The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 648 648. I want to make my family proud of me

Chapter 648 648. I want to make my family proud of me

"Okay, you made me angry, I'm going to tell your little girlfriend about Jiang Zhihua's family," Yukino Shizuka whispered in her ear, exhaling Ruolan.

"How is it? Are you afraid? If you are afraid, please beg me."

"You think too much," Yusuke complained feebly.

"You forced me!"

"up to you"

Yusuke didn't care, but what happened next caught him off guard.

Yukino Shizuka suddenly hugged him and kissed him on the face.

This situation was completely beyond Yusuke's expectation, and everyone present was shocked.

Rie opened her eyes wide, with an incredible expression on her face!

Yukino Shizuka's voice came from beside her ears, "I'll see how you end up next."

Yusuke is terrified, this woman's revenge is too terrifying!

"you owe me a favor"

Did you make a mistake?You kissed me, and I still owe you a favor?How does this capitalist calculate?
It happened so suddenly that Yusuke's brain was stunned and he couldn't react, but Yukino Shizuka stood up at this time.

"Let's go, Kaga"

Kaga stood up calmly and followed behind.

Missy is still unexpected as always!

The scene suddenly fell silent.

Rie's smile narrowed, and her face became stinky and stinky.

Rie is angry!
How could a boyfriend not be angry when he was suddenly so close to a strange girl and was even kissed by someone else!

Yusuke has some headaches, this Yukino can give him a problem!

Angry women are hard to coax!
Especially Rie, who was always very sensible, became even more difficult to coax when she was angry.

Yusuke smiled and sat next to Rie, gently grabbed her little hand, but she shook it off.

Yusuke didn't care, and continued to grab her little hand, holding it tightly, Rie turned his head unhappy.

Yusuke then cut a small piece of cake.

"Come on, let me feed you"

"Don't eat, I'm already full, I'm full from you!" Li Hui said with a pouted mouth.

And be saved!

It's not scary for a woman to be angry, it's just that she won't speak up when she gets angry.

"Rie, you misunderstood, Yukino is deliberately messing with me"

"Then I want to hear your explanation." Rie snorted coldly, expressing that I was very angry.

It was very complicated to explain, but in order to coax his girlfriend well, no matter how complicated it was, he had to explain it clearly. Yusuke explained everything from the time he met Yukino, to what happened afterwards.

Rie fell silent after hearing this, she also knew that the status of the other party was very different from that of Yusuke, and it was absolutely impossible for them to be boyfriend and girlfriend, but she was not happy in her heart!
Why should my boyfriend be kissed by others!Rie was very upset!

At this moment, a light lip touched her face, Rie froze for a moment, turned her head, and the next moment her face turned red, a little angry and a little shy.

"How could you kiss me secretly!"

"Because you are beautiful and cute, I can't help but want to kiss you"

This compliment was so direct that Rie couldn't bear it, most of the awkwardness in her heart disappeared, but she still insisted on saying: "Don't think I can forgive you just because you have a hippie smile on your face."

"Then I'll kiss you again"

"You are taking advantage of me"

"Then you can take advantage of me too, just give me a kiss"


After coaxing for a long time, she kissed again, Li Hui was extremely shy, and finally calmed down.

Rie leaned on Yusuke's shoulder at this time, and Yusuke gently hugged her, and the two sat there talking sweetly.

After coming out of the restaurant, the blush on Li Hui's face hadn't disappeared, and she asked nervously, "Do you think my face is still red?"

Yusuke smiled and said, "It's very popular and cute!"

"You're still laughing!" Rie pouted and said, "It will be troublesome if they find out later, no, I have to cool down."

At this time, he picked up two small hands and slapped his face desperately.

Since Yusuke admitted the relationship between the two, some of Yusuke's actions have also become much bolder, just like just now, secretly kissing her a few times from time to time, which made Rie a little angry and a little shy.She's a bit thin-skinned in front of so many people, she can't bear it!
Yusuke smiled, took her little hand, "Let's go!"


When they arrived at the studio, the two had returned to normal.

The two suddenly had a strange feeling, why did they seem to be having an affair just now, but they quickly shook their heads and stopped thinking about it.

"Yusuke, how was the meeting in the afternoon?" Yui asked curiously when he saw the two of them coming back.

Yusuke thought for a while, then called everyone over, and then explained the process of the afternoon's discussion. Everyone was a little surprised, and did not expect that someone would come to invest in them.

Yusuke said: "Someone wants to invest in us, which shows that our development is very good. Let's continue to work hard and strive to make our business bigger."

This is also the purpose of Yusuke, to show the company's prospects in front of everyone, so that everyone has more confidence.

Sure enough, after hearing the news, everyone looked forward to it.

"By the way, Yusuke, didn't you say that there was a newcomer to join last time? Why haven't you come here yet?" Yui asked at this time, and Rie looked over curiously.

Before the winter vacation, Yusuke told them that a newcomer would come to report, but now it has been more than a week since the winter vacation, and this person has not come to report, what is going on?
"The other party has some matters, and it is estimated that the Chinese New Year will be over." Yusuke said with a wry smile.

Zuo Fangmeixu's appointment this time is beyond words!
Last time I made an appointment, she came over after finishing things over there, but when she finished finishing things, she fell ill, and then she kept procrastinating until the end because she had no money, until it was so serious that she had to be hospitalized.

Sakurai Norio was about to be pissed off by her, so he sent her to be a spy, but he almost died of illness at home before he was dispatched, and he recovered from his illness later, but his vitality was also seriously injured, so he recuperated in Ji Xiong's studio, And now that the Chinese New Year is approaching, I decided to come back after the Chinese New Year.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was Ki Xiong's friend and also a student at Waseda University, Yusuke would have given up.

This guy must have had some bad luck!
The arrangement for the newcomers is like this, and everyone continues to work.

In the evening, everyone was ready to get off work.

Yusuke has to go to Sasaki's house tonight. He has been traveling for a week and has missed training. Now he has to say hello.

Yusuke came to Sasaki's house, rang the doorbell, and soon the door opened, and Seiko came out.

Tonight's Son was wearing a dark blue kimono, his long black hair was tied into a ponytail and hung behind his head, with a blue bow tied on it, elegant and dignified, his little face was full of surprises.

"Yusuke, you're back!" Shengzi's voice was full of joy.

Yusuke smiled and nodded, "I'm back, how is your week?"

"I'm fine but I miss you so much"

"Me too"

The two looked at each other, their hands were already held together, and they smiled at the same time.

At this time, Yusuke took out a wooden doll from his pocket, "Holy Son, this is a gift from me."

The Holy Son took over, and it was a doll fox, sleeping on its stomach with smiling eyes.

The Holy Son looked at it and asked with a smile, "Why is it a fox?"

"Because it's quiet like you"

"Thank you, I like it very much!" Shengzi showed a happy smile.

I haven't seen each other for a week, but the two of them seem to be separated for a long time. There are endless things to talk about, and they are all small daily things, but the two of them feel very warm and feel that time passes so slowly.

Unknowingly, the two stood at the door for more than half an hour, and Sasaki Mikoto also came out at this time, and said with a smile, "Holy Son, why don't you invite Yusuke in?"

Only then did Seiko come to his senses. There was some snow on Yusuke's shoulders, and he said apologetically, "I'm sorry for keeping you out in the cold for so long."

"It's okay." Yusuke smiled, "I don't feel cold at all when I'm with you"

These nasty love words made Miqin behind her shudder, but Shengzi had a face full of resignation.

Miqin felt a little emotional, men and women in love are the most shameless!

Seiko gently swept the snow off Yusuke's shoulders, and helped him tidy up his appearance. Yusuke kept his eyes on Seiko the whole time, and his eyes blushed a little at Seiko.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because I can't see enough"

Shengzi showed a happy smile, "When did you become so glib?"

"I've always been an honest person and never lied"

The two smiled.

At this time, there was a coughing sound, and Miqin couldn't stand it later, even if she wanted to have a romantic relationship, she didn't need to be at the door!

Both of them smiled, Seiko walked into the house with Yusuke.

Yusuke said hello to his teacher Mikoto Sasaki, and at the same time presented some special products brought back from the trip. Mikoto accepted it with a smile and asked about the situation of the trip. Yusuke gave a brief overview.

At this moment, Yusuke asked, "Is Master at home?"

"The gymnasium is quite busy these days, your master hasn't come back yet, maybe it will be a little later" Meiqin replied.

At the end of the year, whether it is the company or the gymnasium, everyone has a lot of entertainment, which is unavoidable due to the world.

Yusuke nodded, said hello, and went to the gymnasium with Shengzi for training.

When they came to the gymnasium, the two put away their thoughts of talking about love, and the Son of God also recovered his serious face.Everyone changed their clothes and quickly entered the dojo.

Seiko said seriously at this time: "Yusuke, I feel like I'm about to break through recently, but I'm still close, can you help me?"

Yusuke nodded earnestly, Seiko's talent is excellent, a genius that is unique in a million, it's a pity that Yusuke exists.

No matter how strong the indigenous people are, they can't beat the open traveler!
Yusuke's light covered Seiko, making her less dazzling, but Seiko didn't care, or she was full of fighting spirit, she has been strong for too long, life without an opponent is lonely, and having a goal can make her Know yourself better and have a way forward.

The two entered the dojo, bowed and saluted, and the competition began.

As soon as Seiko stepped on his footsteps, his body rushed forward in an instant, and the bamboo sword in his hand stabbed straight at Yusuke's abdomen.

That's a thorn!Represents indomitable spirit.

Yusuke's footsteps were quick, and he dodged instantly with small steps, while counterattacking back with the bamboo sword in his hand.

The next moment, the bamboo swords of the two collided.

Sheng Yu's attack was still so fierce, but after the competition, Yusuke found that Sheng Zi's attack method had changed. Her attack was not as sharp as before, and her attack style became softer, like water, wave after wave. It seems to be soft, but it is infinitely powerful, and it feels like a combination of rigidity and softness.

Yusuke was a little surprised, Seiko is indeed a genius, but Yusuke can feel that Seiko has not fully controlled this state at this time, and some pressure is needed, and he is now acting as this medium.

After the training, both of them were sweating profusely. Unfortunately, Shengzi still didn't make a breakthrough, and he was still a little bit close.

Yusuke comforted: "It's okay, I will train with you in the next few days"

The Holy Son nodded, and said calmly, "I'm not in a hurry."

The Holy Son has reached a bottleneck period. At this time, a good attitude is more important. Maybe one day he will suddenly realize it. In this regard, the Holy Son's psychological adjustment is stronger than anyone else.

"That, Yusuke"

It's hard, Seiko's face showed an embarrassing expression at this time, a little shy, a little nervous, this was the first time he saw such a Seiko, Yusuke was a little curious, he didn't urge him at this time, and waited quietly.

After a while, the Son organized the language and said, "Yusuke, I have something to tell you"

Yusuke nodded, listening carefully.

"Well, you can't say it here, you have to go to my room to say it," Shengzi said with some coyness.

Yusuke was a little hesitant, "Isn't this the right time?"

Going to the girl's boudoir at night, if the master knows, even if Yusuke is his favorite student, it will be difficult for Yusuke to leave Sasaki's house safely tonight.

"But this matter is very important." The son's expression was very serious.

Yusuke thought for a while and said, "Then let's go there quietly, but as soon as possible, so that no one will find out."

The Holy Son nodded, and the two changed their clothes, quietly walked through the corridor and came to the Holy Son's room.

It was the first time for Yusuke to come to Seiko's room, looking around curiously.

Shengzi's room is very clean, quite ladylike, and there are two little bears on the bed, very girlish.

Seeing Yusuke's eyes fluttering, Seiko was a little shy, and whispered, "Yusuke, don't look around."

Only then did Yusuke withdraw his eyes, Seiko opened the closet, rummaged inside, and came over with a piece of clothing after a while, it was a beige sweater.

Seiko said shyly, "Yusuke, this is the sweater I knitted for you, please see if it fits you well"

Yusuke was shocked, Seiko even knitted a sweater for him.

For a moment, Yusuke's head was a little numb, and he asked a very stupid question.

"Why did you knit a sweater for me?"

The Holy Son explained softly: "I have been taken care of by you for so long, and I have nothing to thank you for, so I want to knit a sweater for you."

"Actually, I was taken care of by you"

Yusuke's brain finally recovered, and he was a little excited at this time.

Knitting a sweater requires a lot of patience and time. I don’t know how much energy I spent on this sweater, especially since she has to find time to study and practice swords. The point was carried out, and Yusuke was very moved, and his heart was full of excitement.

Seeing Yusuke's joy, Seiko was very happy, and Yusuke's smile was her best reward, then said in a low voice: "But I don't know if it fits your size, you can try it"

Yusuke nodded, took off his coat, and tried it on.

The clothes are warm, but Yusuke's heart is warmer.

"The size is just right" Yusuke said with a smile, Seiko was also a little happy, and looked at it with a smile.

"This sleeve seems to be a bit long, I'll change it"

"No need." Yusuke shook his head, "I like whatever you do."

The Son showed a happy smile.

The two looked at each other, and the air was a little hot.

At this time, a dog barking came, and the two of them came back to their senses. It was Mihaqi's barking.

The two smiled, and lost the excitement just now.

Yusuke changed his clothes back, but Seiko finally thought he needed to change it, so he took it back first.

The two quietly left the room, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

The two met Sasaki Toru at the door. He came back and was playing with Mihaqi at the door.

"Master!" Yusuke stepped forward to say hello.

Hu Che nodded with a smile, patted Mihaqi on the head, and Mihaqi went back.

Hu Che walked over with a smile and asked, "You're back?"

"I just came back yesterday," Yusuke replied, "I just finished training with Seiko."

At this time, Yusuke noticed that the master's face was a little tired, and asked: "Master, is the gymnasium busy?"

"It's like this every year," Hu Che replied with a smile, "Every year at the end of the year, we have to have some entertainment."

The Sasaki family has a very wide network of contacts in the political, legal, business, and police stations. At the end of each year, these relationships have to be moved around, which requires Huche to be dispatched in person.

Everyone pays attention to human relations, which is unavoidable in society. If one day you don't need to move around, it will be really bad.

Huche taught some situations to Yongsuke, and Yongsuke said he was taught.

After dinner at Sasaki's house, Yusuke said at this time: "The studio will have a year-end trip in a few days, and Seiko is also a contracted video blogger who belongs to our studio and is also a part of the studio. I would like to invite Seiko Let's go together when the time comes"

Yusuke has already told Seiko about this matter, and Seiko has no objection, but he has to seek the consent of his family.

Everyone looked over, and Hu Che asked at this time: "Where are you going to travel?"

“Let's go to Hokkaido”

"Hokkaido!" Torajiro was a little excited at this moment, "Are you going skiing in Hokkaido?"

Yusuke nodded.

"It's really enviable, so can I..."

At this moment, Mikoto coughed, and Toranojiro shut up immediately, and sat down obediently.

"I don't object to this aspect. It's not bad for young people to go outside and see the world. I agree." Hu Che nodded.

The Son smiled, "Thank you Dad"

"You must pay attention to safety when you go out," Meiqin reminded at this time.

Yusuke nodded, "Don't worry, I will take care of them."

After a few reminders from everyone, the matter was decided in this way, and it was getting late, so Yusuke said hello and went home.

Toranojiro felt a little regretful, if he spoke, Brother Yusuke would definitely take him there, what a pity.

He was about to go back to the room at this time, and when he saw his father waving to him, he was a little surprised and walked over.

Hu Che said with a smile, "Let's have a good chat, father and son."

Toranojiro was a little surprised, there was something wrong with his father's attitude!

He thought his father would reprimand him, after all, his request just now was very rude, but he didn't.

After thinking for a while, he left with his father, and the two sat on the corridor in the courtyard.

It was snowing outside, and the corridor was a bit cold. Toranojiro couldn't help shivering. He looked at his father sitting beside him with a calm face, gritted his teeth, and sat next to him.

"Do you feel a little cold?" Dad asked at this time.

Toranojiro nodded.

"Then dad will let you stay here for an hour?"

Toranojiro was shocked instantly, is this a new way of punishment?
Hu Che smiled and shook his head, "I think it's time to teach you some principles of life, you are very precocious and smart, you can understand everything I say"

Toranojiro listened quietly to his father's words.

"You should also grow up and know that there are certain words and certain things. You can say certain things on certain occasions, but you cannot say them on certain occasions. You can say them to certain people, but you cannot say them to some people. You also understand that the world does not revolve around you. "

"Dad and Mom can listen to your unreasonable demands, Dad can teach you, but others won't"

"Your life has just begun. You will meet good people, bad people, people who care about you, and people who are jealous of you. Sometimes you will succeed and you will fail, but in life There are more traps”

"Trap?" Torajiro was a little strange. He knew all the truths that his father said before, but the latter sentence made him a little strange.

"Many people you meet now are good people, because you are a child of the Sasaki family, you were born higher than others, so all the people you meet are good people, everyone showed you a smiling face, and did not speak ill of you facing each other."

"But not everyone is like this. Some people will not be convinced. They think: Why can you get all this because you are the son of the Sasaki family? They will inadvertently set a trap for you."

"A small trap can ruin your reputation. For example: they deliberately lost something, then slandered you for stealing it, and at the same time called the police, and the item happened to be on your body, what should you do?"

Toranojiro was sweating instantly, this...

"Even further, inform the school and the media to make this matter bigger, and everyone will spurn you, because of what? Because you are the son of the Sasaki family, because your starting point is higher than others, and your starting point is enviable!"

"You are still young, and their malice towards you is not very obvious. As you grow up, these malices will suddenly come, and when these malices come, you are often caught off guard."

"This world is not as beautiful as you imagined. You must have the heart of defense and the heart of harm."

Tiger Jiro pondered, and Tiger Che said with a smile: "Do you think I should scold you tonight?"

Toranojiro nodded and said, "Because I made an unreasonable request tonight."

"Yes, your request is unreasonable, and you know it now, so I won't talk about it anymore"

"Torajiro, what you lack is the control over your own emotions. I ask you to slowly grasp the feelings of the people around you. You should grow up too. You must have the responsibility of a man and the spirit of a man."

"Remember, you are Sasaki Toranojiro, you want the Sasaki family to be proud of you!"

Toranojiro was so excited right now, yes, I want my family to be proud of me!

(End of this chapter)

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