Chapter 328 328. Why Are You So Close
The three of Yusuke quickly discussed it. At this moment, Yusuke stood up and said, "I'll give it a try."

Nagasaku and the others nodded, and they were also a little curious about how the animal expert Sanze-kun manipulated the animals.

Yusuke clapped his hands and called the kittens over, then squatted down and began to lecture the kittens.

Make a few people look puzzled, say a few words to the cats, and then they will understand what you mean?This is too strange!
Could it be said that this is the top animal taming skill?
Facing the strange eyes of several people, Yusuke didn't care, he had seen such eyes a lot.

Yusuke quickly discussed with the kittens, and the kittens understood what he meant and nodded.

Yusuke stood up and said, "I have no problem here, let's practice first."

The chief executives are a little confused, is this done?

But because of the reputation of the animal expert Sanze-kun, they would not question him aloud, maybe this is his housekeeping skill.

The group prepares to play again, but this time the cats join in.

As the music sounded, the cats also moved.

The kittens lined up in a row. At this time, all the cats took a step forward with their left legs in unison, and then their right legs also moved, one in front and one behind, in order, like soldiers.

As the music changed, the kittens began to change their formation.

First they lined up in a vertical line, the kittens walked forward in unison, and then formed a circle. As they moved forward, the kittens became more and more scattered, and the circle gradually became larger. becomes smaller and forms a compact circle.

At this time, the circle spread out, and the kittens lined up again, standing neatly together, then shaking their heads up and down. The long line was like a wave, with ups and downs.

Chang Zuo and the others were shocked, this completely refreshed their three views!

At the end of the song, the kittens' performance also ended at the same time. Zhang Zuo and the others kept applauding. This performance was so wonderful!

"Amazing, Yusuke, you are really too strong!"

This is the first time Chang Zuo sees what a truly gifted person is!
Yusuke smiled, these are basic operations.

The first cat performance was really amazing, but everyone calmed down and analyzed it calmly, and found that there were many mistakes in this performance.

The most obvious thing is that the movements of the kittens do not match the music, that is to say, they are not stuck at the music point, but just put the performances of the two parties together, and there is no perfect fusion.

Yusuke began to adjust some details, but after several training sessions, everyone discovered the biggest problem.

The kittens totally stole the band's thunder!
Everyone's attention is attracted by the cats, but not the band. Everyone is watching the performance instead of listening to the song. This is completely putting the cart before the horse!
Both sides were a little embarrassed, they didn't expect such a big mistake.

We discussed it, and finally decided to reduce the performance of the cats. The kittens don't need too many movements, just a few simple movements, and they will be fine with their band.

The task of the kittens is to attract popularity, not to be the protagonist.

As a result, the contents of the performances of the kittens were constantly cut down, and finally there were only two movements of queuing up for catwalks and shaking their heads.

And after a few times of training, the cats have fully mastered this rhythm, which is too easy for them!

The results of the joint performances are quick to bear fruit!
Yusuke originally planned to take a few days to train, but he didn't expect to finish it in one afternoon. It seems that the estimation this time was a bit wrong.

The directors are also very happy. With the addition of cats, their performance this time is definitely attractive.

"Then let's go back first!"

When it was evening, Yusuke and the others were also preparing to go home.

"Let's have dinner together tonight," Nagasaku suggested.

For the first cooperation, eating together will help to promote the relationship between the two parties.

"Next time." Yusuke replied with a smile, "And we have pets, so it's not convenient."

With a few cats, it is more troublesome to go to any restaurant, so I have to give up for a long time.

On the way home, Yui said at this time: "I always feel a little regretful. It's rare that we designed so many actions, but I didn't expect to keep only two of the simplest ones in the end."

In order to design those actions, a few people spent a lot of brain cells, but the result is somewhat unexpected.

Yusuke said with a smile: "Although there are regrets, we also have to consider the feelings of our partners. After all, they are the protagonists this time. We are only responsible for attracting popularity, and we cannot steal their limelight."

Yui and Rie thought for a while, then nodded.

This is the first collaboration, Yui and Rie have not changed their minds yet, Yusuke is adjusting their mentality.

Cooperation requires a win-win situation!
At this time, a car horn sounded, the three of them stopped, turned their heads, and a black car stopped beside them.

The window was lowered, and Ritsuko Ishima was inside the car.

"Yusuke, what a coincidence!" Ritsuko said with a smile, she was about to go home, when she saw Yusuke walking on the road with two girls, she came over to say hello.

"So it's Ritsuko!" Yusuke said with a smile, "Why are you here?"

"Come out to do some errands, and now I'm going home, I didn't expect to meet you on the road!"

"Mr. Yijima" X2
Yui and Rie also greeted each other with a smile.

They also know the famous beautiful teachers in the school.

"It's Miyajima-san and Komiya-san!"

Ritsuko responded with a smile, looking at the cat in the hands of the three of them, she suddenly realized.

"It turns out that the two of them are from your studio!"

Yui and Rie were a little surprised, how could Mr. Yijima know about the studio.

"Riko is Eri's cousin!"

After Yusuke explained it like this, everyone understood.

"Are you going home, I'll give you a ride"

"Will that bother you too much?"


The three of Yusuke were also polite and got into the car directly.

Ritsuko looked at the cats in their hands and asked with a smile, "Why do you have so many cats?"

"For work, I have a collaboration with my friend. There is a band performance next week, and we will also participate in the performance. Ritsuko, would you like to come and have a look?"

"Let's see when the time comes, I don't necessarily have time, there are more things going on these days"

"Oh, yes, this is for you"

Ritsuko handed over three movie tickets.

"This is a movie made by my friend. It will be released in a while, so go watch it."

A movie made by a friend?

There is a lot of information here!

The doubts of Yui and Rie, isn't Mr. Ijima an ordinary school teacher?How do you know someone from the entertainment industry?
It wasn't until Ritsuko sent Yusuke and the others back to the office and drove away that Yui and the others asked Yusuke.

"You must have heard a rumor at school that a certain beautiful teacher is the daughter of a high councilor"

The two looked surprised, they didn't expect this rumor to be true!
"But why do you call Yijima-sensei Ritsuko, and why are you so close!"

The eyes of the two were fixed on Yusuke, they needed an explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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