Chapter 588 588. Snow
In front of him was the familiar turntable again, and another monthly lucky draw.

Yusuke prayed silently for a while, then pressed the button, and the pointer of the turntable rotated rapidly.

Soon, the pointer stopped.

[Congratulations for winning the reward: pig-like sense of smell]

Pig-like sense of smell?

What the hell is this!
Yusuke read the explanation and understood.

The sense of smell of pigs is actually very sensitive, more than ten times that of dogs.This skill analyzes various smells through the sense of smell. As long as there is relevant information, a relevant image can be established in the mind. This skill is very powerful.

However, Yusuke always felt that this skill was a bit obscene.

Is this the so-called smelling a woman?
He shook his head secretly, well, it was his fault.

It doesn't matter whether a skill is good or bad, as long as you use it in the corresponding environment.

Yusuke opened his eyes, sat up from the bed, and tried to activate his skills.

My nose moved, and I smelled a scent. It was my mother cooking in the kitchen. This scent was...

Soon, the corresponding image was established in my mind, salmon, miso soup, rice, and pickled cucumber.

Yusuke decided to check it out, packed up and went downstairs, the breakfast on the table was indeed salmon, rice, miso soup and pickled cucumbers, the taste was exactly the same as the smell, this skill is amazing!

In the kitchen, mother and younger sister were looking at the bear's paw.

Yusuke brought back a bear paw and a bear skin yesterday, the family members were very surprised, especially the younger sister Aiyi, it was the first time she saw a live bear paw, she was very surprised.

My mother was very happy, my son is really amazing with such a big bear skin!

Yusuke originally wanted to hand over the bear skin to professionals to make it into fur, but his mother said that it would be fine to leave it to her, and she was confident that it could be done well.

Then, in the conversation with the neighbors, inadvertently showing off, what an air it is!

Yusuke walked into the kitchen and asked with a smile, "Mom, can't you figure out what to do?"

"It's really a headache. This is the first time cooking bear's paw. I don't know where to start."

"Why don't I do it"

"No, I want to challenge it." Mom replied seriously, she also wanted to try such a special dish.

Yusuke didn't mind either. The bear he hunted yesterday was very big. In addition to the bear's claws, there was also some bear meat, but the bear's paws were special.Since my mother is interested, let her experiment.

"Mom, how long will it take to eat?" My sister Aiyi asked expectantly at this time, bear's paw, it sounds delicious.

"In the next two days, wait for mom to check the recipe online." Mom replied with a smile, and Aiyi nodded expectantly.

After breakfast, the two went out.

Open the door, there is a thick layer of snow outside.

It has snowed heavily in the past two days, the roofs, roads, and trees are covered with snow, and the ground suddenly turns white.

"What a big snow!" Aiyi ran out happily, grabbed the snow on the ground, squeezed it into a ball, and said excitedly: "Today we can play in the snow!"

Yusuke smiled and said, "You can play in the snow, but be careful not to catch a cold."

"I see"

The two waited at Miyajima's house for a while, and Xiao Ye came out.

"Good morning, Brother Yusuke! Ai Yi!" Xiao Ye greeted.

"Good morning, Xiaoye, where's your sister?"

"she's behind"

The two little girls greeted each other, held hands and took a step ahead.

After a while, Yui also came out, and said with a smile, "Sorry, Yusuke, I've been waiting for a long time."

"It's okay, there's still time, let's go"

The two walked side by side, and Yusuke smelled a faint fragrance at this time.

This is the scent of lilies.

Subconsciously asked: "Lily?"

Yui froze for a moment, then her face turned red the next moment.

It was only then that Yusuke realized that what he said just now was a bit inappropriate.

Sure enough, this skill has some pitfalls!
At this moment, the subject was changed immediately.

"What are you going to do with the bear's paw yesterday?"

Yusuke, Yui, Rie and Seiko shared the 4 bear paws yesterday, and everyone else got the bear meat.

"I haven't figured it out yet," Yui replied, "There are not many ways to deal with bear meat, and I haven't thought about which one to use. What about yours?"

"I was taken away by my mother." Yusuke said with a smile, "Mom wants to try it out by herself, if I can't figure it out, I will play again."

The two talked and laughed, and soon arrived at the station.

"I hope the tram won't be blocked by heavy snow," Yui said with a smile at this time.

"Shouldn't be so unlucky"


The two looked at the announcement in front of the station. Because the snow fell so suddenly, the railway was covered with snow and it took time to clear it, so the morning tram did not start.

The two looked at each other, the crow's mouth was too accurate!
"What should we do now?"

"I can only take the bus," Yusuke replied, "I hope I can catch up."

The luck of the two was good, the bus was about to leave, and the two caught up.

Standing in the carriage, Yui breathed a sigh of relief, she would not be late if she caught this train.

When they arrived at the school, the two said goodbye at the entrance, and then went back to their own classes.

There are not many students in the class. Because of the snow, the roads are blocked, and there are a lot of people who are late today. The teacher also expressed his understanding and told all the students to pay attention to safety.

During the lunch break, the students ran out of the school in a swarm and played in the snow on the playground.

Yusuke was also pulled out by Takashiro Mu and Sakata Osamu, and started playing on the playground.

The three of them played very high, and by the end of the break, they were already sweating profusely.

"Finally I can have fun in the snow," Sakata said excitedly, "It's just skiing now."

"Skiing, I know an interesting place," Gao Chengmu replied.

"Where are you?"


Sakata Haru's smile froze, "Are you kidding me?"

"I stayed in Hokkaido for a while before, and the ski resort there is very good." Gao Chengmu said with a smile, "I really want to go there again."

"But Hokkaido is too far away." Sakata shook his head and asked, "Is there anything closer?"

"This? I have to look for it, Yusuke, are you interested?" Gao Chengmu looked at Yusuke at this moment.

"I think it's good, but our club activities have already decided to go skiing"

The two looked over curiously and asked, "Where did you decide to go?"


"It costs a lot of money to go that far away"

"It's okay, we have a big fat sheep," Yusuke replied with a smile.

The two were a little curious, and Yusuke explained with a smile: "We have a sponsor who can sponsor us to travel"

"There is such a good thing.!"

Both of them were shocked, they didn't expect such an operation!
"Well, Yusuke, can you take me with you?" Sakata Osamu said with a smile at this time, Takashiro Mu also looked forward to it.

School clubs, free activities, not for nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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