Chapter 623 623. Annual Meeting
Everyone thought about it, and there was no problem with the party, so they agreed.

The matter of the annual meeting has been settled in this way, and then it is time for free activities.

Seiko found Yusuke at this time, "Yusuke, you didn't come to the practice last Saturday, you have to double the training this week"

"This..." Yusuke hesitated.

Master Huche once asked that Yusuke must go to training every week, and if he is absent, he must make up for it.

Last Saturday, because of the cake competition, Yusuke didn't go to participate, so Seiko deliberately talked about it.

But the problem is that Yusuke is still in a negative state, and the time lasts for a week. During this period, he has no strength at all. If he trains, won't he reveal everything?

At that time, it will be a big trouble to arouse the suspicion of the master and the son!

Seeing Yusuke's expression, Seiko was a little strange and asked, "Do you have anything else to do?"


At this moment, Yusuke's nose itched and he sneezed.

"Sorry, Holy Son" Yusuke said apologetically, the sneeze came so suddenly that he almost offended Holy Son just now.

"It's okay." Seiko took out a handkerchief from his body, and gently wiped Yusuke's face.

This move shocked everyone!

Lixiang and Yui opened their mouths wide, with expressions of disbelief.

Holy Son, you are going against the sky!
It took Eri a while to realize, and she was so angry that the Holy Son actually showed her affection in front of my face!

The Son of God had a calm expression on his face, and his movements were very natural, as if he was doing this kind of thing.

Yusuke could feel the changes in the eyes of the people around him. Although he thought he had a thick skin, he still couldn't bear the eyes.

At this moment, the subject was changed immediately.

"I have something to do this Saturday, let's train together on Sunday"

The negative state just ends on Saturday night, and it will be fine if you train on Sunday.

The Son pondered for a while, then asked, "Yusuke, is there something wrong with your body?"

Yusuke was startled, the son's intuition must be too accurate, but his face was still very calm.

"you think too much"

Seiko thought about it, she felt that Yusuke was a little weird today, but she couldn't tell where the strangeness was.

At this time, there was a coughing sound, and the two of them came back to their senses. Eri next to him said at this time: "The final exam is coming soon, everyone should focus on studying, and don't be distracted by other things."

The corners of Lixiang and Yui's mouths twitched, you are the only one who is not qualified to say this!

But Eri's words really relieved Yusuke's situation.

Interrupted by Eri, Seiko no longer pursued Yusuke's question, and said, "That's for next time."

Yusuke also went on to say: "I have other things, I'm going first." He packed up his things and left immediately.

Yui and Lixiang also said at this time: "We have to go back to tutoring."

The atmosphere here is too delicate, it's better for them to walk.

Immediately, only Eri and Seiko were left at the scene, and the atmosphere was very strange.

Eri's face was cloudy and uncertain, but Seiko was very calm, and said at this time: "I'm going back too."

Eri opened her mouth and finally said, "Be careful on the road."

"Well, you too"

The Holy Son opened the door of the classroom and left quickly.

Eri was the only one left in the classroom.

Eri's heart is very heavy, Seiko is always unknowingly giving a violent blow!
She was very upset, looking back at her surroundings, she had too many enemies!
Childhood sweethearts, female academic masters, college students, iceberg beauty, and a foreign girl, each has its own personality and characteristics. Compared with them, my fighting power is not enough!

From the front, my chances of winning are very low!
No, you have to find a way to fight back!
If you can't win head-on, then start from other aspects.

Eri thought of the future sister-in-law she saw last time, she was very good, and she could be bought with toys.

If Yusuke's family agrees, their relationship can go a step further!

At this moment, Eri remembered that Yusuke's mother once said: She is welcome to come and play at home.

Eri's eyes lit up immediately, she almost forgot about this, it was really a mistake!

If I have a good relationship with Yusuke's mother and get the approval of Yusuke's mother...

Eri suddenly thinks about it...

Eri suddenly became excited, she decided to visit Sanze's house tomorrow.

As for whether Yusuke's mother was polite before, Eri doesn't care, sometimes it's good to have a thick skin.

And looking at it from another angle, it's normal to go to a good friend's house as a guest!

Eri gave her a thumbs up for her wit!

On the other hand, Yusuke left the school and went to the studio.

On the way, Yusuke felt a chill and couldn't help but sneezed.

This negative state is really troublesome!
Bear with it.

Yusuke came to the studio and greeted everyone.

The animals ran over excitedly when they saw Yusuke, and Yusuke was immediately surrounded by the animals.

Yusuke laughed and played with the animals for a while, when his nose itched and he sneezed again.

Xiaozhizi said with a smile: "Boss, is there someone talking bad about you behind your back?"

Yusuke smiled and was about to respond when his nose itched and he sneezed several times in a row.

Both Yui and Rie looked over, and Rie asked worriedly at this moment: "Yusuke, you must have a cold, right?"

"Why?" Yusuke smiled and shook his head, "I'm physically strong."

Rie thought for a while, from the time he realized it to the present, Yusuke has not had a single cold, and he is indeed very strong.

It should be an itchy nose.

But Yusuke's subsequent behavior was very normal, and the two of them dispelled their suspicions, it seemed that they were worrying too much.

Yusuke called everyone over at this time and announced two things.

The first thing is that the studio will add new staff.

Zuo Fangmeixu will take care of the affairs of the university in the next two days, and then I will introduce it to everyone.

Everyone is a little happy, the studio has expanded again, which shows that they are steadily rising.

As for Kimura Satomi and Sanzhiin Souka, they are very fortunate that they have a good vision and invest first, and they will reap even more in the future.

The second thing is the company's annual meeting.

Now that a company has been established, it must have the benefits that the company should have.

Orientation activities for newcomers, company parties at the end of the year, these are all must.

In this regard, Yusuke asked for everyone's opinions, and there are two options.

First, go to a five-star hotel and have a big meal.

Second, take a short trip.

Everyone immediately cheered up and started discussing in a hurry.

Yusuke said with a smile: "You guys discuss it, just give me a reply in the next two days, let's work first."

Everyone nodded excitedly, the benefits were right in front of them, and they were full of motivation again!
(End of this chapter)

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