The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 672 672. The Children's Showdown

Chapter 672 672. The Children's Showdown
With the familiar turntable, Yusuke prayed silently with anticipation, then stepped forward and pressed the button.

The pointer was spinning rapidly, and soon, the pointer stopped.

"Congratulations on winning the lottery: double your energy!"

Double energy?
Yusuke looked at the description, and it was almost the same as doubling the combat power.

Yusuke is very satisfied with this reward. There have been more and more things recently, and he feels that his energy is not enough recently.

Energy and combat power are completely different things. Combat power strengthens the body, while energy enhances endurance and resilience.

Energy is doubled, the most important thing is the word "fine", very good, very good.

The system is so considerate!

It was a rare effort.

It's a new year, a new day, Yusuke is very happy to have acquired such a powerful skill.

I got up, brushed my teeth and washed my face, came downstairs, and said hello to my family.

"Happy New Year!"

Everyone congratulated each other, a good mood is very important in the new year.

The two families sat at the dining table, and the mothers prepared red bean and rice cake soup, and everyone began to enjoy it.

Start your day with good food.

After dinner, the next step is the highlight of the day, going to visit relatives and friends.

Today, my father wore a dark gray kimono, which was ironed straight, and my mother also put on the most expensive kimono. Even my younger sister was dressed up beautifully. Yusuke put on a decent suit. The whole family went out together. I am going to visit the master Sasaki Torutsu.

Sasaki Toruru took great care of Yusuke, just like his own son. The Misawa family was very moved by this, and the relationship between the two families was very close.

The whole family dressed neatly and set off with gifts, arriving at Sasaki's house.

Today's Sasaki's house is very lively, the huge wooden door is fully opened, and the blue stone steps can be seen at a glance, like a huge castle overlooking, very grand.

The Sasaki family has many relatives and friends, and has a very wide network of contacts. They can basically get in touch with high-ranking officials and nobles, as well as ordinary businessmen.

Today is the first day of the new year, and there are so many people visiting, it is extremely lively.

At this time, the disciples of Sasaki Dojo were needed to come and help.

Meetings, receptions, and all kinds of complicated things require the help of disciples.

And the disciples are also very happy about this.

The disciples of the Sasaki family are divided into three types, one is direct disciples, only Yusuke and Seiko, and the backup is Toranojiro.

The second type is beginner disciples, the master will teach seriously, and the relationship between the disciples and the Sasaki family is also very close.

The last type is ordinary disciples who pay tuition to learn things, and everyone is an ordinary professor relationship.

And all the people here today are beginner disciples.

It's not that simple to become a beginner disciple, you have to pass the test, and you can only be qualified if you have the best qualifications.

Becoming a beginner disciple means that he can enjoy all kinds of special treatment, and the resources of the Sasaki family will also be open to him. Beginner disciples can use the platform of the Sasaki family.

The disciples borrowed the resources of the Sasaki family, and when they grew up, they fed back again. This kind of relationship was complicated and accumulated, and finally formed a huge network of relationships.

Young people can get opportunities that are difficult to get, big people can also get in touch with more contacts, and at the same time, they can gather a group of talents. Everyone benefits from it. This network is extremely stable.

As the middleman, the Sasaki family is the most important part.

What happened today is also a precious opportunity for the disciples.

There are a lot of people visiting, from all walks of life, from all walks of life. If you can impress some big people and talk to them, it will have a huge impact on their lives. Sometimes noble people will help you and work harder than you for 10 years more useful.

As a personal disciple, Yusuke is known to everyone.

The master once took Yusuke to the dojo, and introduced his identity to everyone. Everyone knew that Misawa Yusuke had a limitless future. Everyone greeted them with smiles, and Yusuke responded with a smile one by one. Fairly harmonious.

Human relations and sophistication are articles, Asia will always be a human society.

When Sanze's family came here, the disciples at the door also noticed it and came forward to say hello.

After a few greetings from everyone, the disciple was about to bring Yusuke and his family into the house, when a pretty figure appeared.

The Son came out.

Today's Holy Child is dressed up, she is wearing a dark blue kimono, her long black hair is pulled up to the end, and she is decorated with a simple jade hairpin.

"Uncle and Aunt, Happy New Year"

The Holy Son nodded with a smile, and behaved decently and generously.

The mother's eyes lit up, the appearance of the Holy Son really fits the appearance in her mind!
"Happy New Year!" Both parents responded with a smile.

To be honest, they had already prepared psychologically before they came here, but they didn't expect that their preparation was not enough.

Today's occasions all show that the strength of the Sasaki family is extraordinary. They are a little nervous at this time, and the class gap between the two sides is really big.

On the contrary, Yusuke is very calm. It may be that he has experienced too many things, or he may have seen too many such scenes, or he may have a different thinking and have no feeling about it.

The Holy Son appeared, and she was in charge of the reception.

Shengzi took Sanze's family into the house. Many people greeted Shengzi on the way, and Shengzi responded with a smile one by one.

Yusuke found that some people met at the master's private party last time, they still had some impressions of Yusuke, they nodded with a smile, and Yusuke also nodded with a smile in response.

But more are strangers, they don't know Yusuke, but they definitely know Seiko.

As the eldest daughter of the Sasaki family, Seiko, who was brought in by her, was definitely not an ordinary person.

They have already remembered the image of Yusuke in their hearts.

Hu Che was accompanying the guest, when he saw Sanze's family coming, he greeted the guest and walked over.

The parents immediately went forward and congratulated respectfully, and Hu Che also responded with a smile. That cheerful attitude made the parents' originally nervous mood relax, and everyone exchanged a few pleasantries.

But after all, there were really too many guests, so Hu Che asked Shengzi to accompany him, and he went to greet other guests.

The Holy Son's attitude was very gentle, and the two sides chatted about some ordinary household matters.But the father was not very used to this kind of occasion after all, so he left after staying for a while, and the son was specially delivered to the door of the house, which the parents were extremely satisfied with.

This etiquette is too much, they have been respected!
At this moment, Yusuke took a step slower, stood beside the Son, and said in a low voice, "I'll come up tonight to celebrate for you."

Today is not only the first day of the new year, but also Seiko's birthday, Yusuke promised to come to accompany Seiko.

Shengzi nodded lightly, with a slight blush on his calm face, "I'll wait for you"

This voice is soft and cute.

Yusuke couldn't help showing a smile, and his mood became more joyful.

After bidding farewell to Sasaki's house, they returned home, tidied up, and they were about to dispatch again.

There are many things!
Father has a lot of people to go around, mother also needs to congratulate the neighbors, Yusuke also has a lot of favors to deal with.

No one can get rid of the sophistication of the world.

Even though the uncle who is celebrating the New Year here this year is not in his hometown, he still needs verbal greetings. He has been on the phone non-stop since morning, and he is also extremely busy.

The only ones who are free are the children.

Ryusuke was also one of the idle ones.

He is young and can't help with family affairs, and this year he is here for the New Year, so he can't go out with his friends, and it's impossible to communicate with Asuka online 24 hours a day.

Asuka also has his own affairs to arrange, so he is free at this time.

After this free time, people will be bored and have nothing to do.

"Ryusuke, take your younger siblings out to play if you have time," Nami said at this time.

Children are the happiest people during Chinese New Year. They don't have to think so much. They have new clothes to wear, money to collect, and food to eat. These days are really happy!

They all got the New Year's money in the morning, and they were arguing to buy toys at this time.

It's really not reconciled not to spend the lucky money you get!
But the adults are not free, the two children have been arguing beside them, and they are also upset, and at this time Ryusuke, who is an idler, is being targeted.

Long Jie thought for a while, nodded and agreed, staying at home is boring, why not take them out to play and kill time.

"Don't get lost," Nami warned.

"Don't worry! I'm here, no problem"

Ryusuke waved his hand calmly.

If it was before, he would have retorted angrily: Don't always treat me like a child, but after observing Yusuke these two days, he found that real adults are not like this, and must remain calm all the time.

He began to imitate Yusuke subconsciously, and the effect satisfied him.

In the past two days, my mother has looked at him with admiration.

Ryusuke went out confidently with the two children.

Children's requirements are very simple, buy toys, and then find a few friends to play with.

Children's friendship is very simple, we play games together, we are friends.

Ryusuke sat on a chair in the park, looking at his younger brothers and sisters boredly.

There were other children in the park who couldn't stay at home and went out to play. A few children got together, chatted for a while, and then started playing.

Ryusuke looked at the sky boredly, he miscalculated, taking care of children is the most boring thing.

But Haikou has been boasted, and now it can only be like this.

He remembered that Yusuke told him that the promise he made must be fulfilled.

Well, stick to it for an afternoon.

This is my test!

As time passed little by little, more and more children came to this park, and the children began to have some friction.

After all, there are only so many playing equipment. When there are more people, the time for everyone to play will be reduced. Then some children will not follow the rules. At this time, there will be conflicts.

If there are adults around, they can help stop it, but it is a pity that the adults are very busy today, so the children who have problems today have to solve it by themselves.

But the children couldn't solve it, and the contradictions became more and more serious. At this time, they were divided into two groups.

On one side is Aiyi and the others. There are seven or eight children in total. They are the first to play here. Everyone has the same interests and established an alliance.

The other side also has the same number. They are latecomers, lacking resources and choosing to break the rules, and they are led by a fat man, while the leader on Yuyi's side is Jianghui.

The little fat man looked at Jiang Hui with disdain. He was shorter and thinner than him, so he subconsciously underestimated him.

Jiang Hui had a calm face. The other party was taller than him and looked very strong. He didn't look like a good boy, but he was not afraid.

At this time, he said seriously: "We can let you play together, but you also have to abide by the rules, arrange the order, and don't deliberately make trouble"

"Things are public, everyone can use them, why should they be yours!"

The little fat man started to mess around. This is a strategy he has always used to let the other party follow his own way of thinking, and then defeat them with rich experience.

Jiang Hui's face was calm, he was not affected by him, and insisted on his own ideas.

"Get out of here if you don't follow the rules, you are not welcome"

"Who wants you to welcome me!" The little fat man was angry, and at this moment he took a step forward and stretched out his palm to push Li Jianghui.

He is used to this kind of move, so if you scare him first, the other party will be scared immediately.

But unexpectedly, in the face of his attack, the opponent actually counterattacked!
Jiang Hui took a step forward, stretched out his hand to grab his arm, and twisted his body.

The little fat man suddenly lost his center of gravity and fell directly to the ground.

He was thrown down!

His companions also looked surprised, which is really amazing!

There is so much difference in body size between the two sides, but they were actually laid down by a child, and the eyes looking at him at this time were full of surprise.

The next moment, the little fat man cried "Wow".

"Shameless, you dare to cry when you hit someone first!"

Aiyi said at this time, all the girls in the team nodded, this is really embarrassing!

This sarcastic language made the little fat man even more sad and cried even harder.

At this time, he got up from the ground and pointed at the other party with one finger, "You wait for me, I will call my boss over now!"


The girls suddenly let out a false voice, expressing infinite contempt, which made the little fat man cry even more sadly.

"You all look down on me!"

The little fat man burst into tears, and ran away while wiping away his tears.

But his companions looked at each other at this moment, felt very ashamed, and left one by one.

Aiyi and the others cheered immediately, as if the war had been won.

"He said to find his boss, who is his boss?" At this moment a little girl asked, and everyone looked at each other.

"I don't know, I haven't heard of it"

"Do you know this little fat man?"

Everyone shook their heads, not knowing each other at all.

"What if he asks an adult to come?" Someone asked at this moment.

The children are silent, the adults are so scary!
"Don't be afraid, we also have adults here," Jiang Hui said at this time,
He defeated the little fat man just now, and suddenly became the mainstay. Everyone looked at him.

At this moment, Jiang Hui pointed to Long Jie next to him, who was dozing off there, and said, "My brother is there, with him here, we'll be fine!"

Everyone looked over and found that it was just a young man.

"Isn't he just a child? Can he handle adults?" Some children expressed doubts.

"I learned judo with my elder brother, and my elder brother is stronger than me," Jiang Hui replied confidently.

Everyone suddenly realized that it turned out to be a master, so there would be no problem, and everyone felt relieved to play.

Ryusuke yawned. He went to the shrine to pray for blessings last night, and chatted with Asuka for a long time at night. Now he felt a little sleepy after being free, and kept yawning.

At this time, I looked at the time, only an hour and a half had passed, and the afternoon was still very long.

How boring.

Aiyi and the others had a great time playing, and had long forgotten the little fat man's yelling just now. It wasn't until the little fat man and the others made a comeback that everyone realized it.

What this guy said was true, and he really went to find his boss.

But they are not afraid, there is also a master on their side!
The two groups of children confronted each other again.

The little fat man stood in front again, but his eyes were red, and it looked like he was crying a lot just now.

The girls laughed out loud, it was hilarious.

The little fat man was very wronged, but when he thought of the master he had invited, he became proud again.

"If you hadn't sneaked up on me and hurt me, I wouldn't have lost. Now my boss is here to avenge me, you are dead!"

This guy is talking nonsense again, obviously he was the one who made a sneak attack, and then he was defeated by Jiang Hui, and even said it was Jiang Hui's sneak attack, this guy is too shameless!

The children despised this very much, but the little fat man didn't care. At this time, he shouted to the rear: "Brother, it's your turn to come forward!"

Yui and the others originally wanted to refute twice, but at this moment they were aroused by the big brother's curiosity.

Everyone wants to see what this big brother looks like!
Seeing the other party, they immediately divided into two sides, as if they were welcoming some important person.

A little girl came out from behind.

Everyone was a little surprised that the boss turned out to be a little girl.

Facing everyone's surprised gazes, the youngest daughter didn't care at all, she was wearing her waist at this time, looking arrogant.

"You hit my little brother?"

Jiang Hui thought for a while, nodded, and then said: "But I didn't sneak up on your little brother, it was your little brother who sneaked up on me, and then I defeated him, and everyone else saw it."

Everyone behind nodded, the little girl was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the little fat man.

The little fat man shifted his gaze a little guilty.

The little girl suddenly became angry, and kicked the little fat man directly under the surprised eyes of everyone.

"How dare you lie to me!"

Everyone was stunned, are you fighting among yourself?

The little fat man was beaten up and begged for mercy, the little girl gave up and turned her head to look at Jiang Hui.

"No matter what happens to him, he is still my little brother. You hit my man. As his boss, of course I have to stand up for him. Make a move!" the little girl said arrogantly.

Everyone looked at each other, how to solve this situation?
At this time, someone said: "They called the boss, and we have to call our master!"

(End of this chapter)

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