Chapter 572. Chapter 572.

I don't know if my mother told them: I have several girlfriends, no, my mother should not say these things.

"Let's go, I'm bored at home, let's go outside and play." Miyuki greeted with a smile.

Yusuke really couldn't recall anything, maybe he could get some clues through communicating with her, after all, this matter was so strange, so he nodded and went out with her.

"Are you going out?" Yue Ying came out of the kitchen at this time, and said in surprise: "It's almost dinner time, you still want to go out?"

"No, we'll just play in the yard"

Miyuki greeted and dragged Yusuke out.

Tsukikage smiled, the relationship between the two is really good, but unfortunately, Yusuke already has a girlfriend.

Yusuke didn't care about the girl's enthusiasm, and followed her to the yard.

"What are we going to play?" Yusuke asked with a smile.

Meixue was stunned for a moment, and then she came back to her senses after a while, and said with a smile: "You guys look really good-looking when you smile, you really are a boy!"

"It's the Eighteenth Change of the Female University!"

"It's almost the same meaning." Miyuki said with a smile, "You can't rely on this to get my sister, right?"

The black line on Yusuke's face, this guy is too bold!

"What game are we going to play?" Yusuke changed the subject.

"Let's play sumo," Miyuki said proudly.


Yusuke took a look at the heights of the two. He was 8 meters tall and the other was 1.6 meters at most. There was a big difference in height and weight. Is there a need for a competition?

Understanding Yusuke's eyes, Miyuki said confidently; "You are still the same arrogant, you used to have the same expression, but every time I get down, I have won 29 consecutive victories, and now I am the first 30 times"

"Then your record can't be broken," Yusuke responded with a smile.

"Let's talk less, let's see the truth." Miyuki's expression became serious, "The rules are very simple, the two of us stand still, and whoever takes a step back will lose."

Yusuke nodded, very simple rules.

The two stood facing each other.

"Start!" The girl immediately lowered her body.

Yusuke immediately understood, no wonder she was so confident, the lower the center of gravity in this game, the better the advantage.

"Are you still foolish enough not to defend? I'm attacking!"

While talking, Miyuki pushed her over with both hands.

However, Miyuki seemed to have pushed against a rock, and Yusuke did not move.

Yusuke stood there, no matter how hard the opponent tried, he didn't move his body.

Miyuki was startled, did this guy have long roots?
Yusuke didn't know any skills, but he could crush the opponent with his physical fitness alone. At this time, he stretched out his hand and pushed it lightly, and the girl couldn't help but take a step back.

"I won" Yusuke said with a smile, the girl's face was full of disbelief.

He just pushed lightly and lost control of himself. How did he do that?
"It's very simple. When you exert your strength, the old strength is gone and the new strength is not born. This is the biggest flaw," Yusuke explained with a smile.

Miyuki was surprised. Although she could understand, she was the only one who could do this!
"It seems that the champion of the Jade Dragon Banner is real!"

"you do not believe?"

"I thought you were bragging! After all, the former coward suddenly became like this, which surprised me."

Yusuke was a little strange, did he have this nickname before?

"It's time to eat!"

Tsukage stepped out at this moment, interrupting Yusuke's thoughts.

"Let's play after dinner," Miyuki said with a smile, and walked into the house first.

Ask her later, Yusuke then went in.

The dinner was very sumptuous, after all, it was a rare gathering, and there were laughter and laughter on the table.

After eating, Yusuke wanted to ask Miyuki about the past, but at this moment, his father waved to him and gave him a wink.

Yusuke immediately understood that Xiufeng had already obtained the information, so let's put his own affairs aside, so he followed his father to Xiufeng's study, where the three men gathered together.

"Here is the Yasuda family's information." Xiufeng handed the two manuscripts to the two, and they looked at them.

The contemporary head of the Yasuda family is Kosuke Yasuda, who is Aiyi's grandfather.He single-handedly founded the Yasuda Group. After 50 years of ups and downs, he has grown from a small grocery store to a huge consortium. He is very resourceful and can be called a generation of heroes.

And there is also a very important factor for Sanada Kosuke's success. He received support from his wife. His wife's natal family is a big chamber of commerce, which gave him a lot of help in his early entrepreneurship, and helped Yasuda Kosuke through the early stages. kind of problem.

Once the foundation is laid, the Yasuda Group will develop rapidly, and finally grow into a behemoth: the Yasuda Consortium, whose establishment cannot do without a part of his wife.

Kosuke Yasuda had two sons and a daughter. The youngest son died in a car accident when he was a teenager.

The youngest daughter, Huacai, met Tian Yan when she was in college and eloped for love. Her father was furious and severed ties with her, so now there is only one heir of the Yasuda Group, the eldest son Yasuda Sanosuke, and Yasuda Zuanosuke has two sons two women.

Yasuda Kosuke's wife, Miyuki Yasuda, was in poor health and was admitted to the hospital this year. I heard that the end of life was approaching, and the biggest regret before leaving was that she never saw her daughter who had severed ties.

Faced with the final request to accompany his wife for life, Yasuda Kosuke nodded in agreement, and mobilized countless manpower and material resources to search, but he did not expect to get a piece of bad news. His daughter and son-in-law actually took the first step.

But fortunately, there is another piece of good news, Huacai also has a daughter, the only granddaughter.

Yasuda Miyuki wanted to meet this granddaughter, Yasuda Kosuke agreed.

But the result made Yasuda Kosuke a little surprised, the Nagasegawa family actually handed over Aiyi to outsiders to be raised, which made him extremely despised.

Sure enough, it was a group of white-eyed wolves, and the daughter really chose the wrong person.

After knowing the reason for Yasuda Kosuke's visit, the Nagasegawa family burst out with 100% enthusiasm. This is a super thigh, and I can't wait to post it.

Facing these white-eyed wolves, Yasuda Kosuke didn't have a good face, but considering his wife's regret, he asked them to help find them, which is why what happened today.

The Nagasegawa family thought that Aiyi was going back to inherit a huge inheritance, so they wanted to fight for custody.

After reading all the materials, it became clear that all of this was the self-indulgence of the Nagasegawa family.

According to the order of inheritance rights, no matter how they are arranged, Aiyi will not be able to turn. In addition, they have severed their relationship, which is absolutely impossible.

"Or they want to fight!" Xiufeng sneered, "after all, everyone wants the pie that falls from the sky."

(End of this chapter)

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