Chapter 353 353. The Unicorn Fairy

"Holy Son, Yui, good morning!"

Yusuke greets Yui and Seiko at a family restaurant.

Today is the day of club activities, and it is also the last club activity of the summer vacation.

"Morning Yusuke!" Yui responded with a smile, Seiko also saw Yusuke and nodded with a smile.

Yong stepped into the seat, took a look, and asked, "Are Eri and Rika still here?"

"They're on their way," Yui replied.

"We watched the TV show." Yui said excitedly at this time: "Yusuke, you are amazing, you are like the king of the forest."

Shengzi also said at this time: "My father and I also watched the TV show, and my father was very surprised. He said that he didn't expect you to have such abilities."

"Dad said you are amazing, you are a talented person"

"The master has won the prize"

"What are you talking about?" Eri and Rika also appeared at this time, Erika naturally sat next to Yusuke, and Rika sat opposite, sitting with Seiko and Yui.

"I'm talking about Yusuke's appearance on TV," Yui replied.

"Have you watched the show?"

"Of course I saw it." Eri said excitedly, "I also recorded a video tape. This is a major event in the club, so I have to keep it as a commemoration."

"This seems to be a matter of Yusuke's studio, does it have anything to do with our club?" Yui asked curiously.

"Of course it has something to do with it." Eri replied with a serious face: "Yusuke is a member of our club, and the affairs of Yusuke are also the affairs of the club."

Well, you are the team leader and you have the final say, and it doesn't matter to Yusuke.

"Eri, what are you going to do when you come out today?" Shengzi asked at this moment.

"School will start in a few days, what activities do we have to do?"

Yui was also a little curious, it was almost the end of the summer vacation, and there were not many things to do.

Eri looked at everyone at this time, and said seriously: "The summer vacation is coming to an end, we have to do something commemorative to commemorate this summer vacation"

What is a commemorative thing!
Yusuke really couldn't understand her brain circuit.

"Speaking of summer, what do you think of?

We’ve been to the seaside, we’ve participated in co-ops, we’ve also played haunted house adventures, we’ve run out of what we should play, and there’s only one left, this is the most classic program of summer.”

Eri's eyes lit up, and she said seriously, "Catch the unicorn!"

Catching unicorns?

Everyone was a little surprised.

Such scenes often appear in Japanese anime, a group of elementary school students went up the mountain to catch the unicorn, and then many things happened because of this unicorn, this is the most unforgettable memory.

This is an activity for elementary school students. We are all high school students, so we still want to play such an activity?

You thought you were still a child!

"Catch the unicorn!" Yui said with emotion: "I caught it a few times in elementary school, and I really miss it when I think about it now."

"That's right, this is an activity that can only be done in summer." Eri said excitedly, "What do you think?"

"It seems to be very good." At this time, Shengzi showed interested eyes, "I haven't caught the unicorn yet."

"Holy Son, haven't you caught the Unicorn?" Yui was a little surprised.

"I was always training at home when I was a child, whether it was summer vacation or winter vacation, my training never stopped, so I didn't play many games"

"That was such a regretful childhood," Eri sighed, and then showed an excited expression.

"Then you can make up for your childhood regrets now!"

Shengzi nodded earnestly. It is not bad to be able to complete the regret of primary school.

"What about Rika?" Yui asked.

"I haven't caught a unicorn either." Lixiang was also very interested.

"Shouldn't you be like the Son of God, you have been studying since you were a child?"

"That's right!" Lixiang nodded, "I had to attend various training classes when I was in elementary school, and I didn't have time for such activities."

"Your childhood sounds so hard!" Yui was a little stunned.

"But all these hard work are rewarded." Yusuke said at this time: "Whatever you put in when you were young, what kind of achievements you will have when you grow up."

Several people nodded. Although it was a pity when they were children, Rika has now won the National Piano Competition Grand Prize, and Shengzi's strength is far beyond ordinary people. During the summer vacation, he even broke the record of Yulong Banner. The existence called the Great Demon King.

As much as you pay, you will get as much return.

"Then only Yusuke is left, what do you say?"

Eri looked at Yusuke at this time, Yusuke thought for a while, then nodded, it would be good to experience this kind of traditional activity.

"Okay, then let's go now." Eri stood up and said excitedly.

A group of people packed up, first went to the store to buy insect nets, and then drove to the mountains in the suburbs.

But unexpectedly, there are many people here in Dashan, all of them are elementary school students, wearing shorts and shorts, wearing sun hats, and holding insect nets in their hands. Obviously, they are all here to catch unicorns.

"It feels like we have a lot of competition!" Yusuke complained with a smile.

"Don't be afraid, we are the strongest. I have caught many unicorns when I was young, and no one is my opponent. I am the legendary unicorn girl!" Eri said confidently with her hands on her hips Said.

"What kind of nickname is this!" Yui complained.

"This is proof of my strength!"

Well, as long as you're happy.

A group of people started up the mountain.

This mountain is neither very high nor steep, and there are no wild animals, so you don't have to worry about any danger.

The tail of summer is still very hot, but in the mountains, the sun is blocked by the leaves, and the cool mountain breeze blows, I feel very comfortable. Walking on the mountain trails, the heat on my body is much less.

Everyone stopped and walked, looking at the surrounding scenery, leisurely and leisurely along the way, as if they were here to visit the mountains and rivers.

"Look, there's a unicorn over there!" Yui said while pointing in one direction, and several people stopped in their tracks.

On a big tree, a unicorn was standing there, about three centimeters long.

"It's a good luck, the first one is found, who will do it first?" Eri asked.

"Let me!" Yui said excitedly, "I haven't caught a unicorn for a long time, I'll practice first."

Shengzi and the others nodded, and took a look at how to catch the one-horned fairy by the way.

Yui took a long insect net, walked under the big tree, lifted it carefully, the net slowly approached the unicorn, and then swung it vigorously.

'Clap' sound.

The insect net hit the tree pole directly, a few centimeters away from the unicorn fairy.

The unicorn was frightened, and immediately danced its wings and flew up.

Yui said with some embarrassment: "Mistake made a mistake, I haven't done it for too long, I made a mistake in judgment"

The first action failed!
At this time, a black shadow waved across the air, and the unicorn flying in the air immediately fell into the net bag.

The Holy Son looked at his insect net and asked, "Is it like this?"

Shengzi succeeded in catching it for the first time!
(End of this chapter)

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