The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 421. 421. Bow and Arrow Competition

Chapter 421. 421. Bow and Arrow Competition
"Just let the horse come here." Yusuke said calmly: "But I will only say it once, and it will not be an example."

"Of course." Xi Jiutiao said with his arms akimbo, "I say one is one."

"Well, it's a deal, how do you want to solve it?"

"The three of us challenge you!" Toka Nishikujo, Hideki Kitagawa, and Moriyuki Sahara stood up at this moment.

"No problem, it's a kendo competition, you three can do it together"

"No." Xi Jiutiao shook his head.

When she is a fool!

Misawa Yusuke is the champion of the Yulong Banner competition, she is not stupid enough to challenge him, even if the three of them serve together, it is to deliver food!
"Then what do you want to compete?"

Everyone looked at them curiously.

At this moment, Zuo YuanShouYu said, "I will compete with you in bow and arrow competition."

"How despicable!" Xicheng Wu said at the side at this time, "I can't beat the way of swordsmanship, but I use other methods to challenge!"

"I didn't say what method to challenge, and Sanze also agreed!" Nishikutiao showed a successful smile at this time, "How? If you don't agree, just admit defeat. You will be canceled if you admit defeat."

Xi Jiutiao's complacent look made everyone very unhappy.

This guy is so arrogant!
It turned out that she had such an idea, and Yusuke immediately understood, it seems that the next challenge of the other two will not be kendo.

But Yusuke doesn't care, what they challenge is nothing more than sports, as long as there are sports games, the sum of all the people present is not enough for him to fight!

Yusuke nodded, "No problem!"

"As expected of senior Sanze, he is really domineering!" Xicheng Wu said adoringly.

Yui next to him asked softly, "Has Yusuke ever practiced bow and arrow?"

Seiko nodded, "Yusuke's shooting is very powerful!"

Hearing what the Holy Son said, everyone immediately felt relieved.

Shengzi's voice was not low, and everyone present heard it, and the faces of Xijiutiao and the others changed at this moment.

I thought it was a safe situation, but now it has changed.

Nishi Kujo asked Semi in a low voice, "Can he know how to bow and arrow?"

Semi shook her head and said, "I don't know, even if I knew, I wouldn't tell, I can't betray my friend"

Xi Kutiao was taken aback for a moment, thought for a while, and nodded.

"I was reckless, I won't ask you these questions anymore, it's up to us, Zuo Yuan, do you have confidence?"

"Don't worry!" Zuoyuan Moriyuki nodded seriously, "I have practiced before."

"Okay, then the first victory is up to you!" Xi Kutiao said loudly, and everyone looked over.

"Yusuke, kill them!" Eri also said loudly at this time.

The two looked at each other at this moment, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

The bow and arrow competition needed a place, so they had to ask someone from the bow and arrow club to borrow the place and tools.

Fortunately, the president of the bow and arrow club also knows Yusuke and Shengzi. These two have set a new record in the Yulong Banner competition.

Members of the bow and arrow club also gathered around curiously, this is a competition between our school and other schools!

The two put on their armor and were ready to play.

As the referee, the president of the bow and arrow club spoke at this time: "Everyone shoots three arrows, and the time limit is 3 minutes. The one with the highest score wins. You are all right?"

Both nodded.

"Who will come first?"

"I'll come first!" Satohara Moriyuki stood up, Yusuke didn't mind, a group of people were watching there.

I saw Zuoyuan Moriyuki standing firmly on the floor, holding the bow in one hand, and pulling out a bamboo arrow with the other hand, and put it on the string, and the bowstring was fully drawn soon.

He stared straight ahead and took aim. The next moment, the bamboo arrow flew out and landed on the opposite archery target.

"8 points!"

The president of the bow and arrow club shouted at this time, everyone was a little surprised, this guy's shooting is quite accurate.

Zuo Yuan breathed out, stretched his shoulders, relaxed his muscles, regained his posture after a while, took out a bamboo arrow from his body, strung the string again, pulled it fully, aimed, and fired.

The bamboo arrow flew out again and landed on the arrow rake.

"8 points!"

This guy shot too accurately. Obviously, this guy definitely came prepared.

Xi Kutiao was full of confidence. She had studied for a long time for this competition.

Since you can't beat Yusuke Misawa in kendo, you have to find a way from other places.

She thought hard, and after understanding everyone's strengths, she finally came up with this method.

Mamoru Zuohara looks mediocre, but it depends on who he compares with. This guy's athletic ability is actually very strong. He can play everything from kendo to bow and arrow. It's just that he puts his mind on girls, so his grades Has been up and down.

This guy is amazing!The president of the bow and arrow club was surprised. This guy can go to the competition, why should he join the sword club?

Semi also had the same question, and Nishi Kujo explained: "Because this guy's girlfriend said he likes kendo, so he practiced kendo."

Semi's speechless face turned out to be because of such a reason!
Zuo Yuan moved his arm a bit, the two shots had some effect on his muscles, so he had to recover as soon as possible.

When he felt that it was almost done, Zuo Yuan picked up the bow and arrow again, strung the string, and stared at the arrow rake on the opposite side.


"9 points!"

Everyone present was very surprised, this score is very powerful.

Only then did Zuo Yuan breathe a sigh of relief. His condition was unprecedentedly good today. This was the highest score he had ever scored. He believed that he would definitely win this time.

At this time, he walked down confidently, and looked at Yusuke with a smile on his face, as if he had already won the victory.

"Yusuke, come on!" Yui and the others cheered from the side.

Yusuke smiled and nodded, walked onto the stage, drew the arrow, strung the string, drew the bow, and fired in one go. The whole process took less than three seconds. Before everyone could react, the arrow had already hit the rake.

This is too fast!
At this moment, everyone looked at the arrow rake, and a bamboo arrow was stuck in the center.

"10 points!"

Zuo Yuan's calm smile froze at this moment.

This is impossible!This guy didn't even aim at it just now, so why did he shoot it?
But the reality is like this, and he slapped him hard.

At this time, Yusuke has already caught the second arrow and is ready to shoot.

Everyone was shocked, doesn't this guy need to rest?

Every time you shoot, you have to rest for a while to let the muscles relax. No one has ever fired continuously like him.

And this arrow also hit the center, 10 points!
The president of the bow and arrow club was shocked. He scored 10 points with two consecutive arrows, which is really rare!
Although he can also do it, it requires a high degree of concentration. How can he shoot with a bow and arrow like him, which is too fast and too casual!

There is only one explanation, this guy is very strong!
(End of this chapter)

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