Chapter 657. 657. The First Mission

It was a handsome boy, wearing a black down jacket and a pair of goggles on his head. His bright eyes and handsome face were very conspicuous in the snow.

The sun shines down, the water chestnut is distinct, so handsome!
The young people were a little surprised. Even if they were men, they had to admit that this young man was really handsome!

But soon they realized that this handsome boy is the companion of these girls?
I rely on!

Several people cursed fiercely in their hearts, so they already have companions!

They had discussed it just now and were ready to divide up the girls. At this moment, a male companion suddenly broke in and disrupted all the plans. Moreover, this boy was so handsome, so handsome that they were a little self-conscious. Ashamed.

I don't have any advantage here at all!

The first person to react was the young man wearing glasses, my grandson Ginji, who asked with a smile, "What's the matter with you, my friend?"

"I should be the one who asked you this sentence." Yusuke said calmly, "Is there anything you can do with my companion?"

Yusuke walked over at this time and stood in front of the girls. Yui and Rie stood behind him at this time, and suddenly found the main stick. smiled.

The youths who saw this scene twitched their eyebrows, something is wrong!

Seeing the two girls getting close to him, I had a bold idea in my heart.

This is the blessing of all people!

Damn, this is too fierce!
Several people are full of infinite jealousy and anger towards the boy!
The psychological manifestations of the four youths were so obvious that they were all written on their faces.

Kimura Satomi and Xiao Zhizi despise this very much, these people are completely idiots, compared with the boss, they are completely scumbags!
Even Kuroda Minami is very contemptuous, maybe Yusuke's jewels are in front, when she looks at these four young men, she always finds it very obtrusive.

Seeing that the four did not answer, Yusuke said calmly, "If you have nothing to do, please come back."

After hearing Yusuke's words, they came back to their senses at this moment, and immediately looked at the young man wearing glasses. This was their head.

The young man wearing glasses said: "We had a little misunderstanding just now, and I want to come over and apologize."

"You guys have already apologized," Xiao Zhizi said from behind, "We forgive you too."

"But we still felt a little sorry, so we apologized again."

"Then apologize now!" Yusuke said at this moment, and the young man wearing glasses shut up immediately.

Several people looked at each other, suddenly a little at a loss.

This excuse is too bad, and now I am a little bit hard to get off.

After all, the four of them nodded and apologized.


Yusuke nodded, "That's the way it is."

"That..." The young man wearing glasses still wanted to say something, but Yusuke said at this time: "Please go back if you have nothing to do."

"Can you make a friend?" The young man with dyed blond hair said at this time, seeing that the initiative was about to be taken away by Yusuke, he couldn't help but stand up.

"Meeting is fate, why don't we play together?"

"No," Yusuke replied, "We had a great time, no need!"

Seeing that Yusuke refused to give up, the burly man became a little anxious, and then he came out and shouted angrily: "Don't go too far, we are not here to find you, it's none of your business!"

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became stiff.

The three companions looked at him in surprise, this guy got into trouble!How can you say such a thing!

And Youyi and the others also turned cold. They already knew that these guys had no good intentions, and they had already refused one after another, and they were still so shameless.

These guys are hooligans!

Seeing Rie's face turned cold, the burly young man was very anxious. What he wanted to express was not what he meant, but he was stupid and accidentally said the wrong thing.Language has never been his strong point. His work in the team is more about helping everyone. Although he also has a hobby of photography, he is usually very taciturn. He knew how to speak, which made him very anxious.

"Are you trying to find fault?" A woman's voice came from behind, everyone turned their heads, and three women were walking towards this side.

The sound was the Black Water Spring, they finally caught up, and saw this scene as soon as they came up.

Four young men are here to find fault!

Heishuiquan is not afraid at all, but a little excited, these guys really don't know what to do!

And Sanzhiyuan Zuohua is also gearing up to prepare. As the company's martial arts coach, she must protect all the staff.

Shengzi's face is very calm, but her eyes are shining with a dangerous light. Although she is good at swordsmanship, it does not mean that she is weak in martial arts.

"You are the girl in the car, I found you!" Qingdao Wu exclaimed in surprise at this time.

When the car drove past them, he happened to see the Son of God.

Shengzi's elegant temperament made him very excited. He didn't expect to meet her here, and he was very excited at this moment.

The Holy Son followed the voice and looked over, a little puzzled, who is this person?

Isn't this guy trying to mess with the audience?
Shengzi's eyes immediately became dangerous, this guy is not a good person!
Qingdao Wu was still a little excited and wanted to go up to say hello, but seeing the look in the eyes of the Holy Son, his heart immediately became colder.

This encounter is in vain!
My Goddess, this is a big misunderstanding!
A dozen people stood together, very eye-catching, and other tourists also watched this scene curiously.

The four youths were a little bit stuck at this time, and the development of the matter was completely out of their control. Unknowingly, they even played the role of bullies.

Then they were surprised to find that the three women who appeared later surrounded them, and they seemed to want to do something!

They were all stunned. Could this group of people be looking for death?
There is no point in forcing it!
How can a girl beat a man!

Seeing this scene, they suddenly felt a little funny, and a smile appeared on their faces without knowing it.

And this scene was also seen by everyone, and their impression of them was even worse.

These guys really don't know how to live or die!

The young people also realized at this time that they came to chase the girls, not to make trouble, so they all put away their smiles, and the young man wearing glasses said at this time: "Sorry, we have no malicious intentions, we just want to talk to you friends"

"The way you make friends is really funny!" Heishuiquan sarcastically said, "Get lost, there is no place for you to stay here!"

Heishuiquan's reprimand was beyond the expectation of the young people, it was the first time they met such an arrogant woman at this time, and the faces of several people were ugly at this time.

Surprisingly, the most impulsive one was the long-haired young man who rushed towards the Black Water Spring and raised his hand to give her a slap.

His angry face looked very ferocious, his self-esteem couldn't stand such a reprimand!
Heishuiquan's face was calm, the opponent's actions were completely in his expectation, and he was already on guard, but when she was about to fight back, a figure stood in front of her.

Yusuke reached out and grabbed the man's arm, looking at him coldly.

The palm swelled, and the severe pain caused the man to scream. His hand seemed to be grasped by steel, and his bones seemed to be scratched and shattered.

Yusuke doesn't want to make trouble, but sometimes some troubles must be solved, in this case, Yusuke will not tolerate them bullying his friends!
Yusuke punched him directly in the abdomen, the severe pain caused the young man's whole body to arch, his eyes protruded, his mouth opened, and an unconscious cry came out of his mouth.

Yusuke's sudden outburst caught the young people by surprise, and everyone was shocked, but Heishuiquan had already rushed up at this time, followed by Shengzi and Sanzhiyuan Zuohua.

We don't want to cause trouble, but it doesn't mean we are afraid of trouble!

After a while of repairs, the four youths immediately fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

And one of the young men with blond hair had a strange arm, howling in pain.

Everyone looked at Sanzhiyuan Zuohua, it was her hands.

Sanzhiyuan Zuohua said: "I'm already very temperate, it's just a dislocation."

What she has learned is the art of controlling the enemy, and her moves are deadly. This is already very conservative, otherwise it would not be as simple as a dislocation.

Heishuiquan said with a smile: "It seems that our Sanzhiyuan is not simple, let's discuss it when you have time."

"no problem"

The two of them felt a little bit of sympathy for each other immediately.

The young people looked at this scene in horror, it was the first time they met such a strong woman, this completely refreshed their three views!
Didn't it mean that girls' fighting power is not as good as that of men!
how did this happen!
At this moment, he raised his head, and a figure looked down at them.

Yusuke raised his foot and stepped on the head of the young man with glasses, directly stepping him into the snow.

The young man struggled desperately, but Yusuke's strength was beyond his ability to resist.

Yusuke's eyes swept over, and the other two men backed away in horror, the other was like a big devil, it was too scary!

And the tourists around also stepped back quietly, this man looks so cruel!

Heishuiquan also looks at Yusuke with admiration, which is so imposing!

That's how men should be!

Xiaozhizi and the others also had a new understanding of Yusuke. They never thought that the boss is usually very kind, but when he gets angry, he is so cruel!
But there is also a sense of security in my heart, such a boss is too reliable!

This is the real hero!

Finally, Yusuke let go of his foot, and a calm voice came.


My grandson Ginji's glasses had been broken during the fight just now, leaving only a bracket hanging on his face, when he heard Yusuke's voice, he was so frightened, he struggled to crawl back, and the others also reacted, One by one they fled.

The onlookers were a little scared. This group of people didn't look like good people, so they subconsciously avoided them.

Yusuke doesn't care about that, sometimes it's more useful to be a villain than a good guy.

At this time, he asked Yuyi and Rie with concern: "Are you all right?"

The sudden change from a hero to a warm man caught the two of them off guard, but they reacted quickly and shook their heads.

I feel warm in my heart, someone cares and takes care of me, and it makes me feel good to hold up a piece of sky!

"These guys really can't bear to be beaten!" Heishuiquan pouted at this moment and said, the partner Kuroda Minami looked helpless.

"Don't keep thinking about using force!"

"Don't worry, I have a measure," Heishuiquan replied with a smile.

At this time, he looked at Yusuke with eyes full of admiration.

Yusuke Misawa has a unique charisma in him!

as a leader.What is needed is arrogance, to be able to lead everyone to fight a bloody road, to have the aura of a hero, to be able to protect everyone, to be able to solve all things, and Yusuke Misawa is such a person!
Such a person deserves deep friendship!

It was just a commercial cooperation before, but now Heishuiquan feels a bit of heart-to-heart.

Yui and the others were still a little nervous, so Yusuke went up to chat and joke to relieve the pressure.

Sanzhiyuan Zuohua said at this time: "I'm going to the bathroom"

"I'll go to the bathroom too, let's go together," Heishuiquan said with a smile.

The two walked together together, but halfway through, the two turned their directions.

"Sanzhiyuan, didn't you go to the bathroom?" Heishuiquan asked with a smile.

"Then you are not the same"

"Looks like we're thinking of going together"

The two smiled at each other.

"I'm curious, is this your own behavior or Sanze's instigation?"

"Half and half" Sanzhiyuan Zuohua replied: "The boss gave me a hint, so I took it."

Yusuke had a conversation with Kimura Satomi and Sanchiin Soka. At that time, the two were very optimistic about Yusuke's studio, and they also wanted to have the right to speak in the studio, so they had a conversation.

Satomi Kimura used to be a webcaster and has experience in this field, and her ability is also very strong. Yusuke is willing to accept it. Later, she and Xiao Zhizi will lead a new project, which also has this consideration.

But Sanzhiyuan Zuohua is different. Her position is the company's martial arts teacher, and she is responsible for teaching everyone to learn self-defense. In fact, it is not very useful. As long as the martial arts teacher has money, he can find a substitute.

Therefore, Sanzhiyuan Zuohua must show its own value.

This is where the dialogue between Yusuke and Sanzhiyuan Soka started. Yusuke needs her to protect everyone, and at some point she needs to do something out of the ordinary.

Yusuke's expression was very serious at the time, if Sanzhiyuan Soka could accept it, he would officially become a part of the studio.

This is a nomination certificate!
Sanzhiyuan Zuohua thought about it all night, and agreed the next day.

There is an agreement between the two parties that Sanzhiyuan Zuohua must protect everyone. When someone wants to hurt the people in the studio, or has this intention, Sanzhiyuan Zuohua must take action.

To put it simply, Sanzhiyuan Zuohua is responsible for solving some things that can be solved by force.

And this is the first mission of Sanzhiyuan Zuohua, and she is very serious.

The direction in which the two of them were heading was the direction in which the youths had left just now.

The weeds need to be eradicated, and Yusuke doesn't think that just beating them will solve the problem. What if these guys are too angry and come back to make trouble?I'm not afraid of targeting Yusuke, but I'm afraid of targeting Yui and the others.

Instead of worrying about it, it's better to solve them all at once!
Black Water Spring is the same idea.

On the other side, the four youths finally stopped. They were terrified and ran for hundreds of meters. They couldn't see each other at this time, so they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Qingdao, are you okay?"

At this moment, the three of them were nervously surrounding Qingdao Wu. Qingdao Wu's face was covered with cold sweat, his lips were white, and he seemed to be in excruciating pain.

"Hurry up, let's go to the doctor!"

The three of them went to the tourist center with Qingdao Wu at a loss. There is a treatment room here, because various accidents often occur in ski resorts, such as dislocations and sprains, so the treatment room is a must. .

However, the doctor's skills were so-so. Amidst Wu Qingdao's howling like killing a pig, he finally took his hand back. At this time, Wu Qingdao was so tired that he almost collapsed.

The three companions were in cold sweat, and Qingdao Wuzu screamed for half an hour before connecting the hands. This doctor's skills are beyond words!

Fortunately, people are all right.

After drinking some water and eating a little something, this time he also regained some physical strength. Finally, Aoshima Wu's face became rosy for a while, and his spirit returned.

The four of them could relax at this time, but soon the humiliation just now appeared in their minds, and everyone was very angry.

They have never suffered such a loss, and they were still ashamed by a young man. This is simply a shame and a great humiliation!

Especially my grandson Ginji, he suffered even more humiliation, it was the first time he was stepped on the bottom, he clearly remembered the condescending look in his eyes, this foot crushed all his dignity, he I can feel that the eyes of the three companions looking at him have changed slightly.

At this time, the more he thought about it, the more angry he was, his fists were clenched tightly, and his nails had already sunk into the flesh.

At this moment, he stood up abruptly, and the three companions looked over.

"I'm going to kill him!" Ginji growled through gritted teeth.

"Calm down, Yinji!"

Unexpectedly, it was Qingdao Wu who spoke. At this time, his face was pale, but his spirit had recovered.

"You're just getting beaten up like this"

This sentence hurt Ginji, and now he stared at him fiercely.

"It's not me that you should hate, but the other party. If you go like this, do you think you can beat them?"

Surprisingly, Aoshima Wu was very calm at this time, maybe his head was awake at this time due to the severe pain just now.

"Then let's find someone else to do it!"

It was Araki Sato who spoke, and at this time his face was also full of anger.

He couldn't accept that his beloved goddess actually fell into the arms of other people!

Why is reality always so cruel?

Can't we give some beautiful miracles to these simple youths!
"Are you trying to turn this into a crime?"

Qingdao Wu blocked him with one sentence.

According to Sato Araki's idea, they attacked those weak girls, and then forced the boy to commit the crime.

But at this time the nature has completely turned into a crime, and they don't want to do this yet.

"Let's call the police!"

Araki Sato thought for a while, and then proposed another idea, but this sentence did not get the consent of others.

If they call the police, they will suffer in the end. If they fail to strike up a conversation, they will be beaten up. It doesn't make sense for them to go anywhere. Maybe they will be caught instead and calm down.

A few people are a little discouraged, they can't do it well, they use tricks and tricks but they are afraid of breaking the law, it's really hard to do!
Aoshima Takeshi looked at Kazumi Kanda at this time and said, "Kanda, you are a local, right?"

Everyone looked over and didn't understand why he asked this question.

"I remember you have an uncle who seems to be a gangster," Takeshi Aoshima said at this time, and my grandson Ginji and Sato Araki were surprised when they heard this.

Kazumi Kanda quickly retorted: "Stop talking nonsense, my uncle is not a gangster, he is just an ordinary fisherman"

"Whether he is a fisherman or a gangster, can you ask your uncle to help?"

Qingdao Takeshi looked at Kazumi Kanda at this time, "As a local, you are more capable."

Others also looked over at this time, Aoshima Wu's tone was not right, as if he had already confirmed that the other party could solve this matter.

Could it be that Kanda Kazumizu's uncle is really a gangster?
Kanda Yishui was silent for a while, then looked at Aoshima Takeshi, with a cold tone, "How do you know about my uncle?"

Kanda Yishui does have an uncle, he is a fisherman, and he is also a gangster.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there are struggles among fishermen, and there are often armed fights, and this kind of armed fight is even more terrifying, because the places where they happen are all on the high seas, and there is no law to stop them, so they are even more brutal, Kanda Kazu Uncle Shui is the cadre of one of the small groups.

In the eyes of outsiders, they are all honest fishermen, but in the eyes of insiders, they are fierce villains.

Kazumizu Kanda studied in Hokkaido from elementary school to high school. He lives very comfortably in Hokkaido because everyone knows his uncle and no one dares to offend him.

Until he went to college, he covered up all his past and started a new life.

If he asked his uncle for help, his uncle would definitely find someone to help, but Kanda Yishui didn't want to.

So he never made this suggestion, but he didn't expect Aoshima Wu to know it.

He has never told anyone about his uncle, and he has been covering it up very well for the past three years. How did Aoshima Wu know?
Facing Kanda Yishui's inquisitive eyes, Aoshima Takeshi explained: "Because I know your uncle, and I have seen you go out to do things with your uncle."

Kazumi Kanda is a little strange. He hasn't contacted his uncle since he went to university, and when he worked with his uncle, he was in high school, which means that Aoshima Takeshi knew himself in high school!

Qingdao Wu then explained: "It was when I was in high school, and my friends and I also came to Hokkaido, and we happened to encounter a fight on the way.

We were watching the excitement, and then we saw you and your uncle appearing on the stage. At that time, you didn't have long hair, and you were still short. We were very impressed with you, that first meeting.

And the second time we met was when I entered university. You changed into a new image and had long hair. We happened to be at the same table at that time. When you greeted me, you had no impression of me, but I still remembered you.

Although your temperament has changed, I will not remember your appearance wrongly."

(End of this chapter)

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