The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 661 661. I have the confidence to kill them

Chapter 661 661. I have the confidence to kill them
Seeing that Kazumi Kanda asked his father for money, the three of Ginji gave up.

Even his own nephews are the same, let alone outsiders like them. As for the consequences of not being able to pay, they are not three-year-olds anymore, and they know it after thinking about it.

According to what the other party said, they have been watched by the police, and all the previous criminal evidence has been controlled by the police. They are fugitives with their lives on their backs. Now they are going to run away. understood.

No way, now I can only ask my family for help. As for the excuses, they have to figure it out for themselves. In short, they have to get the 100 million together first.

Borrowing from family members, relatives, and friends, the three of them mobilized all their contacts, received a lot of remittances, and finally got all the money together.

After handing in his bank card and his bank password, the middle-aged man asked one of his men to withdraw the money, and they could only leave after getting the money.

And at this time, Kanda Yishui's father came. He was a middle-aged man, who looked somewhat similar to Kanda Yishui's uncle.

The difference is that his appearance looks a bit fierce, but in fact he is a real ordinary person.

The middle-aged man's subordinates also knew him, so they let him in.

Kanda Kazumizu's father looked at his son, then at the middle-aged man, then took out an envelope from the bag in his hand and put it on the ground.

"Here is 100 million"

The middle-aged man picked up the envelope, opened it, counted the money, and nodded.

"It's ok, Yishui, you go back, and be a good person in the future, don't be like me"

Kanda's father pulled up a bottle of water, and the three of Ginji looked at them eagerly at this moment. They hadn't got the money yet, so they couldn't leave yet.

Kazumi Kanda took two steps, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Dad, can you wait for them?"

Kanda's father looked at Yishui, then at the three eager young men, and finally at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was smoking a cigarette, his face was expressionless, and it was completely impossible to see what he was thinking.

Kanda's father was about to speak, when the middle-aged man said, "Yishui, you should go back first."

Kanda Kazusui's body froze for a moment, and Ginji and the others were at a loss, completely unable to understand what riddle they were playing.

Kanda Yishui gritted his teeth, stopped in his tracks, turned his head to look at the middle-aged man, and begged, "Uncle, let them go!"

The three of Yinci looked confused, and then realized that the other party didn't want to let them go!
The three of them had their IQs on the line at this time, and the other party was a wanted criminal. They all knew about the other party's actions, so how could they be let go so easily? It was just to trick them and ask them to use the money as travel expenses.

The three of Yinci panicked, opened their mouths wide, and were trembling all over. At this time, they looked at the middle-aged man with horror in their eyes.

The middle-aged man took a breath of cigarettes, his eyes became fierce.

"If it weren't for the fact that you are my nephew, you would never have walked out of this door today."

This fierce tone made Kazumi Kanda very uncomfortable. At this time, he didn't dare to look at his uncle's eyes, and turned his head, just in time to see the pleading eyes of his companions.

They can only rely on themselves now!

Gritting her teeth, she knelt down on the ground and begged, "Uncle, please let them go!"

The three of Yinci also reacted at this time, and immediately knelt down and kowtowed to beg for mercy.

The middle-aged man was smoking quietly, and the next moment, the cigarette butt in his hand was thrown on Kanda Yishui's head.

Sparks splashed, Kanda Yishui's head was burned instantly, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

The middle-aged man stood up with fierce eyes, and the middle-aged people in the rear also took out daggers from their bodies at this time, and surrounded them one by one.

"One water, my generosity is exhausted"

"Jian Wu!" At this moment, a deep voice came, and it was Kanda's father who spoke, and he looked at the middle-aged man calmly.

The middle-aged man looked disdainful, "What's the matter? My good brother, who hasn't said a word to me for decades, usually treats me as a younger brother who doesn't exist. Now that he sees his son being bullied, he wants to stand up for him. Bar"

"Come on, let's fight! If you beat me, you will take the water away"

He took off his coat at this time, revealing his body in a vest. His hands and shoulders were covered with scars, and those were all his achievements.

"Oh, yes, almost forgot"

At this moment, the middle-aged man suddenly realized, "I remember that you never knew how to fight since you were a child, and you looked like a soft bun."

"Well, I'll give you a dagger, you take a weapon, and I'll use my bare hands, isn't that fair?"

"Come here!"

The middle-aged man put on a boxing stance at this time, and a knife was thrown at Kanda's father's feet.

Kanda Yishui looked at the two of them in horror, one was his father who he usually looked down upon, but helped him carry everything at a critical moment, and the other was the uncle he admired since he was a child, but stabbed him in the back at this time, His heart was in a mess, and he didn't know what to do at this moment.

Kanda's father put down the bag in his hand and took two steps forward.

Kanda Kazusui stretched out his hand, wanting to grab his father, he couldn't watch the two fight like this, and the middle-aged man showed a disdainful smile at this moment.

But then Kanda's father's behavior shocked everyone.

Kanda's father knelt directly on the ground, knocking his forehead on the floor, "Please, let them go!"

This move shocked everyone.

Everyone looked at the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man withdrew his fist at this time, with a gloomy expression on his face.

He picked up the jacket on the ground, took out a pack of cigarettes from it, lit it, took a few puffs, and spit it out, the smoke was faint.

After a long time, the voice of the middle-aged man came.

"Get out, get out before I change my mind!"

At this moment, he had already turned around, facing the wall, so that no one could see his expression.

As if they were pardoned, several young people stood up, supported each other and were about to leave. Kanda Kazumi also stepped forward to help his father. At this moment, his senses were really indescribable, and he didn't know what expression to use to face his father.

At this time, Kanda's father also stood up, picked up the bag next to him, and took out an envelope from it.
"This was originally intended to be given to you alone at the end, but I guess there is no chance, so please do it yourself."

Put the envelope on the ground.

Kazumi Kanda took a look at the thickness of the envelope, and it was the same thickness as the envelope just now.

The middle-aged man's hand holding the cigarette stopped for a moment, and it took two or three seconds before he realized it. He took a deep breath of the cigarette and exhaled it, silently without speaking.

Kanda Yishui left with his father.

After walking out of the house, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone had the feeling of narrow escape.

They were too naive before, thinking that the so-called underworld was all about loyalty, but they didn't expect that the reason why the underworld was called the underworld was because it was the dirtiest and filthiest industry!
Dealing with the underworld is the most dangerous thing!
At this time, Kanda's father said: "Yishui, and the rest of you, let's go to stay at home tonight."

Everyone nodded. They couldn't go back to the hotel, even if they were asked to go back, they wouldn't dare. If the other party shot back, it would be too late to cry.

The three of Ginji expressed their gratitude to Kanda's father. If Kanda's father hadn't appeared tonight, they would have been doomed.

Kazumi Kanda looked at his elderly father, his throat was a little choked up, but he didn't know how to express it.

Kanda's father said at this time: "Yishui, you drive, I am very tired tonight"

The father handed over the key, looked at himself with gentle eyes, froze for a moment, and smiled the next moment.

"Okay Dad, let me drive!"

Today is a sleepless night.

The morning sun shone through the window, Yusuke opened his eyes, it was already the second day.

After brushing his teeth, washing his face, and tidying up his appearance, Yusuke went out. Just as he went out, he ran into Seiko and Xiao Zhizi, who were talking and laughing as they walked over.

Yusuke greeted, "You guys are so early!"

The two also responded with a smile.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Yusuke asked.

They played all day yesterday, and encountered a lot of things on the way back, but they were very tired. They got up so early, I don't know if they had a good rest.

"No problem, boss," Xiao Zhizi responded with a smile, "Those yesterday were trivial, but I have plenty of energy."

The three of them went downstairs to have breakfast together, and the others came one after another, but they all had sore backs. Yesterday's play was too crazy, especially Rie, who has no motor nerves, is a little tired when walking Soft.

"Rie, your physical strength is not good enough!" Sanzhiyuan Soka shook his head and said, "It seems that after returning, I will give you targeted special training."

Rie shuddered, sports have never been her strong point.

"Girls still need to exercise more to be healthy," Sanzhiyuan said, "Just look at Seiko and Yui and you will understand."

Needless to say, the Holy Son is full of energy, and Yuyi is also full of physical strength, and there is no sign of fatigue at all. Both of them have a strong foundation in sports.

Rie thought for a while, then nodded, she couldn't lose to them.

After everyone finished their breakfast, Heishuiquan and Kuroda Minami also came over at this time, and everyone set off together.

The ice sculptures in Hokkaido are very famous. This is the coldest place. Ice and snow are the biggest features here. People here have developed many special programs with the theme of ice and snow.

Ice sculptures are one of them.

The exhibition of ice sculptures is also a popular tourist program here. There are many images of ice sculptures, including traditional turtles and cranes, as well as small temple buildings.

In recent years, Two-dimensional has been very popular, and many anime images have been added here, among which well-known images such as Kakarot, Doraemon, and Pikachu are the most popular.

Today's program is mainly about shopping and appreciation. Everyone looked at various ice sculptures, which were very novel and took a lot of photos.

And the ice sculpture exhibition must also have various special Hokkaido specialties.

Hokkaido white lover chocolate, rich and mellow.Cantaloupe jelly is cool and refreshing, as well as sweets made of milk in various colors, all of which are local specialties.

Yusuke tasted it, and it tasted very good, and then he bought a lot.

"Yusuke, why did you buy so much?" Yui asked in surprise.

Everyone buys a few packs as souvenirs, but Yusuke buys a whole box, which is too big a deal!

Yusuke smiled and replied: "I have to give gifts to many people, these are not too many."

At the end of the year, all kinds of human relationships and worldly skills need to move around.

Dr. Sakura has to give a gift, the master has to give a gift, Kawana Ruzuo has to give a gift, Nagasaku has to give a gift, Sato Hideo has to give a gift, and the studio has to prepare More snacks, and gifts for a few children, these bits and pieces add up to a lot of things.

Yusuke needs to take responsibility for these sophistication.

The bought things are delivered directly to the home, with ease.

Everyone was eating snacks while looking at the ice sculptures, and the trip was easy.

At noon, everyone ate the famous Genghis Khan barbecue, which had a unique taste and was very happy.

Continue to play in the afternoon.

When walking halfway, Sanzhiyuan Zuohua said at this time: "I want to buy a bottle of water, do you need it?"

"Then I'll go with you." Heishuiquan said with a smile, and greeted everyone, and the two went to a nearby convenience store to buy things, while Yusuke and the others continued to watch the ice sculpture exhibition.

After the two finished shopping, they walked out of the store with a smile. At this moment, a figure suddenly passed by in front of them, and then the two found that the small bag in their hands was missing.

I'm stupid!It was robbed!
The two were stunned for a while before they realized it. They turned their heads, and a middle-aged man ran into the alley in front of him.

The two became furious instantly, and they were robbed!
At the first moment, he ran after him.

Xiao Zhizi happened to see this scene, and exclaimed in surprise: "The two of them were robbed!"

Everyone was startled by Xiaozhizi's words, and turned their heads at this moment, and the two of them had already run into the alley.

"Yuyi, call the police immediately." Yusuke was the first to react, and immediately ordered: "Son, please watch them, I'll go up and check the situation"

Shengzi nodded. It was the first time for the others to encounter such a situation, and they were a little confused, but they also knew that they should not make trouble at this time, so they obeyed Yusuke's arrangement obediently.

"Yusuke, you have to be careful!" Rie exhorted worriedly.

"Don't worry," Yusuke replied, "I have a measure."

Telling everyone to be safe, Yusuke followed immediately.

They ran so fast that they disappeared in no time.

Yusuke stood at the entrance of the alley, the inside was empty.

It's a little troublesome now.

At this time, there was a crow's call, Yusuke raised his head, and there was a crow standing on the telegraph pole in front of him, looking at the surrounding scenery.

There is a way!


Yusuke yelled from below, and the crow on the telegraph pole heard the call, lowered his head, and looked at the human below.

It is a bit strange, and it always feels an inexplicable affection for this human being.

"Crow, where did those two people go?"

"Whoah (are you talking to me?)"

"That's right!"

Yusuke took out a few candies from his pocket at this time, "Tell me where those people went just now, these candies are yours"

The crow thought for a while, then nodded. With its brain capacity, it couldn't figure out why humans could understand it, but it would not refuse food.

"Whoah (I'll take you there)"

The crow flapped its wings and flew into the alley, followed by Yusuke.

Following the crow around the alley, he finally came to a road, and saw two figures in front of him.

Those were Sanzhiyuan Zuohua and Heishuiquan, they were beating a middle-aged man.

Seeing that the two of them were fine, Yusuke breathed a sigh of relief.

The candy was given to the crow, and the crow happily ate the candy, flapped its wings and flew away.

Yusuke walked up at this moment and asked, "Are you all okay?"

The two of them came back to their senses at this moment and stopped their movements, while the middle-aged man shrank back in fear, looking very embarrassed.

"It turned out to be Yusuke!" Heishuiquan responded, "We're fine, just now the little thief stole our things, and we chased after him, making you worry."

At this time, Yusuke looked at the middle-aged man on the ground. He looked very embarrassed, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he was very scared. He probably didn't expect these two girls to be so fierce!
He chased after him all of a sudden, and even beat him up, which was completely beyond his imagination!
Is this the reaction of a robbed person?Shouldn't you be shaking with fright?This was the first time he encountered such a situation, something was wrong with these two girls!
"You didn't miss anything, did you?" Yusuke asked with his gaze back, and Sanzhiyuan Soka was checking the small bag, and replied, "Everything is here."

"That's good, then what should he do?" Heishuiquan looked at the middle-aged man.

"Call the police," Yusuke replied.

Hearing the call to the police, the middle-aged man shivered, looked at the three of them in horror, and begged: "I beg you, I was wrong, give me a chance! Don't call the police!"

"You know you're wrong and still dare to rob?" Heishuiquan curled his lips.

"I have my reasons!"

"Every criminal says he has a hard time, so let's go to the prison to repent." Heishuiquan took out his mobile phone at this time, and was about to call the police.

Yusuke and Sanzhiyuan Souka both looked calm, they will be punished if they do something wrong, it's a matter of course!
"Young man, a lesson is enough, and calling the police is going too far!"

A voice came from behind, and the three turned their heads.

Ahead, a few middle-aged people were walking towards this side, and the middle-aged man sitting on the ground seemed to have found an organization, and shouted excitedly: "Boss, save me quickly!"


The three of Yusuke froze for a moment, it turned out that they were organized!
The leader was a middle-aged man with fierce eyes, smoking a cigarette and looking like a fool.

Everyone's heart sank, it seems that they are gangsters, and now they are in some trouble.

The middle-aged man took a deep breath of the cigarette and let it out suddenly.

"You bastard, Hirano, is really going back and forth, and you can't even handle two little girls."

The middle-aged man said disdainfully, then looked at Yusuke.

"You have also taught him a lesson. There is nothing to lose now. This matter will stop here, and it will be good for you."

Sanzhiyuan Soka was on guard nervously, waiting for Yusuke to make up his mind.

Heishuiquan hesitated for a moment, if it was just an ordinary robbery, it would not matter to call the police, but if these gangsters were involved, if the police angered them, it would be a troublesome thing, at this time he whispered to Yusuke: "How about Forget it"

When going out, one thing more is worse than one thing less.

Yusuke pondered for a while, then moved away, and the two of them quietly retreated to the side.

Seeing the opportunity coming, the middle-aged man on the ground struggled to get up and ran towards him.

Yusuke whispered at this time: "Be careful!"

Both of them nodded lightly. These gangsters have no reputation at all. In order not to cause trouble, they can not pursue it, but they also need to prevent being bitten back.

The middle-aged man ran over there, heaved a sigh of relief, and then his frightened expression became arrogant again.This guy is obviously a bully!
The three of them backed away quietly, trying not to cause trouble if they could.

At this time, the voice of the middle-aged man came, "Now let's talk about our damages."

The three of them stopped in their tracks and looked at the middle-aged man warily.

The middle-aged man took a deep breath of the cigarette and let it out.

"If you beat my brother up like this, you need to pay for medical expenses, right?"

As soon as Yusuke and the three sank, they knew that these guys were not good people!
At this moment, Yusuke stood up and said calmly, "I've already given you face, don't push yourself too far!"

"Face?" The middle-aged man took a puff of smoke, opened his mouth, and showed a ferocious smile.

"I just want to make an inch of it now. When I say that I want to pay for medical expenses, I want to pay for medical expenses. What do you think!"

At this time, the subordinates behind him took out the daggers from their bodies, and looked at Yusuke and the others fiercely.

These guys are so arrogant!When did the underworld in Japan become so arrogant, daring to threaten them with knives in the street?

Yusuke always felt a sense of disobedience, this group of guys seemed like desperadoes.

Yes, that's right, these guys are desperadoes!
Yusuke is clever, no wonder he feels a sense of disobedience!

The underworld and legalization in Japan, but after all, such things as the underworld cannot be put on the table, and the Japanese government has also vigorously cracked down on it. This is no different from that time decades ago. Now the underworld is lonely. Threatening with weapons will definitely make the social news!

The consequences of this incident are not something they can bear, unless these guys don't want to mess around anymore.

Yusuke thought for a moment, then asked, "What do you want?"

The middle-aged man smiled, "It's easy to talk like this, my request is very simple, just take out the money on your body."

At this time there was a distance between the two sides, Sanzhiyuan Zuohua and Heishuiquan looked at Yusuke, Sanzhiyuan Zuohua asked in a low voice at this time: "Do you want to do it? I am confident that I can kill both of them!"

Heishuiquan also whispered: "I also have the confidence to kill two!"

There are only 6 people on the other side, and the remaining two believe that Yusuke can also kill them!
"Are you confident?" Yusuke's eyes became serious, and both of them nodded slightly.

Yusuke is a little lucky that Sanzhiyuan Soka and Heishuiquan are here.

Sanzhiyuan Zuohua learned the art of controlling the enemy, if he used a ruthless hand, it would be fatal.As a master of martial arts, Heishuiquan would never release water under such circumstances.With himself, Yusuke is confident that he can handle them!
The middle-aged man had already walked over and stopped two meters away.

The subordinates all held up their daggers, pointing at the three of Yusuke, with vicious expressions on their faces.Especially the middle-aged man who was beaten so hard just now, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

(End of this chapter)

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