Chapter 646
"This time our father and daughter were able to come out of the mountain alive, it is all thanks to Misawa-kun and Sato."

Tsuneto's serious face showed a smile, "Thank you very much, Misawa-kun."

Yusuke waved his hand, "There's no need to do that, even if it's someone you don't know, we will help you."

"Mr. Misawa is really a man of integrity!" Mizuren Mizui praised with a smile beside him.

"How can you just say a few words to perfunctory the grace of saving your life, Shui Lian, go and get the present?"

Mizui stood up at this moment, and Yusuke hurriedly said: "No need, don't expect to repay your kindness, Mr. Qianjing doesn't have to be like this"

Mitsui Tsuino waved his hand, "It should be, our Mizui family are not ignorant people, please don't be offended by Misawa-kun."

Mizuren Mizui had already brought up the gift at this time, Yusuke was a little surprised, what she brought up was a small sword.

"The last time Sansawa-kun cut a bear with one sword, the swordsmanship was really amazing, but I found that Sansawa-kun didn't have any auxiliary knives. This small sword is my collection, and now I give it to Sansawa-kun. I hope that Sansawa-kun Don't be disgusted"

Mizuren Mizui smiled and handed over the knife.

Yusuke also became serious, and shook his head, "Thank you, Mr. Qianjing, for your kindness, but this gift is too expensive."

"Compared with the lives of my father and daughter, this little Taidao is worthless. Please don't refuse Sanze-kun. This is just our little thought."

"Sanzawa-kun, please accept it!" Mizuren Mizui also said with a smile at this time: "This is the sincerity of our Mizui family, please don't refuse."

Yusuke hesitated for a moment. At this moment, he was in a dilemma. They both said that it would be embarrassing for both of them to refuse, but if they accepted...

Yusuke didn't want to have any entanglements with the Mitsui family, he was invited by Mitsuno yesterday just to make a formality, he thought it was just a meal and a few words would be enough, but he didn't expect that the other party would have such an important gift .

Yusuke doesn't know the value of this small sword, but it must be a famous sword to become a collection of the Qianjing family. Such a precious weapon is worth at least a million, which is really too precious!

After hesitating again and again, Yusuke refused.

Yusuke didn't want to complicate the relationship between them.

Seeing Yusuke's resolute attitude, Qianjing's father and daughter understood his thoughts and stopped insisting.

Mitsui Tsukino felt a little regretful about this, if the other party could accept it, then their relationship could be closer, what a pity!
That being the case, it cannot be an enemy of him.

At this time, his face was as usual, and he smiled and asked Jiachang: "May I ask, how old are you this year, Mr. Sanze?"

Yusuke also understood his thoughts, and replied with a smile: "I'm still in high school."

high school!

Both the father and daughter were shocked. They didn't expect to be a high school student, the same age as Ayane, which is too young. They thought they should be at least a college student.

Yusuke smiled and didn't say too much.

Mitsui Tsukino quickly came back to his senses, and praised: "Sure enough, a hero born a boy!"

"Mr. Qianjing has won the prize!"

"Does Sanze-kun like hunting?"


"If you like, you can come to our village to hunt, and our Qianjing family will definitely entertain you warmly."

Yusuke smiled and nodded, "There will be a chance."

The two exchanged some words with each other, all of which were superficial polite words, and Tsunei got some information from Yusuke.

High school student, video blogger, learns high-strength swordsmanship, and is friends with Hideo Sato, although the last one sounds a bit unbelievable, a young man and a middle-aged man become friends?

However, after getting in touch with him, Mitsui Tsuino believed in its authenticity. In the communication just now, this young man's thinking was very mature, as if he was facing a mature man, and his confident and strong aura was more Adults have to be strong. Compared with him, his son is completely reduced to scum in seconds.

Yusuke also knew about the situation of the Mikai family. In the village, the strength of the Mikai family was stronger than that of the Sato family. The family wealth is rich, so the right to speak in the village is relatively heavy.

The relationship between the Qianjing family and the Sato family is not good. The reason is that some disputes between their grandparents have been passed down to the next generation. The disputes between the two generations have become more and more serious, so they often confront each other in the village.

Mitsui Tsuino said at this time: "This time I was in danger in the mountains, I also figured out some things. Some disputes are actually unnecessary. The grievances of the older generation don't need to be borne by the next generation. The life of the new generation must let them Take control by yourself"

Yusuke nodded, "Mr. Mokai is right. I will pass on what Mr. Mokai said to Mr. Sato. I believe he has the same opinion. The world has changed, and we have to change with the changing times."

"Does it change with the changes of the times? That's right." Mitsuno nodded, "That's why I sent my little daughter to study outside, just to let her see more of the world."

"Sure enough, the outside world is bigger. Only in the outside world can I meet such an outstanding boy as Sanze-kun."

Yusuke smiled, "The outside world is very big, but I believe that as long as you have determination and perseverance, you will be able to break through the world."

"Misawa-kun is so outstanding, I believe he should have a girlfriend." Tsunemo Mizuno asked with a smile at this moment, Mizuren Mizuren's eyes lit up immediately, looking at Yusuke expectantly.

Yusuke nodded, "I have a girlfriend."

Moi Suiren's eyes dimmed instantly.

This answer is not the answer I want!
Why does he have a girlfriend!

The change of Qianjing Suirian was so obvious that both of them felt it.

At this time, Tsunei Tsuino said: "Suiren, go and arrange a banquet."

Only then did Qianjing Shuilian come back to her senses, and she nodded aggrievedly. She knew that she couldn't be rude at this time, so she suppressed her grief and left the scene first.

Seeing Shuilian leave, the scene fell silent.

At this time, Tsuneto said, "How long has Misawa-kun been studying kendo?"

"Not for long," Yusuke responded.

The two selectively skipped this topic and chatted about other things.

Tsuneto also knew what his daughter was thinking, and he had seen his daughter's actions in the past two days. He didn't object, but he didn't expect that the other party already had a girlfriend, so he couldn't let his daughter fall into it.

Yusuke heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, and threw away another brown candy.

At noon, I had a meal at Mitsui's house, during which time Mizuli didn't show up, and disappeared without a trace, Yusuke also pretended not to know.

After drinking and eating, Yusuke said goodbye first, and the two parties greeted each other politely before parting ways.

Seeing Yusuke leave, Taishi Mokai appeared, and said with some displeasure, "Did that guy leave at last?"

Taishi Qianjing remembered that this little boy had humiliated him. He had been looking for an opportunity to get back the scene, but he didn't expect his father to invite him to be a guest. This made him very puzzled, and what was even more puzzled was that his father asked him Apologizing in person, which made him a little unacceptable.

But his father's majesty could not be refused, so he had no choice but to carry it out, but he was still very upset.

Seeing the appearance of his son, Tsuneto sighed in his heart, and then said in a serious tone: "I told you, don't look at the surface in everything, if you can have half of your sister's ability, it will be fine."

Taishi Mokai's face froze. He also knew his shortcomings. He had a simple head and well-developed limbs. Things like using his brains were usually handled by his elder sister. He just had to execute them. He never wanted to use his brains. Trouble!

Seeing his son's appearance, Mitsui Tsueno knew that his son's head hadn't turned around yet, and explained: "This Misawa Yusuke is not an ordinary person, he must have great achievements in the future, and making good friends with him now is very important to the Mizui family. There are great benefits”

"Dad, are you so optimistic about him?" Taishi Qianjing was a little puzzled, "Just because he saved you and eldest sister on the mountain?"

"Half and half, but the communication with him just now, I can be absolutely sure, his future must not be underestimated"

Seeing that his son was still a little bit unconvinced, Tsuneto hesitated for a moment, and then told the story of Yusuke Misawa killing a bear with a sword on the mountain. He didn't tell his family about it, so they didn't care about it. Not sure.

Sure enough, when he heard Misawa Yusuke cut off the black bear's head with a sword, Mitsui Taishi was shocked. If it was really like what his father said, then what kind of strength he possessed!

At this time, the father's voice came from the side, "To be able to have such strength at this age, he must have a famous teacher to guide him, and a famous teacher will replace the inheritance. It is certain that he will also be a certain master in the future. Get up, his starting point is higher than any of us."

"As the saying goes, don't bully the old, don't bully the young, because you don't know what his future achievements will be. Sanze-kun is younger than you, but his future possibilities are very rich, and he might be able to become a party figure."

Qiankai Dazhi finally realized, "That's why Dad specially entertained him today, so is he friends with our Qianjing family?"

Tsuneto shook his head, "It can only be said that we will not be enemies"

Mokai Taishi didn't understand very well, but at this time Ayane ran over anxiously and said in a panic: "Dad, my sister is crying very sad in the room."

"What!" Taishi Mokai suddenly yelled, with an unbelievable expression on his face, the eldest sister is very strong, she has never seen her cry, why did she suddenly cry like this.

"I see"

Unexpectedly, Dad's expression was very calm, which surprised the two of them.

"Let her cry for a while, after all, she just lost love"

Lost in love?

The two brothers and sisters were a little confused, and Tsujino ordered at this time: "Ayane, take care of your sister if you have time, and Taishi, don't make your sister angry these few days."

Dazhi didn't quite understand, but still nodded.

And Ayane quickly realized that my sister was fine in the morning, and went to pick up the person with a smile on her face. As a result, the little boy sat at home for a while, and my sister suddenly went back to the room and cried. I have been crying until now. Could it be because he?
Ayane shuddered, sister likes this little boy?
Ayane's expression was suddenly indescribable. After thinking about it, she decided to do what her father said, comfort her sister these two days, and don't make her too sad. After all, this little boy is not a good person!
On the other side, when Yusuke walked out of the gate of Qianjing's house, he ran into Xia Xue. She was playing on the road next to her, and when she saw Yusuke coming out, she ran over.

Yusuke was a little surprised, and asked with a smile, "You've been waiting for me?"

Xia Xue nodded, "Of course, who knows what kind of trap Qianjing's family set up? If something happens to you inside, I'm ready to kill you."

"Don't be so exaggerated." Yusuke smiled and shook his head, "It's not the ancient times, everyone just chatting and eating."

"By the way, what are you talking about inside?" Xia Xue asked gossip.

"It's not a good thing to inquire about other people's privacy."

Xia Xue froze for a moment, her face a little embarrassed, "I'm just asking casually."

Yusuke said with a smile: "Go back and talk about it, the Qianjing family intends to reconcile with your family."

"Are you reconciled?" Xia Xue's face was a little weird, she thought for a while, and finally said, "Let Dad settle this matter."

The two walked together and returned to Sato's house. Yusuke explained the meaning of Qiani's house. Hideo Sato thought for a while and said, "I also agree to reconcile."

If the two families continue to entangle each other, it will be of no benefit to both parties.

Yusuke said at this time: "Mr. Sato, I should also prepare to go back."

Hideo Sato was a little surprised, "Going back so soon?"

Yusuke replied: "I have been out for a long time, and there are still many things waiting for me in the studio."

Hideo Sato knew that Yusuke was working as a video blogger, so he left all his work and came here to travel. Now it's the limit, and it's time to go back.

At this time, he said with some regret: "I wanted to take you to play for a few more days."

"Let's talk about it when we have a chance," Yusuke responded with a smile.

Sato's family knew that Yusuke was going back, and they were in a panic again.

"Shouldn't you stay for a few more days?" Aunt Huizi was a little bit reluctant.

Yusuke smiled and shook his head, "I have a lot of things to do over there, and now it's almost the end of the year and I'm even more busy. I have to go back and help."

Aunt Huizi stopped trying to persuade her, but quietly prepared some special products.

The four daughters of Sato's family came up to say goodbye one by one, and added each other's mailboxes. Yusuke said that they can go to play with him when they are free.

Hideo Sato drove the car over, Yusuke loaded the luggage into the car, and Aunt Keiko brought a big box.

"That's too much!" Yusuke said with a smile.

"These are some local specialties. There is nothing we can sell in these small places. This is some kindness. I hope Mr. Sanze will not refuse."

Aunt Keiko was so kind, Yusuke had no choice but to accept it, said goodbye to everyone, got into the car, Hideo Sato started the car, and the car went away quickly, the figure of Sato's family gradually went away, how many people could Yusuke see The look of waving, sticking out his head at this time, waving his hand, goodbye!
This is really an unforgettable memory!

Arriving at the station, I made an appointment with Hideo Sato to meet again when I was free, and Yusuke took his luggage and set off on his way home.

As night fell, Sanze's house was still brightly lit, Aiyi looked at the door expectantly, and asked excitedly, "When will brother come back?"

Mom smiled and replied: "It should be almost the same."

When Yong Jie came back from his trip, he told his parents in advance on the road, and his father had already driven to pick him up.

Mom checked the time, and they were almost coming back.

Sure enough, there was the sound of opening the door, accompanied by Yusuke's voice, "Mom, Aiyi, I'm back!"

Aiyi quickly stood up, ran out in a hurry, opened her arms, and shouted happily: "Brother!"

Yongsuke looked at Aiyi who ran over with a smile, and stretched out his hand to hug her up.

"Brother, I miss you so much!" Aiyi said coquettishly.

As soon as the elder brother was on holiday, he would run away by himself, to be chic and happy alone, which made her very envious!
"Is Aiyi obedient at home?"

"Very obedient!"

"Has Ai Yi done her homework?"


Aiyi's face was a little embarrassed, and she immediately picked up the topic, "Did brother bring any gifts back?"

At this moment, he looked at Yusuke with bright eyes. For children, the gift they bring back from every trip is the most anticipated thing.

Yusuke smiled and replied: "I brought some special products, I don't know if you will like them"


Aiyi's eyes suddenly brightened, and sure enough, there was a huge box next to the suitcase.

There are too many gifts this time!

Excitedly, Aiyi jumped off Yusuke, opened the box, and saw a huge black bear head in front of her eyes. She was startled for a moment, and sat on the ground, pointing forward with trembling fingers.

Yongsuke hugged Aiyi with a smile, and comforted him, Aiyi came back to his senses, and said in surprise: "Why is there a bear's head?"

"This is the prey my brother caught while traveling," Yusuke replied with a smile.

In order to transport the bear head back, Yusuke took a lot of effort.

Mom also came over at this time, and was a little surprised to see Xiongtou, so she picked up Xiongtou and looked at it.

"Yusuke, is this your prey?" Mom asked excitedly.

Yusuke nodded, "This is a black bear with bear skin and paw inside."

Mom put the bear's head aside and took everything out of the box.

"Why is there still a deer head?" Mom was a little surprised. She was holding a huge deer head in her hand. The huge antlers were very ferocious and looked very aggressive.

"This is a gift to bring back"

The specialty that Aunt Huizi brought to her was a whole deer, a stuffed deer head, and venison meat. The whole deer was packaged.

Mom likes it more and more, this gift is really great, it must be very nice to decorate on the wall!

Only the younger sister was a little nervous. The gift that the elder brother brought this time was so fierce that she couldn't like it.

"There are some other things" Yusuke said with a smile, and took out a small wooden doll from his body, it was a black bear, and it was roaring with its paws raised high.

This is something I bought while visiting the village. It is a handicraft made by the villagers. Although it is a bit rough, it is very interesting.

The younger sister looked at it, and accepted it happily. Although it was a bit ugly, it was also the brother's kindness after all.

Yusuke said hello, took the suitcase and went back to the room, leaving the rest of the special products to his mother.

Xiao Hei came out from the corner at this time, climbed onto Yusuke's shoulder in two or three steps, and rubbed his head intimately.

Yusuke touched its head with a smile, and asked, "Xiao Hei, how is the situation recently?"

Xiao Hei yelled a few words, Yusuke smiled and nodded.

"Really? That would be great"

One person and one cat returned to the room with a smile.

Back in his room, Yusuke was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. After a short rest, he sat up from the bed and walked to the window. The light in Yui's room opposite was still on.

Yusuke picked up the mobile phone and called the other party, the call was connected quickly, and at the same time the other party's window was opened, and Yui looked at this side with surprise.

Yusuke waved his hand with a smile, gestured with the paper phone in his hand, Yui nodded, and Yusuke threw the straight phone over. Yusuke held the paper cup and said with a smile: "I'm back."

Hearing the familiar voice, Yui was very happy, and nodded with a smile: "Welcome back, how is your trip?"

“Very nice, unforgettable memory”

"Are you tired?"

"I'm not tired, by the way, I'll bring you some presents"

Yusuke smiled and took out a wooden doll, which was a wild deer.This time he brought back a lot of dolls, including various animal images.

"Let me bring you the gift"

Yuyi smiled and asked: "Then how do you get it?"

"Wait a moment"

Yusuke rummaged through the cabinet, quickly took out a string and two pulleys, and said with a smile, "Let's use the pulleys to slide over."

Soon a small pulley was set up between the two, and Yusuke wrapped the gift and tied it to the rope, pulling the rope.

Soon, the little gift slid towards the other party along with the movement of the rope.

Youyi smiled and pulled the rope, took the bag, and inside was a wooden doll, although it was a little rough, but she didn't care, the most important thing was the heart!
"Thank you!" Yuyi smiled and raised her hand, "I like this gift very much."

"Have you encountered anything interesting during this trip?"

"There are many, I will tell you"

The two stood by the window, holding a microphone and talking softly. Although it was cold outside, their hearts were warm.

"It's a bit late too," Yusuke said at this time, "Go to bed early, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Yui was a little bit reluctant, but thought that Yusuke must be very tired just after he came back and needed to rest, so he nodded.

She waved her hand, closed the window, and Yuyi lay happily on her bed, looking at the little wooden doll in her hand, with a smile on her face, this guy is quite caring.

Yusuke also closed the window, sorted everyone's gifts one by one, and sent everyone a message: He has returned!

Soon, all kinds of information flooded in. Everyone from the Secondary School Game Group, everyone from the school club, and everyone from the studio sent messages one after another. Those who were concerned about the travel situation and asked when they could When we met, some asked when we would play together, and everyone's willingness was very strong.

Yusuke replied one by one, agreed to everyone's request, and finally comforted everyone.

I took out the long-lost worksheet and wrote down all the items. It was a dense arrangement again.

Yusuke smiled, the busy daily life is about to start again!

(End of this chapter)

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