression.

Unlike Tiger Toru who followed, Yagyu Zaolong looked very old-fashioned.

Yagyu Soryu said to the two people behind him at this time: "You two come over and say hello, this one is the Great Swordsman Sasaki Toru"

The two teenagers greeted each other respectfully, Sasaki Kotoru's name is still very scary.

"Let us two old men go first, let these young people communicate"

Huche said with a smile, Yagyu Saron nodded, and the two left first, leaving Yusuke four alone.

"Hi, I'm Yusuke Misawa"

"Hi, I'm Seiko Sasaki"

"Hi, I'm Masahiro Hiroda"

"Hi, I'm Yagyujin"

Seriously speaking, the four of them really know each other now.

(End of this chapter)

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