Chapter 618 618. Some Girls

Yui came to the entrance, and Yusuke was standing at the door, holding a huge box in his hand.

Yusuke smiled and waved, Yui wanted to respond, but thinking of what happened tonight, he put on a straight face on purpose and walked to the door without saying hello.

"Yuyi, it's for you, it's specially made for you"

Yusuke handed over the huge box in his hand, Yui was a little surprised.

What did you send me in the middle of the night?
Yusuke didn't hold back, and opened the box directly.

Inside is a beautiful doll.

Yuyi's expression instantly changed, with surprise on his face.

It was a doll made of her, and that face was exactly like hers!

Youyi lowered her head and said in a low voice and shyly, "Why did you give me this~"

Yusuke looked at Yui seriously, and said seriously: "I recently learned to make sugar cube cakes, this is a cake made in your image, it is the first and only cake made in your image, I hope you I can like it!"

Yuyi was excited, and Yusuke's actions hit her heart directly, and the eyes looking at Yusuke were full of tenderness at this time.

This guy is pretty good at coaxing people~

Sweet in heart.

However, Yuyi still said arrogantly: "Don't you guys know that you can't eat sweets at night? You'll get fat!"

"But for the sake of your sincerity, I reluctantly accept it."

Yuyi took the cake with a look of excitement.

Yusuke looked at Yuyi with a smile, noticed his eyes, Yuyi said embarrassingly: "Why do you keep looking at me?"

"You're beautiful, that's why I look at you"

In an instant, Yuyi's face turned red, this praise was too direct, she couldn't bear it all of a sudden, her face turned red and hot.

She loves this gift so much!

She felt that she was about to lose her composure, and said quickly: "It's too late, you should go back early, take a rest early, and don't get tired"

"Well, you should rest early too."

Seeing Yusuke walking into the next room, Yui withdrew her eyes, hummed a little song, hugged the cake, and was about to go back to her room.

Xiao Ye appeared at this time, looking at the cake in her hand with anticipation.

"Sister, can I eat the cake?"


Youyi came back to his senses and hugged the cake like a chicken protecting food, "This is mine, none of you have it!"

He ran back to the room directly, ignoring his sister.

Xiao Ye curled her lips, my sister is really selfish, she won't share any cake with me.

Hmph, I won't help you next time!

One cake saves all crises.

Yui is in a very beautiful mood, even sleeping with a smile on her face.

When Yusuke returns home, the family is eating cake.

"Yusuke, how do you make this cake? Can you teach me?"

It was the first time for Meihe to eat such a delicious cake, and she also wanted to try it.

By the way, Miwa Kumapaw couldn't handle it last time, so I had to leave it to Yusuke.

The attempts of Yui and Seiko also failed, and Rie's is still under study.

This black bear's cooking is overwhelmed.

Faced with his mother's request, Yongsuke promised to teach him when he had time, but it was too much for his mother to learn.

Some things look simple, but once you get started, it's hell level!

It is estimated that after two or three failures, my mother will give up.

By the time everything is done, it is already late and there is no time to do other things.

Yusuke looked at his schedule, the dense arrangement made Yusuke a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, I am strong and energetic, otherwise so many things would have drained my energy long ago.

Taking advantage of this time, Yusuke sorted out his various skills and various rewards.

The system is cheating, but the rewards are very good. The Suxin First Aid Pill and Jiedu Pill can save my life when necessary.

The skills of animal language created his own career, and the doubled combat power and various special abilities made his survivability rise rapidly. It can be said that the combination of various skills has created him today.

Yusuke was a little emotional, as expected, the time traveler is awesome!
When checking the system, Yusuke saw a function that he hadn't used for a long time: Guess the gold coin
This is a gamble mechanism!
Yusuke has tried twice, one is to double the combat power, the other is to halve the charisma value, and the luck is fifty-five points.

After that, Yusuke has never used this function, after all, luck is not very reliable.

However, Yusuke thought that his luck seemed to turn better these days, so he wanted to give it a try, and there was nothing to do recently, even if it was a punishment: attributes were halved, he could stand it.

After thinking about it, Yusuke decided to give it a try.

Start the function of guessing gold coins, a gold coin appeared in the mind, spinning continuously, and two buttons appeared in front of Yusuke, one is 'forward' and the other is 'reverse', Yusuke directly presses on the button without hesitation Put the word 'positive' on it.

The spinning gold coins stopped.

It's the word 'anti', Yusuke guessed wrong.

[Punishment: Combat power is halved! ]
For a moment, Yusuke felt a sense of powerlessness, and looked at his state at this time, the combat power changed from 8 points back to 4 points.

I didn't expect to guess wrong, and it was the most serious punishment: the combat power was halved.

The doubling of combat power gave Yusuke the energy to cope with everything, now that his combat power has been halved, his body feels different all of a sudden.

The originally abundant physical strength felt a little tired at this moment, his head became a lot dull, and his hands and feet didn't have the same sense of strength as before.

It seems that my luck is still not very good!
At this time, a strong sense of sleepiness came up, and Yusuke yawned.

Without sufficient physical strength, my body was much weaker, and I was more tired than ever before.

The matter has come to this point, Yusuke didn't think about it so much, and went to sleep directly, there are other things to be busy tomorrow.

The next morning, Yusuke was woken up by the sound of the alarm clock.

Yusuke opened his eyes, his whole body was in a daze, and his body was very tired.

After a lot of effort, I finally got up from the quilt.

After resting for a while, my head woke up.

I was very unlucky yesterday, I used the machine to guess the gold coins, but the combat power was halved, and now I am exhausted, I am very tired, Yusuke really wants to go back to bed and sleep.

But today there is something important, today is a date with Ji Xiong!
Yusuke washed his face and regained consciousness a little.

However, he also found that the vision of his eyes became a little blurred.

The original body was short-sighted, and under the strengthening of doubling the combat power, all the negative statuses were eliminated, but now it was returned to the original form at once, and all the statuses were fed back.

Yongsuke went back to the room and looked around, finally found a pair of glasses from before, and put them on.

Standing in front of the mirror, he looked at himself in the mirror. He didn't know if it was his own illusion. After putting on the glasses, he felt that he seemed a little...

Some bitch!
(End of this chapter)

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