The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 373 373. I Can't Escape This Time

Chapter 373 373. I Can't Escape This Time

A few people from Eri also joined Yusuke's team, and a group of people went to the karate club in a mighty way.

When Yusuke came to the karate club, there were already many students waiting here. Fortunately, the gymnasium of the karate club is big enough for everyone to have a place.

The scene was densely packed, and the students were very excited, as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

Sure enough, gossip does not distinguish between men, women and children.

"There are so many people, what should I do when the teacher comes over?" Yui said worriedly at this moment, and the others remembered that Yusuke has caused such a big trouble, and the school will definitely intervene, so the agreed declaration of war Wouldn't it be a waste of time, Yusuke might have to be punished.

Eri was thinking about whether to ask her sister to solve this matter. This matter seemed troublesome, but it was nothing to Enoka's family.

It's a pity that she has made an agreement with her family that for three years in high school, she has to rely on herself, not on the power of her family.

But now in this situation, she can only ask her elder sister. Although her elder sister is very strict, she will satisfy her request, but she has to pay a small price.

"There should be no problem with the school." Yusuke said in a low voice at this time: "Mr. Ritsuko will take care of it."

Only then did the group nod their heads, and Eri put back the cell phone that Eri took out. With Ritsuko's sister's help, there will be no problem!

Ritsuko has already regretted it, she didn't expect Yusuke to make such a big thing, the school will definitely not sit idly by.

But she made a promise just now, and now she can only delay as much as possible.

Ritsuko mobilized her own contacts and asked the principal to stand by her side. The principal also agreed that he didn't mind selling Ritsuko's favor in this kind of matter. He also knew Ritsuko's family situation, and the nature of this matter can be big or small. , it's not a problem for him.

But even so, Ritsuko was under a lot of pressure.

The principal is fine, but other teachers have great opinions. Although Yusuke has brought a good reputation to the school, what he is doing now is too much. This is to provoke the school's discipline!
"It's just a normal club activity," Ritsuko retorted.

"And the broadcasting room did not prohibit students from speaking on it. There is nothing wrong with Sanze's behavior."

"As for the conflict between the two, which student has no conflict, there is no need to make a fuss."

"Fighting? Absolutely not. This is just a normal club activity. The two sides compete to learn from each other. And with so many people watching, can they still kill people?"

"Maybe this is a good thing, or else they would have conflicts in private, and the school would be even uglier then."

Many of Ritsuko's points of view are untenable, they are completely nonsense, but they are also partly reasonable, and the principal is also on her side, and many teachers are a little shaken.

Ritsuko also talked about the student union. The nature of the student union has changed, and it has become somewhat rotten, which makes some teachers not so determined.

The teachers were divided into two factions. Some teachers thought that they could take the opportunity to attack the student union and make the student union more peaceful.

However, some teachers believed that both parties were at fault, and each had to give 50 boards.

Coupled with the fact that the principal was sidelining the fight, the teachers quarreled like this, and Ritsuko managed to delay the time.

Looking at the teachers who were quarreling in front of her, Ritsuko was relieved, but also a little angry.

This favor cannot be resolved with a meal!
When Yongsuke came to the karate club, he also met the president of the karate club, who had a strange expression on his face.

In all fairness, he admires Yusuke's courage. Martial arts practitioners are full of passion, and Yusuke's defiance of power makes him a little excited, but unfortunately, the karate club has already been tied to the student union.

But since we can't be friends, we can't be enemies either.

The two exchanged a few words briefly, and the president gave them the venue, and at the same time asked the members of the club to help maintain order. If there was any trouble at the scene, the karate club would be the one to blame in the end.

People from the Kendo club also came, just like Kaneki Taiji and the Karate club, Yusuke and the Kendo club are also tied together.

Shoko Takayama appeared with Saijo Mai, said hello, and made it clear that he would stand on Yusuke's side.

"Senior Sanze, I will cheer for you, and I must kill the student union!" Xi Chengwu said excitedly.

The battle between the two is like a duel between ancient warriors. One is a karate master and the other is an invincible swordsman. This is the pinnacle duel, which makes Xicheng dance very excited!
There were a lot of students at the scene, even a lot of seniors who were preparing for the entrance examination in the third year of high school. Everyone was looking forward to this competition, and they were all discussing at this moment.

"He is Yusuke Misawa? What a brave man!"

"You even challenged the student council president, what did the student council president do?"

"I heard it was threatening his friend. There is an inside story here, and it also involves our school belle."

"So awesome!"

"By the way, why did you only see Yusuke Misawa, the student union?"

"Isn't the student council president afraid?"

"Impossible, doesn't it mean that he has the strength of a national champion?"

"I heard that this Yusuke Misawa also has the strength of a national champion, but he is from the kendo circle."

"Is this the Kendo club and the Karate club going to fight? People from both clubs are on the move!"

"Didn't they say it was a personal problem?"

"The student union has abused its power. Is it still a personal problem?"

"This is just one side of the story"

"These are not important. What's important is that the president of the student union has not shown up until now. Wouldn't they be afraid?"

The students talked a lot, and rumors were flying everywhere.

But with the passage of time, everyone's focus quickly became one, and no one from the student union came forward. Could it be that the student union is afraid?
Doesn't it mean that he has the strength of a national champion?Why don't you have the courage?
Youyi and the others also had the same question. They waited here for so long, but no one showed up.
Eri said at this time: "They should be able to fight, otherwise it will be the student council who will lose face"

"But as the president of the student council, he dares to make a small report, maybe this kind of thing" Yuyi said, he was very suspicious of Kaneki Taiji's character.


Everyone thought about it, and there is really this possibility. At this time, they all looked at Yusuke, and Yusuke waved his hand, "It's okay."

If the other party refuses to fight, Yusuke has other options, but it will not be to this level when the time comes.

The discussion among the students became more and more intense, and even the members of the Karate club were affected. They cooperated with the student union and were supportive of the student union.

Could it be an escape?

This is an act of cowardice!

And the student union has already quarreled, and some people support the challenge. This is a slap in the face of the student union, and it must be taught a lesson!
There are also people who are against it. This is obviously a planned conspiracy. The other party wants to set the student union on fire!

But there are also some who think that they should act according to the discipline of the school and let the teachers handle it.

Everyone was arguing, and Kaneki Taiji sat in a chair and thought.

After arguing and arguing, everyone turned to Chairman Jin Mu, and the final decision was in his hands.

Kaneki Taiji finally stood up.

"Let's go to the karate club!"

There is no escape this time!
(End of this chapter)

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