Chapter 365 365. Society
When Yusuke came to the club room, there was only Eri in the room.

"Yusuke!" Eri stood up happily, "You're here!"

Yusuke nodded and asked, "Why are you so early today?"

"As the president, of course I have to be the first to join the club!"

Yusuke was a little skeptical about this, last semester you didn't seem to be like this, every time you dragged your arrival until the last one.

"Yusuke, the speech was great!" Eri praised with a thumbs up.


The speech draft has to be reviewed by the school, of course there is no problem.

The two sat in the club classroom for a while, and the third Yui came over.

"Sorry for being late"

Yui found a seat and sat down, then gave Yusuke a thumbs up.

"Yusuke, I listened to your speech, it's great!"

Yusuke smiled, but didn't answer.

Yui continued: "Yusuke, many people are asking for information about you."

"My news?" Yusuke was a little surprised, and Eri suddenly had a bad feeling.

"That's right, many people in the class are asking who this handsome guy is!"

"And then?" Eri's bad premonition grew stronger.

"Then I told them that Yusuke is a member of our club, and everyone asked me a lot of questions about your interests and hobbies."

Yusuke raised his eyebrows, "Shouldn't you tell them everything?"

For a moment, Eri's eyes became terrified, and Yui was taken aback for an instant, and said embarrassingly, "Of course not."

The frightening look disappeared.

"Yusuke is my good friend, how could I betray my friend!" Yui said, patting his chest.

"That's good." Yusuke breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't want to go to school every morning, and the shoe cabinet was full of love letters. Although it sounded cool, it was too much trouble for him.

The three sat chatting together, and after a while, Lixiang also came over.

"Sorry for being late"

Li Xiang also found a seat and sat down, explaining: "When I was about to come here just now, I was called by the teacher, so I wasted a little time."

"What's the matter?" Yui asked.

"About the piano competition, the piano competition I participated in was in my own name. The school didn't know where it came from, so the teacher wanted to confirm with me."

"Shouldn't you be asked to keep your medals at school?" Yui complained.

"That's not true. It's just the teacher's suggestion. If there is such an activity next time, it's best to participate in the name of the school."

"It feels like the school is taking advantage of you"

There are many students who take advantage of the school, but this is the first time that a school has taken advantage of the students.

"But it's not bad to have a good relationship with the school," Eri said at this time: "We are students after all, so we can do a lot of things for the school because we are very convenient, and as a good student, we can do a lot of things. , good students will always receive preferential treatment”

Everyone nodded. This principle is true, and it is common all over the world.

The Son was the last to come.

"Sorry, I'm late." The Son said calmly, sitting in his seat.

"Holy Son, you were also left behind by the teacher, right?" Yui asked.

Shengzi shook his head, "No, it's reserved for the girls in the class."

A few people in Eri were a little surprised and asked, "What's the matter?"

"They heard that I won the championship in the Yulong Banner competition, and they were very surprised, so they came to say hello."

Today can be said to be the most popular day for the Son of God.

Shengzi is usually very low-key in school, and she seldom speaks, and she has no sense of presence. In the eyes of outsiders, she is just a quiet and beautiful girl.

Shengzi won the Jade Dragon Banner Competition, and his homeroom teacher talked about it during the class meeting, and everyone was shocked.

Unexpectedly, the usually quiet Shengzi turned out to be a master of martial arts, which fell through the glasses of many people.

The girls are all gossips, and soon someone is chatting with the Son.

After half a semester of training, Shengzi's oral expression skills have improved a lot, and there is nothing wrong with the communication between the two parties.

After talking with Shengzi, the other party soon discovered that Shengzi was not an ordinary person. Her light and serene temperament, healing voice, and elegant demeanor made her a classical beauty that had been neglected.

The girls seemed to have discovered a new world, they all gathered around and chatted.

The Holy Son was surrounded in this situation, he dealt with it frantically, and was finally freed.

"But it feels pretty good." Shengzi said with a smile. She joined the club to train the way of speaking, and now there are obvious results, which makes her very happy.

"Okay." Eri clapped her hands at this moment, and walked up to the podium, everyone looked over.

"Everyone is here, and I will announce that the first club activity of the new semester has officially started!"

"This time we are going to make a movie for our club activities"

Eri wrote the name of the movie on the blackboard: Cat Story
"The script is provided by Lixiang. Now let me announce everyone's tasks. Seiko is the heroine, Yusuke is the actor, Lixiang is the cameraman, I am the director, Yui is in charge of lighting, and the three of us are also in charge of supporting roles. Everyone is fine. Bar?"

Everyone nodded.

"Okay, then everyone is free, we will start filming next week"

Everyone is fine, they have long been used to this kind of shooting method like rushing ducks to the shelves.

Yusuke put away his script and prepared to leave.

After a semester of filming, acting was easy for Yusuke, there was no need for rehearsal at all, and he could just perform on stage when the time came.

As for the lines, it is even simpler.

The only problem is that the soul of the second class can't be used.

The Soul of Secondary School is only suitable for the script of Long Aotian, but this is a youth film.

But don't worry if you don't need Yusuke, you can play freely when the time comes.

At this moment, Shengzi came over and asked, "Yongsuke, are you going home?"

"I'm going back to the studio"

"Then let's go together." The Son said, "I just want to practice the conversation with you, so we can just practice on the road here."

"Okay." Yusuke nodded.

The two left together, and Eri frowned as she looked at their figures.

"Eri, don't look at it." Lixiang's voice came, and Eri came back to her senses.

The two were discussing the script and drawing the storyboard, but Eri was distracted by their affairs.

"Both of them are fine," said Rika, "no need to be nervous"

Eri sighed and said, "Okay, I was impatient."

Yui next to her was practicing her lines, as if she didn't hear it, she didn't want to get involved in such a troublesome matter.

Yui has already seen that there is more than one person who is interested in Yusuke, and there is more than one confidante around Yusuke. She just needs to take a look at such a tragic Shura field, and she must not get involved!
(End of this chapter)

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