Chapter 403 403. Nonsense
"You have a lot of guts!" Yusuke said angrily at this moment: "You actually dropped the cage from the 4th floor, we can see it clearly, you are cruel to animals!"

"Nonsense, it was obviously done by a crow!" the man said angrily, then his expression froze for a moment.

It seems that they saw what happened just now, and their tone became cold at this moment.

"It's none of your business, give me that cat back"

"You don't need to act any more." Yusuke stared at the man with calm eyes, looking at the man with a bit of pain, as if all his secrets had been seen clearly.

"We know everything, you sadist!"

"You guys are not big or small! Which school are you from? I want to complain to your school!"

The man was instantly offended, roared angrily, and stretched out his hand to push Yusuke.

But as soon as the man made a move, Yusuke had already grabbed his arm.

It was as if the man's arm had been grabbed by a giant steel hand, and that force made his bones ache.

At this moment, Yusuke twisted his body and directly pushed the man to the ground.

The man fell to the ground and screamed, Yusuke's strength was so great that he almost broke his hand.


At this moment, Kawanaru's voice came from the front, and she was riding a bicycle.

"What are you doing!"

"Officer, he robbed my cat and beat me!" the man said first.

"Look, the cages are all there. They destroyed the cage and took the cat away, but they didn't know it had my name on it"

Sure enough, there was a nameplate on the cage: Sangji Takema
"They are still beating me, you arrest them!" The man spoke very fast, and said a lot, only to find that the female policeman's expression was very subtle, and suddenly there was a bad feeling .

"What are you policeman doing? Didn't you hear what I said? Hurry up and arrest them," the man shouted angrily.

"You don't need to quibble!" Zuo Shouchuan said at this moment: "You stole their cat, and the villain sued first."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Didn't I make it clear just now? The evidence is all there!"

"Certify me!" Zuo Shouchuan couldn't help but swear, she knew all the animals in Yusuke's studio, and she knew it was just Xiao Hei at a glance, you are still quibbling!

The man was startled, he didn't expect them to know each other, but he realized it in the next second.

"You guys framed me together! I want to report you!"

This guy is indeed shameless enough.

Ignoring the man's yelling, Yusuke said to Zuo Techuan: "This guy abuses animals, and the evidence is in his house."

The man's expression froze when he heard the animal cruelty, but the next moment he yelled loudly: "Nonsense!"

This reaction was so obvious that everyone present could see that this guy had a guilty conscience.

"Let's go to his house and take a look," Yusuke said at this time.

"Okay, let's go to his house and have a look." Zuo Shouchuan also agreed.

"Whoever said you can enter my house, I will report you!"

Zuo Chuan frowned at this moment, Yusuke exerted force with his palm, and the man immediately cried out in pain.

"What are you still doing? Tell him to let me go!"

"I'd better call for help." Zuo Shouchuan ignored the man's cry and picked up the walkie-talkie to ask for help.

After a while, two male policemen came over, Zuo Shouchuan went over to explain to them, the two nodded and walked over.

"Let him go first," a male policeman said to Yusuke.

Yusuke let go of his hand and stood up. The man got up from the ground at this moment, pointing at Zuo Chuan with one hand, "I want to complain to her!"

"Don't talk so much nonsense, now it's up to you two to deal with it," the male policeman sternly shouted, obviously he was on Zuo Shouchuan's side.

The man looked at the police angrily, but the police were fearless.

If he dares to do something, he will become an assaulter!

"Now go to your house and check the situation"

"Why go to my house, I don't agree, who gave you the right"

When Zuo Shouchuan asked for help, he said that someone stole other people's pets and abused them, and then the owner came to him, and the man's current reaction also proved this point.

But what the man said also has a certain legal basis. Private property is inviolable. They do not have a search warrant and are not qualified to search other people's homes.

It's a little difficult now.

At this time, Yusuke said: "Maybe you don't need to search his house, the witness drama is right at his door."

Zuo Chuan looked at Yusuke at this time, Yusuke nodded, Zuo Chuan immediately understood.

"Then let's go upstairs and have a look."

The man suddenly had a bad premonition. He remembered that he had locked the door when he went out just now, and they shouldn't be able to get in, so he was relieved.

A group of people walked into the apartment, and when they reached the stairs on the 4th floor, they smelled a strong odor.

It was a rotten stench.

The man's face suddenly changed, and the policemen also noticed it at this moment, and immediately blocked his retreat.

A group of people walked to the corridor on the fourth floor, and finally saw the source of the smell.

Several broken bags were scattered in the corridor. From the broken bags, it could be seen that the bodies of kittens were inside, and a door in the middle of the corridor was open.

The smell was so strong that the neighbors around could smell it, and they all came out at this moment, talking a lot. When they saw the dead kitten in the bag, they were all startled.

"Isn't this Mr. Takema's house?"

"Why are there so many dead kittens there?"

"It's so cruel, they were all tortured and killed"

The man immediately sensed that something was wrong and turned around to run around, but was held down by the police behind him.

People took the stolen goods and got them.

The police searched the man's home and found that there were still a large number of kitten corpses hidden in the house, and there were also a large number of animal cruelty videos hidden in his computer hard drive.

According to the man, there are some special groups who like to abuse animals for fun. They all gather on a small website, and on this website, as long as they upload related videos, they will get money.

At the beginning, the man only made occasional videos, but he recently lost his job and was increasingly short of money, so he started desperately catching stray cats to shoot videos.

But there are too many videos taken, and there are more and more stray cat corpses, and I can't deal with it all at once, so I hide it at home for the time being.

He originally planned to bury it deep in the mountains this week, but he didn't expect to get the stolen goods now.

The man confessed everything, and the police followed his information, found several video shooters whose main business was this, and destroyed the small website.

All of them were sentenced and fined.

In Japan, there are relevant animal protection laws, and malicious killing of animals will result in imprisonment.

This incident has also attracted the attention of the media. The cruelty and killing of animals is really bad.Under the hype of the media, these people are almost socially dead.

Of course, these are all stories.

After Yusuke found Xiao Hei, he took it to Dr. Sakura for an examination.

Fortunately, Xiao Hei didn't suffer any injuries, so he can rest for two days.

(End of this chapter)

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