The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 615 615. Acting like a spoiled child

Chapter 615 615. Acting like a spoiled child
"Congratulations to player Yusuke Misawa!" The host congratulated loudly, and the camera also projected the image of Yusuke on the big screen.

There was a burst of warm applause at the scene. The game was of such a high standard that the audience enjoyed watching it very much, and no one was stingy with their applause.

Next is the time for the awards, the gold award is Yusuke Misawa, the silver award is Kamiyan Saichiro, and the bronze award is Nishikujo Toka

Each award has a bonus, Yusuke received a bonus of 30 yen and a certificate, and left a commemorative photo.

The game ended here, and everyone left.

However, Yusuke's matter is not over yet, many female audiences gathered around, chatting with him excitedly.

There were so many people that they blocked the outside of Eri who were about to come to celebrate.

Eri is very angry, these guys are too much!
Fortunately, Yusuke has a girlfriend beside him, Seiko Sasaki.

Although these female fans have bad intentions, Seiko's appearance and temperament are very good. Standing with Yusuke, the combination of the two of them like a golden boy and a jade girl makes all these small thoughts disappear.

These two are so well matched!

With great difficulty, Yusuke finally got rid of these excited female fans and got out from the crowd.

"elder brother!"

"Brother Yusuke!"

Aiyi and Xiaoye ran over excitedly, each of them hugged Yusuke's waist and looked up happily.

Yusuke smiled and patted their heads.

"Brother, you are really amazing!" The two little girls said excitedly.

This competition was really full of twists and turns. Seeing their climaxes, they were more nervous than watching a TV series. In the end, brother won the championship, which made them very excited.

Sure enough, the brother is the real protagonist!
Eri and the others also came over at this time, Yui gave a thumbs up and praised: "Yusuke, you are really amazing!"

The final work is really amazing!
Rika also agrees with her whole face. This is the first time she has seen such a work, and she is full of admiration for Yusuke.

Raising the level of the entire Japanese cake industry with one's own strength, this is the highest appreciation!

Eri was a little uncomfortable at first, but seeing Yusuke's smiling face, the unhappiness in her heart dissipated a lot.

Yusuke didn't do it on purpose either...

Thinking about it this way, the unhappiness in my heart disappeared, and then I smiled: "Yusuke, you really didn't let me down!"

"Let's celebrate!" Yui suggested at this time, and everyone agreed.

"I have a coupon here." Yusuke said with a smile, this coupon is also one of the prizes of this competition.

This cake competition was launched by the largest cake chain in the shopping street, and there are not only bonuses, but also coupons in their stores.

There is cake to eat!

Aiyi and Xiaoye's eyes lit up instantly, this is their long-awaited project!

Everyone came to the cake shop in the shopping street, and Yusuke took out coupons.

The staff already knew about the cake competition and received them with a smile. They were sitting in front of a big table.

"Okay, now we have to deal with this cake." Yusuke took out the cake for the competition.

A few people in Eri looked over curiously. They had seen the cake on the screen, but none of them were as amazed as seeing it with their own eyes.

The completion of this cake is too high!

"This is amazing, is this cake really edible?" Yui had a look of disbelief.

"Of course!" Yusuke replied with a smile, "This cake is too troublesome to carry, let's eat it."

"Would it be too wasteful to eat it?" Lixiang said with some regret, "It's a pity to eat such a beautiful cake!"

"Indeed." Eri and Seiko both nodded.

"Yusuke, I want to ask you a question, why did you choose the image of Diao Chan?" Yui asked at this time, and everyone else looked over.

"Do you remember the award-winning cake photo you showed me last time? After seeing it, I had an idea. I wanted to make four beauties, but time was limited, so I had to choose Diao Chan."

"How did you come up with the image of Diao Chan?" Eri asked at this time, "Diao Chan is an ancient beauty, but no matter how beautiful she is, there must be a reference to compare with."


When Yusuke was Diao Chan, he actually combined all the girls he knew together.

If they observe carefully, they can see their shadows from Diao Chan's body.

Of course, such a direct answer is definitely not appropriate!
Yusuke replied calmly, "I imagined it myself."

"Then when will you make the other three beauties?" Lixiang asked expectantly.

Diao Chan's image really fits the image in her mind, and she is very much looking forward to the next three beauties.

"Well, let's talk about it when we have time."

This cake competition is actually just an accident, Yusuke has no interest in continuing, and will make it when he is in a better mood.

"It's like this..." Lixiang felt a little regretful, then turned her head and looked at Yusuke expectantly, "Why don't you make me a cake on my birthday, okay?"

Yusuke was a little surprised, "Your birthday?"

"Yes, that's right!" Lixiang nodded, "The cake you made is so beautiful, that's all I want. To make a birthday cake like this, I want four beauties!"

"Can I make a request like this?" Yui was a little surprised, and looked at Yusuke expectantly at this moment, "Then I want it too! I want a cake like this too!"

Everyone else looked over expectantly at this moment, and even the Son of Heaven was enthusiastic.

"Please, are you trying to exhaust me to death!" Yusuke smiled and shook his head.

"Don't be like this, please~" Yui suddenly said coquettishly.

"Please~" Lixiang also coquettishly said.

This sudden coquettishness made Yusuke's hairs stand on end, don't be so coquettish, I won't be unbearable!
"I beg you too~" Seiko next to him also made a strange voice, which shocked Yusuke

The Holy Son actually acted like a baby to me?

For a moment, Yusuke couldn't get his head around.

"I beg you too~" Eri blushed and said, "I want a cake like this too"

"Please~" X4
With 4 different girlish voices and a soft and cute voice, Yusuke was defeated in an instant.

Surrender, I can't stand such a voice!
Sure enough, girls are made of water, and when there is too much water, Yusuke will be melted.

Aiyi and Xiaoye who were beside them were a little anxious, and couldn't help asking: "Brother, when will we eat cake!"

Didn't they just say they were going to eat this cake? They were looking forward to it all the time, but the brothers and sisters kept patronizing and chatting. The two waited and waited.

Everyone came back to their senses at this time, the girls blushed, and almost forgot that there were two children here.

It's a bit embarrassing to see her appearance just now!

(End of this chapter)

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