Chapter 339 339. On TV

Regarding this issue, Yusuke had discussed with both of them before.

They are still students in essence, learning is very important, and they must not be left behind, so the work in the studio can only be handled after school.

Of course, vloggers are somewhat of an influence, and Yusuke has come up with a solution.

The first plan is to shoot more videos now, and every Saturday and Sunday, you can work overtime to ensure sufficient inventory, maintain a stable update volume every day, and stabilize your popularity.

The second option is to recruit more people.

At their scale, there are enough funds to operate more things, and recruiting gestures is imperative.

But one thing is very important, age is flawed!

The three of them are all high school students. At such an age, it is difficult to suppress the people below. It is not that they are not capable enough, but that the social rules of this world are like this.

Therefore, the implementation of this plan is very difficult and requires specific talents.

In this way, there are not many choices for Yusuke.

While thinking about this question, Yusuke replied: "The studio will continue, and we will take care of our studies and work here."

"What about the society?"

Eri is a little anxious, once Yusuke takes care of the studio, the time will definitely be compressed, then the club activities will be cancelled, how can it be done!
"Don't worry, I won't leave the group," Yusuke replied with a smile.

"I will arrange my time well. Just like last semester, I was also a video blogger while participating in club activities. At that time, I was the only one, so I still arranged my time well."

Everyone nodded, only Eri felt a little regretful.

The club activities in the first half of the semester were very loose, everyone would gather together if they wanted to participate, but in the second half of the semester she plans to change the style and ask everyone to be together every day, so that she and Yusuke can get tired of being together, but now this Ideas fell through.

If it is proposed, it will definitely be opposed by Yusuke, and maybe he may quit the club, but Eri dare not take the risk.

After accepting bad news all of a sudden, Eri was in a bad mood.

But she soon perked up.

Just a little accident, nothing!
"Yusuke, I suddenly have a good idea" Rika said at this time, everyone looked over, even Yui and Rie were a little curious.

Rika's ideas are always unexpected!

"Our club cooperates with your studio to make a movie together, how about it?"

Yusuke was a little stunned. Their first club activity was to make a movie, but then they didn’t know how to go, and suddenly it became a sand sculpture video. Is it going to return to the main line now?
Lixiang said excitedly: "The script uses the story of a girl who repays her kindness I told last time. You provide the cat, and we provide the actors here. Let's all work together."

Make a movie...

Yui and Rie pondered for a while, and suddenly felt taller.

Eri nodded excitedly.

"That's right, it's about making movies, let's make movies together!"

Then I am the heroine, Eri said to herself inwardly.

"But we're running out of time"

Yusuke's words directly splashed cold water on her head.

"Next we will participate in variety shows, we don't have time to make movies"

"variety show?"

Yui and the others were a little surprised, and Yusuke told them that they were going to be on the TV show.

"It's amazing! When will the show be broadcast?" Yui asked excitedly.

"I don't know yet," Yusuke replied, "We're going to rehearse next week, and we'll let you know when it will air."

Everyone discussed the variety show with great interest, but the topic of making movies was immediately forgotten.

"Is the show filmed indoors?" Yui asked curiously: "None of us have been to a TV station. I wonder if the group of friends can enter together?"

Television is a very mysterious place for many people.

"It depends on the friendship with the producer." It was Rika who answered.

"If you have a good friendship with the producer, you can also enter the scene. The audience we saw on the show are actually relatives and friends, but this is also limited in number, and to enter the TV station to participate in the show, you have to sign A non-disclosure agreement, the content of the program cannot be disclosed”

Everyone looked at Lixiang with some doubts.

"Why are you so familiar?" Lixiang asked everyone's question.

This is too familiar, even Yusuke doesn't know the inside story.

Lixiang replied calmly: "There are relatives in the family who work in TV stations, so I know about this matter"

That's right, everyone nodded.

"And the number of audiences on the spot is also reserved. If there are too many people, the venue will not be able to accommodate, and it will leave a bad impression on the producer, which may affect the performance of the show, so the general family group only has 2 to 3 people. , Yusuke participated in the program this time, Yui and Rie followed, this is already a group of relatives and friends."

Li Xiang explained, and everyone understood.

"I heard that there is an appearance fee for participating in the program, does Yusuke have any?"

Yui asked again at this time, she was like a curious baby with many questions.

"No." Yusuke shook his head.

Yuichi Nakamoto told him about this matter, the guests usually invited, unless they are famous stars, or people with social status, will give an appearance fee, and amateur guests like Yusuke are all paid a dime No.

Yusuke also expressed his understanding of this, after all, ordinary people have already earned blood by being able to be on TV.

Everyone asked some more questions, and Yusuke answered everything he knew.

Lixiang clapped her hands at this time and said, "Okay, now let's talk about our movie, I have written the script."

Yusuke was a little surprised, after only a few days, you have already written the script, your creative ability is too strong!
Yusuke remembered that when he was in school, Lixiang's scripts were also very prolific, and this guy is the one who hides everything!
"Can we read the script?"

Yui and Rie were a little curious. They both knew the story, but they hadn't read the script yet.

"Okay, I happen to be stored in the phone, I'll send it to you."

Lixiang sent the script to everyone, and everyone read it, and the girls present were a little moved.

This is a romance film, and Rika described it very well. The sweet interaction between the hero and heroine makes their hearts beat endlessly, it is so sweet!

Substitute yourself into the heroine, and then interact with the hero Yusuke...

Well, even Yui and Rie are tempted, they both want to be heroines!
Yusuke read the whole script, pondered for a while, and said, "I think it's better to wait until next semester to shoot this movie."

(End of this chapter)

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