Chapter 694 694. This guy lied to me

Yusuke seemed to be in a storm, front, back, left, right, up, down, all covered with white snow, at this time the white snow was not as soft as usual, like a mudslide, pushing everything to the ground.

A vast expanse of white.

Yusuke felt a strong pulling force, which was holding Mizuren's hand, and she was washed away, but Ryuuya firmly grasped this arm, if he let go, the other party's life would definitely be lost.

I don't know how long it took, the sound gradually faded away, white snow ash slowly fell down, and the vision ahead began to become clear.

Yusuke hugged the tree tightly, he could still feel his breath, if it wasn't covered by snow at this time, that was enough.

When the snow was getting smaller, I pulled it, but when I was resisted, I was startled at this moment, probably the water lily of the well was buried by the snow.

Snow ash fell down, vision was finally clear, and Yusuke finally realized his current situation.

The tree they were hugging was knocked down, and the trees here are relatively dense. Although the big tree fell, it was blocked by other branches and leaned in midair.

This avalanche directly flooded the entire forest, the snow had already reached his waist, any higher would have buried him.

And Qian Jingshui's hand was raised high, and her whole body was buried under the snow.

Yusuke jumped down immediately, desperately digging up the snow.

"I'm here to save you, hold on"

The movements in his hands did not stop, and the speed was extremely fast.

Soon, the upper body has been excavated, and the head is exposed.

Mizuren Mizui spit out the snow in her mouth and coughed a few times.

Seeing the sun again made her cry with excitement.

Qianjing Suilian was very unlucky. When she hugged the tree, the branch fell in the direction she was hugging. When the branch fell, she was suspended in the air.

If it wasn't for Yusuke's grip on her palm, she would have been buried under the snow at this time.

Survival after the catastrophe, I was very excited. Seeing Yusuke at this time, tears flowed out. It was really terrible.

Just as Yusuke dug out her upper body, Mizuren Mizui jumped out, hugged Yusuke, and cried.

"I'm so scared!"

She has never encountered such a terrible thing since she grew up. She is still young, and she doesn't want to die yet.

Yusuke had no choice but to comfort her softly, it's good to let her vent at this time, so as not to suffocate her heart.

At this moment, Yusuke suddenly felt a gaze, pushed Mizuren Mizuren away suddenly, pulled out the dagger from his waist, and pointed it forward.

A few hundred meters ahead, behind a branch, a golden figure appeared.

It's the golden fox.

Standing there quietly at this time, looking at this side, the eyes are meaningful.

found it!
Yusuke was stunned, and Mizuren was also stunned, unexpectedly found it!
The two sides kept a distance of several hundred meters and looked at each other.

For a long time, there was no sound, as if it was a communication between two species.

Looking at the fox's eyes, Long also seemed to see some warning.

The golden fox turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Qianjing Suirian quickly jumped up from the snow and ran towards the opponent. Because he ran too fast, he fell down. At this time, he used both hands and feet to crawl towards the opponent.

The golden fox stopped in its tracks, looking at the human being calmly.

Qianjing Suirian stopped 50 meters in front of it, looked at the fox, and knelt down with both legs.

"Lord Mountain God, please forgive my offense, I have accepted your punishment, please heed my prayer!"

The fox looked at Qianjing Suiren calmly.

Yusuke looked at the fox in front of him, he had many problems, but at this moment his head was all empty, his figure seemed to be frozen.

"Master Shanshen, please come to our village," Mizuren Mizui said sincerely.

They worshiped the mountain god, but the mountain god never protected them. The elders in the village said that the mountain god had already left, so the village was devastated.

But here, she met the mountain god again, and she prayed to the mountain god to let the mountain god bless their village again.

This is her belief and her mission.

Mizuren Qianjing lowered her head, praying silently, feeling very nervous.

At this moment, a hand was placed on her shoulder, and she came back to her senses, Yusuke was standing behind her.

"Get up, it's gone"

Qianjing Shuilian turned her head and looked forward. The place where the mountain god was was empty at this time, and she felt a little lost. The mountain god abandoned them again.

It was difficult for Yusuke to express his feelings. When Mizuren Mizui knelt down to beg the golden fox, the golden fox reacted completely differently from other animals, its eyes were full of scrutiny.

It was a look of condescension.

This is the first time Yusuke has seen such a look on an animal.

At that time, his whole head was empty, without any action, until the golden fox turned and left, and the figure disappeared, and Yusuke came back to his senses.

mountain god?

Yusuke shook his head, deciding not to think about it.

Waking up Mizuren who was kneeling on the ground, Mizuren was very disappointed when she saw that the golden fox was gone.

"Let's go," Yusuke reassured.

Mizuki Mizuren was very disappointed and got up to leave.

Just as Yusuke turned his head, he saw something glowing in the corner of his eyes. He stopped, turned around, and looked ahead carefully.

Mizuren Mizui had just walked a few steps, and found it strange that Yusuke hadn't followed.

The next moment, Yusuke ran forward, where the golden fox was standing just now.

Seeing Yusuke's actions, Mizuren Mizui suddenly had a strange premonition and ran up immediately.

At this time, Yusuke was standing where the fox was just now, a milky white fang was lying quietly on the snow.

Yusuke picked it up and looked at it carefully.

This fang was a full inch long and very sharp.

The white fangs were completely mixed with the snow, Yusuke didn't know how he found out just now, but he really saw it.

Mizuren Mizui also rushed over at this time, seeing the fangs in Yusuke's hand, she was immediately surprised.

The mountain god responded to us!
"Sanze-kun, can you give this to me?"

Mizuren Mizui said excitedly, his eyes full of pleas.

Yusuke directly handed her the fang, which belonged to Mizuren Mizui.

Qianjing Suirian held it tightly and hugged it to her chest, feeling extremely excited.

Mission accomplished!
On the white snow, two figures are moving, very obvious in the vast land, like two ants.

The avalanche changed the terrain and made the road more difficult.

Yusuke opened the way ahead, holding Mizuren with one hand. Mizuren had already suffered some injuries due to the avalanche just now, and the agitated behavior when he saw the golden fox just now made his injuries even worse. She is able to act when she is young, all relying on her strong will and firm belief.

But even so, Yusuke had to be held with one hand to move, so the speed of the two also slowed down.

Finally, the figure of the car appeared.

Seeing the target, the two immediately became motivated.

Persisting in the car, the two of them sat in the car, gasping for breath. This trip was really thrilling.

Enjoying the heating in the car, eating, and resting for a while, the two also recovered some strength.

"Thank you, Misawa-kun!" Mizuren Mizuren said sincerely, looking at Yusuke with eyes filled with admiration.

Sure enough, Yusuke is the son of God, and only by following him can he find the gods.

Yusuke smiled, this trip really impressed him.

"With the blessing of the mountain god, our village will be prosperous again." Mizuren Mizui laughed, very happy.

Yusuke didn't talk to him. This is a matter of faith, so it's hard to comment on it.

"Mr. Sanze, you saved me this time. The little girl has nothing to repay, so I have to..."

"and many more!"

This sentence is wrong, this sentence is so familiar!

"We're all good friends, so there's no need to talk about this," Yusuke quickly stopped her from speaking.

But Mizuren Mizui didn't care about Yusuke's words, and continued: "The little girl has nothing to repay, so I have to agree with her body."

"No need." Yusuke waved his hand, "I have a lot of girlfriends, and my body can't bear it"

"It's okay," Mizuren Mizui said with a smile, "Just let me stay by your side."

Seeing the smile in her eyes, Yusuke suddenly realized that this guy has never given up at all, the previous promise of "being a good friend forever" is all fake, this guy came to find the mountain god just to fool himself.

Sure enough, what Wuji's mother said was right, the more beautiful a woman is, the more she will deceive others!

"No! Absolutely not!" Qianjing Mizuren said sincerely, "If you don't believe me, you touched my chest and talked."

That doesn't sound right!

Well, it's useless to delve into it at this time. The matter has come to this point, so I can only accept it.

Yusuke made up his mind to delete his relationship with this woman after returning home.

This guy looks like he's about to stalk, Yusuke can't stand it!
I already have 6 girlfriends and that's enough!
Of course, Yusuke would not be so stupid as to give her a face on the spot, and communicated in a normal tone.

Back in the city, I said hello and left, went back to the hotel to pack my things, and immediately booked a ticket to go home, never to be seen again.

Mizuren Mizui looked at Yusuke's leaving figure, smiled and didn't care.

Sanze-kun, you cannot escape, you are mine!
At this time, he looked at the fangs in his hand, showing a look of admiration and anticipation, and had to go back to his hometown.

On the way, she had already sent a message to her father, who also mobilized the people in the village to prepare for the return of the mountain god.

When this matter is over, I will look for you, Sanze-kun, you can't escape!

Yusuke, who was sitting on the plane, had a chill at this moment, as if he was being stared at by something.

Illusion, it should be an illusion.

Close your eyes and sleep.

This is the end of the trip to Hokkaido, but the influence of things has not stopped.

The first is the school. The school is preparing to hold a commendation meeting. The TV station that canceled the interview before was also moved this time and came again.

Yusuke is going to be on TV, and the homeroom teacher, Noya Mishima, specially told him not to make troubles for a while!
Yusuke smiled and agreed.

The second thing, Hideo Sato called.

I heard that their village welcomed back the mountain god again, and the Qianjing family made a big battle, and the whole village was mobilized, so the Qianjing family regained their original status, even higher than before.

And Mizui Suiren, who looked for the mountain god and obtained the token of the mountain god, suddenly had a bright future.

"Yusuke, does this matter have something to do with you?" Hideo Sato asked on the phone.

Yusuke was very surprised, "Why did you say that?"

Sato Hideo then explained: "After Mizui Mizuren was dumped by you, she went out to travel alone. I grew up with this little girl. Although she is very capable, her ability is only suitable for management and adjustment. The ability of words is average, she can find the token of the mountain god, there must be someone to help."

"So you doubt me," Yusuke said with a smile.

"I can't think of anyone else but you"

Unexpectedly, Hideo Sato was so confident in himself, Yusuke replied: "Okay, I admit it, it's me"

"It's really you!"

Hearing Yusuke's confession, Hideo Sato was still taken aback, and said regretfully at this moment: "Yusuke, why didn't you tell me about this?"

Yusuke was very curious, "How do you say that? And how did you, the mountain god, determine it? Can you be sure with just one fang? Are you not afraid that Mizuren Mizui will be tricked by a fake one?"

Hideo Sato explained that this was a secret of their village, only the people in the village knew it, and it was not revealed to outsiders, but this time the mountain god returned, these secrets were not secrets anymore.

They worship the mountain god, because the mountain god really blessed them in ancient times.

There used to be a statue in their village, which was made according to the image of the mountain god, and it has been enshrined all the time.

Later, one of the fangs of the statue of the mountain god disappeared. The villagers at that time were very panicked, and they almost dug three feet to look for it, but they couldn't find it.

In order not to let the mountain god find out, the villagers hid the statue of the mountain god. This is a secret of their village, and it has been kept, only the people in the village know.

But what is missing is missing, and from then on, their village is no longer blessed by the mountain god.

Everyone in the village has a wish to find the fang of the mountain god and let the mountain god bless them again.

They have heard this story since they were young, and all the villagers know it, but no one has discovered it for so many years.

Of course, there have been scammers who tried to bluff, but the teeth they brought out were completely different from those of the statue. The statue had a pair of teeth, and only one was missing. The shape, color, and size of the teeth that the scammers took out were completely different.

Therefore, this matter has become a wish in the hearts of the villagers, to find the fangs of the mountain god.

Hideo Sato didn't know about this. If Yusuke told him that he saw a golden fox in Hokkaido, he would rush over immediately without saying a word, and try his best to find this fox.

According to legend, the image of the mountain god is a golden fox.

But I didn't expect Mizui Suiren to be so lucky. He met Yusuke, found the mountain god, welcomed the token of the mountain god, and suddenly reached the pinnacle of life, which made Hideo Sato very envious.

Well, Yusuke doesn't know how to comment, everyone's beliefs are different, so there's no way to comment.

In the end, I had no choice but to persuade: "In fact, Qianjing Shuilian also paid the price."

"What price?" Hideo Sato was curious.

Yusuke then told about Xue Beng.

After hearing the story of the mountain god, Yusuke suddenly had a strange thought. Could this avalanche be caused by the mountain god?

You must know that they were very calm when they climbed the mountain, and there was no sign of an avalanche at all, but when they descended the mountain, the avalanche came, and this golden fox appeared after the avalanche. All of this was too coincidental and too weird.

Yusuke shook his head, this kind of thing can't be thought about carefully, and don't think about it anymore.

Hideo Sato was also silent after hearing Yusuke's explanation. He was a little unconvinced before, but he is not angry now. This is what she paid for with her life, so she can't be jealous.

He knew exactly how bad the avalanche was, it was really close to death, if Mizuren Mizui hadn't had Yusuke by his side, he would never have seen the sun again.

After finishing the chat and just about to hang up the phone, Yusuke thought of a question at this moment, and quickly asked: "As the discoverer of the mountain god's token, does Mitsui Suiren need to perform any rituals?"

According to Yusuke's thinking, since he is favored by the gods, he should show his sincerity to the gods, and at least he needs to eat fast, chant Buddha and practice for a while.

"In this regard," Hideo Sato replied: "People in the village have decided to reopen the Sanshin Shrine"

The Shanshen Shrine has been closed due to the loss of the statue of the Shanshen, but now that the Shanshen has returned, it is time to reopen, and at this time, the priestesses need to serve.

The girls in the village were very excited, and they all signed up, even the four daughters of the Sato family signed up. Although the salary of the witch is not very much every year, and life is very hard, but she has a lot of status. Greeted with a smile, that's enough.

The witch's requirements: young, beautiful, and a virgin under 20 years old, all of them are satisfied. In addition, she has recovered the token of the mountain god, so she is stationed there as the first maiden.

Yusuke was a little relieved that she would not bother him anymore, and asked, "How long will the witch be?"

"Half a year"

"No way!" Yusuke was stunned, "Why is it only half a year?"

This witch sounds so tall, how could Mizuren Mizui give up?

"Because she will be 20 years old in half a year, and she can't be a witch at 20"

Well, it turned out to be this reason, Yusuke was speechless.

Hideo Sato said that in half a year, everyone will fight for the seat of this witch again, and then there will be all kinds of bloody storms.

Yusuke is very strange, why being a witch seems to be screaming and screaming, it is completely different from the witches in other places.

Sato Hideo explained: "Matagami hunters are loyal to the laws of nature, the weak prey on the strong, and only the strong can become witches"

Well, this is their rule.

For at least half a year, this guy won't bother me anymore.

Yusuke thought too simple before, even if she deleted her contact information, this guy could still find her.

I am a video blogger and I run a studio. The information on the Internet is very transparent, as long as you search hard, you will definitely find it.

I feel a little tired...

Forget it, talk to you later.


Yusuke remembered the first time he met the golden fox, it said it would tell him its name when it met for the second time, but it didn't.

This guy lied to me!
(End of this chapter)

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